Martha Stewart Quotes (111 Quotes)

    My goal with this book is to help people turn their passions into successful businesses, as I did myself through many of the things I learned over the years,

    (The contestants are) going to get real business lessons, real business advice and, day in and day out, tasks that are difficult and challenging and they're going to be aware of what it takes to be an apprentice at Martha Stewart Living.

    They have been great and they really added a lot to the show and they were just as you would hope they would be, incisive and decisive and clear, ... Charles is just a great master of the one-liner and made us laugh all the time and Alexis was unbelievably wonderful to all the candidates and they just appreciated her candor and niceness.

    That's reality, it's accessibility. People are used to seeing me like that for the last year, I think, ... To avoid it is avoidance. We're not going to avoid things.

    I'm used to all kinds of hard work, as you know. I'm not afraid whatsoever.

    I had hoped for, at the most, some confinement, community service, ... And instead I have five months of incarceration, and five months of house arrest that's monitored. ... But it could have been worse. ... Five months versus 10 months or 16 months ... That's a good thing.

    The bummer of it all is that Dowd is right about the female need to use aggression only as a stealth weapon. The hazard of hitting the big five-oh and beyond is an erroneous sense that you've earned the right not to play by the same rules. Once the hormonal brakes come off, it's easy to crash. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, ... I fell in a hole.

    You have to watch the clock constantly because you're only allowed out of your home for a limited period, and for a busy person, watching the clock and knowing other people are watching the clock is extremely difficult.

    It feels great to be home -- do you guys want any coffee or donuts -- I haven't had breakfast yet,

    I am a hero worshiper. I love the number one tennis player. I love the number one baseball player. I want to see those records broken.

    We want people to see what real business is really like,

    I've always felt that life should be an adventure, that every day should be important ... There can be no doubt that the last three years have certainly been an adventure for me and for all of you. Though it was stressful -- very stressful -- I can say that I don't regret everything.

    I have been so much looking forward to starting anew this September. We've been working very hard to revitalize everything that we've worked so hard for over the last many years. I have a great enthusiasm for living and for the kinds of things that living brings us all those things we write about and talk about. I never see me slowing down about those things.

    Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success.

    I have adjusted and am very busy, ... The camp is like an old-fashioned college campus -- without the freedom, of course.

    If you would be so kind to write such a letter, please include your opinion of my character, my work ethic, my integrity and my probity,

    Lesson number one, rule number one You have to connect with your customer, ... If you're writing a children's book, you have to connect with the reader. Do you connect Are you able to make an immediate connection with that publication that is going to be lasting, memorable, effective, teach a lesson or a moral If you don't connect, you are not going to be successful.

    No doubt, she will continue to drive her comeback the only way she knows how full speed ahead. She even holds out the possibility that she could return to the chairman post of her company someday. I have learned, ... that I really cannot be destroyed.

    I'm delighted to team with KB Home to create beautiful and functional homes that are filled with the design, colors, and high-quality materials that have been the inspiration for my homes over the years, ... Each room in the home will be carefully constructed and handsomely appointed.

    I invented 'It's a good thing' before you were even born.

    A blend of talk and tips, celebrity guests and real people, ... We're doing a show about doing things.

    I don't even like firing people. I don't think I've ever said, 'You're fired' to anybody.

    People make jokes about making lemonade. I actually like lemons. These are my first lemons in five months,

    I'm sure it's had effects on me, ... I may talk about it. I may not. But I think that I'm just really looking forward to what we're doing. I'm looking forward to the next few years of great productivity and great growth for this company.

    Many of the candidates were as accomplished or more so than I when I started to build my business. Even so, there are some explosive personalities among the candidates and they really create a lot of tension in the conference room.

    Is this the same old Martha or a new and improved Martha You can say 'new and improved' if you want, ... But I don't think there was anything quite wrong with the old one.

    Stewart, in a statement on her Web site Friday, said she will appeal the verdict and continue to fight to clear my name. ... chief creative officer.

    We met financial expectations for the quarter in a difficult economic environment. We also signed a two-year programming agreement with Home Garden Television to launch two new cable television series, and launched the Martha Stewart Kids magazine, ... These initiatives provide future revenue and earnings growth for the brand and build long-term value for shareholders.

    If possible, include any memorable experiences you have had with me to explain the basis of any expressed opinion(s).

    Gee, Martha, it looks like it's time to sell this (wink, wink, wink).

    I did not want the media attention currently surrounding me to distract from the important work of the NYSE, and thus I felt it was appropriate to resign,

    I cannot wait until after the appeal, ... It's the only way to reclaim my life.

    There's every chance in the world that Cybill might be on the show Mark Burnett says,

    I love all of you from the bottom of my heart, ... and I'm really glad to be back home.

    I am heartsick about my personal legal situation -- and deeply sorry for the pain and difficulties it has caused our employees.

    I know I have a very tough five months ahead of me, but I understand, too, that I will get through those months knowing that I have the ability to return to my productive and normal life, my interesting work and future business opportunities,

    I have a microphone on one ankle and an ankle bracelet on the other, so I'm well balanced today.

    The reason this company has been so successful is that we connect each and every day,

    He sent the letter to the press before he sent it to me.

    This is a victory for the little guys ... No one is above the law.

    I could do it, ... I'm a really good camper. I can sleep on the ground. ... There are many, many good people who have gone to prison ... look at Nelson Mandela.

    Because they are generated in what may seem to be a very comfortable setting, the frequent candor has led to multitudes of embarrassing moments,

    The best word to use for this very hard and difficult decision is 'finality,' and my intense desire to put this nightmare behind me, both personally and professionally,

    I thought I was replacing The Donald. It was even discussed that I would be firing The Donald on the first show.

    This is what truly interests us, why we all come to work every day ... our passion is and always should be to make life better,

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