Larry King Quotes (55 Quotes)

    I have never understood the Iowa caucus.

    Good writers are in the business of leaving signposts saying, Tour my world, see and feel it through my eyes; I am your guide.

    Some day, you're going to be vice president.

    If they asked me, I did two shifts. I did sports, I did news, because I loved it.

    I think he was the wrong person. He wasn't the target.

    We are excited to have Dale as a partner and Georgia as a principal in our audit practice. They each bring a strong commitment to responsive client service and a depth of technical expertise.

    Communications is the number one major in America today. CNN had 25,000 applicants for five intern jobs this summer.

    I'm sort of the comic relief after a hard day at work. My message is that it's OK to relax.

    I was so shattered for my children. Kids are so sensitive about their parents anyway, and my kids always thought I was pretty. And they were so completely shattered by the John Goodman and the horrible press. And I just felt so badly for them. I just wanted to fix it,

    Getting your house in order and reducing the confusion gives you more control over your life. Personal organization some how releases or frees you to operate more effectively.

    I'm assuming the university has something in mind if those people are going to be involved.

    Let's not take the dirt from the front face just because it's easier.

    I'm very much concerned for artists and their safety. It (the killings) definitely rings alarms. ... I wish we could just stop this senseless violence and killing. It kind of gives rap a bad name, and it gives black people a bad name. I would hope he (West) didn't die in vain and that something positive could come of it.

    Dear Donald, I read over the weekend of your father's passing and I just wanted to drop you a note. No matter where you are in life, losing a parent changes you. I know you had an active relationship and I hope you'll get ample time to reflect. He sounds like a fascinating man from what I read in the 'Times.' I like that he would go over his...

    I can't conceive that God talks to him, if there is a God. But I can't disparage him in any way. I like being around him. You feel good around him. I hope he lives a long time.

    Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kidding themselves.

    I guess it is going to be a little more than just the regular business meeting. I don't know what's going to be discussed. I was led to believe it was going to be just a regular staff meeting.

    Well, I think it's very important to realize here that Islam has really been a victim in this,

    When I broke in, in 1957, it was wide open. Now you're up against strong competition.

    If a state were voting on gay marriage, you would suggest to that state not to approve it

    When I was 5 years old I would lie in bed, look at the radio, and I wanted to be on the radio. I don't know why.

    If I do something caring for a friend, I have no doubt in my mind they would do it for me.

    I understand why people are frightened, but at the same time we don't want our lives to be totally disrupted by a terrorist act,

    The names are bigger, the show is worldwide, but I get a royal pass into life in the broadcasting business.

    I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening.

    Maybe I could come out to guide people. I'd need a little uniform -- tell them I want a Washington Nationals uniform and we'll do the tour live.

    I'm having as much fun today as I did when I made $55 a week, because it is as much fun.

    Things are getting better all the time. But for a while, it was really hard on us and our school.

    It's joyful to give. But for people who want to take advantage of you, you're kind of an easy mark.

    Denial is the number one aspect of medicine. That's why people don't get check-ups.

    Now, mind you, sir, we have four people that have testified -- and we have written statements from them -- that when you were in college, you had sex with an elephant. Now, we're running this story. I'm giving you an opportunity to square matters here, but I'm asking you the question. How many elephants did you screw And who did you tell about it

    Gleason became like a mentor of mine. I had Gleason helping me on television, Godfrey on radio.

    I like to put a stake in people, because I know people helped me.

    I was always telling everyone, I want to be a broadcaster. They'd say, What, are you crazy? What, you're going to be Arthur Godfrey?

    If you do something, expect consequences.

    He was erudite, tough a classic journalist. When he talked about something, you knew he knew the territory.

    I am going to get out of this chair, throw it away and walk, ... We are on the threshold of a cure -- maybe in five, seven, eight, ten years.

    I have lifelong friends. My oldest friend, Herbie, has been a friend since I was 9. I've had bonds for over 50 years with people.

    People would pay money to work at CNN.

    I've made a lot of mistakes. I've bonded with some people who use you, and some people that take advantage of you.

    From parliaments to presidents, from kings to common folks, each one heard the truth of God's amazing grace.

    These are the richest people on earth that I'm dealing with, ... Their conception of money is totally different than yours or mine. They'll pay 3 million a hand at blackjack and have five hands going.

    A raging debate is going on now in the United States.

    The No. 1 need now across the country is going to be grief counseling,

    I'm the worst person to be stuck with in a traffic jam.

    We carried a large number of students and it exceeded the minimum standards for our routes.

    Countries that have made the commitment and brought about the disarmament of Iraq -- and most particularly, but not only, the United States -- have a right to express a strong view about the post-conflict arrangements and to have that view respected,

    I believe that in Stagecoach we have identified the ideal partner who can provide the financial flexibility and resources to support our next growth phase.

    It's the best thing I do, ... There's no bigger kick for me than helping someone get their heart back.

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