Ed McMahon Quotes (19 Quotes)

    Johnny once described our relationship by saying we were as close as two people could be without being married.

    All Americans need a sense of place. That's what makes our physical surroundings worth caring about.

    There was a time... when people didn't go out of their house on Tuesday night at eight o'clock because Milton Berle was on.

    Golf courses sell real estate and that's why they're built.

    It's going to be a traumatic time for everyone, there's no doubt about that.

    It is a disservice to people right now to let them rebuild everywhere. The tragedy is that they are likely, after a lot of hard work and personal investment, to find they can't get insurance, they can't get a mortgage, there won't be stores and city services for them.

    By doing a little bit of work ahead of time, the transition will be a lot easier on the new nursing home resident and their family members.

    There is no planning. On the night it is really great, it's euphoria and if it is not so great there is always tomorrow night. That was his attitude.

    You can grow without destroying the things that you love.

    When the new home construction and everything does begin in New Orleans, it is going to be tight and it will have a long term effect.

    Those aren't things you want to worry about later. It's important that the people caring for your loved one have all that information on hand from day one.

    When a patient finds recognizable photographs, pillows and blankets in their new room, it gives them a sense of security and can make a world of difference. Things have a way of getting lost if you don't.

    Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual, corporation, or product.

    But you do need to remember to bring the patient's toothbrush, comfortable clothes and shoes. Books, videos, music and any personal mementos are also a good idea.

    It's really kind of hard to be a suburb of nothing. If you don't have a downtown, you really don't have anything. It's hard to build a community around parking lots and subdivisions.

    Like Venice, Italy, New Orleans is a cultural treasure. And everyone who lived in the city should be allowed to come back. But that doesn't mean that they all should live in exactly the same spot that they lived before.

    This is a city that's had a terrible tragedy, but there's an opportunity to build it back and build it back better. It could become a city that integrates rather than isolates, a city that inspires, a city that celebrates history and diversity and culture and people.

    They could use that as a place-maker, a community center.

    The majority of people who buy homes in golf course communities don't play golf. Golf is way down at the bottom in terms of total numbers and growth.

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    People - Communities - Golf - Ed Mcmahon Quotes on Tragedy - Cities - Sense & Perception - Time - Ed Mcmahon Quotes on Security - Place - Night - Love - Honesty & Integrity - Ed Mcmahon Quotes on Trauma - Planning - Attitude - Ed Mcmahon Quotes on Opportunity - Ed Mcmahon Quotes on Medicine & Medical - Ed Mcmahon Quotes on Idea - Ed Mcmahon Quotes on Work & Career - View All Ed McMahon Quotations

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