Sorin Cerin Quotes on Facts (28 Quotes)

    I love you. I call you. I always seek you in my heart. Now that I found you, what else can I say, maybe the most painful adieu in my entire life, my beautiful, adored, consuming soul mate. I would like to hug you, but I know I cannot touch what is above me, above my life, above this piece of breath, and I am so alien to my self. I know you are the one that can bring me out from the alienation I am in, that you are my only truth for which I exist in this world. I also know that without you, the entire world would fall apart, but it as true that beside you, the entire world would be consumed and what remains then I also know that the ineffable destiny will always keep the doors opened as if there would be any meaning as long as no one can go out through them. This is a vanity too. It is also a vanity the fact that all the opposites attract and all the things that go in the same sense reject. Thus Good will always be attracted by Evil, and Evil by good and the good of Good will be precisely the Evil while the good of Evil what we understand through Good. The soul mates are as the pair of Good and Evil.

    And when we will finally understand all this we will know how to see our God that is our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one. Then we will realize that in fact, the Accidental Occurrence through which it left its print in our world was not an occurrence of suffering nor of loss of hope that the existence of this world that we have long wished it did not exist any more gave us, but that print was a print that asked only one thing of us, those who think through the Logical Coefficient 2, namely to understand the miracle of the fact that we exist, that we can sense poetry, nature, the colours of autumn, the sound of rivers, and woods, of the waves, and they are neither mistakes nor sadness. For us, who think through the logical Coefficient 2, because for others in the worlds with other Logical Coefficients, the Accidental Occurrence was in its eternity something else. But for us, it was sadness because some colour of sadness was necessary, not only of happiness, or disappointment or fulfilment, of hope and unfufilment, of success and hard work and other colours to paint this wonderful painting that is the nature of this world.

    Precisely this vanity of vanities which is the mans dream, the Illusion of his Life is the one that finally gives the man the Self Freedom because of the fact that he can be compared to any star, to anything there is in this universe, eve to Universe itself, because they are all born and die, they will al be dust and afterwards Void and Being and other elements, they are all a great vanity, not just the Illusion of Life which man lives on this Earth.

    Even we, when we look into a mirror we make refer to ourselves, but through the mirror. Does the real us stand in front of the mirror which reflects the unreal us How else is real Life reflected into the unreal Death One thing is certain and that is that our image in the mirror is real as long as we are reflected in the mirror. In this case, isnt Death Lifes image and thus Life becomes Deaths image The life we know as such through its reflection in death is in fact Our own Death

    The cardinal elements possess this title through the fact that they are the last frontier to the level of awareness through which that world can be defined. Life and Death are cardinal because nothing can include them in its structure by becoming an opposable reference, and yet what can be more opposable than waking up from this dream with world and destiny Destiny Waking up into Destiny.

    What is holy for us, humans, nowWhat can we love the most in this first century of the third millennium, in these first years of this millennium than images of the crucifixion of a Man, of the Son of a Man Why do we love so much this image with such a cruel destiny and not other images It is because if the fact that we identify to that cruel Destiny, we become complementary to it and thus that destiny is a part of our life and our existence as unitary whole with ourselves, who we are sacrificed with the same aggressiveness on the altar of the love of this world, which is itself Love This is why we people believe in the church of that image with a Cruel Destiny, we bow before it and we pray because the image is sacred to our souls because they too feel sacrificed on a huge cross of destiny of each one of us. What must we do Must we change the crucified image of the Christ or change ourselves in order to change the crucified image We all want not to have anymore this cruel destiny of our existence, where the world of love is a world of crimes, villainesses and thefts of all kinds.How can we chase these miseries away of our world without chasing ourselves out of it Such a sad world in which, I say it with sorrow, the ultimate form of love, which is Holiness represents a Christ crucified on the wood of a cross, thirsty and mocked which receives vinegar to quench his thirst. This Christ is us now, this Christ is the man nowadays and the man of the past centuries that lost his Sacred Self in the mists of his own history. This Christ will have to be replaced in us by each one of us, but not by force and not to put something else instead. No In the place of this Christ, there will always have to be an empty place, to remind us eternally from where we left, to know where the loss of the Sacred Self can lead to.

    The meaning of the mans existence is of not being lonely even if he is solitary to the universe through vanity. Thus, the meaning of mans existence is the vanity of everything not only the vanity of his own existence. This vanity of all involves the Universe, with all his galaxies, with all its great stars, Universe that would have never existed had not been Known by man, because if this Universe or any other universe for that matter is not known, he cannot exist, because it exists as long as we know it.Before we were born, did we know anything on this Universe At least in this life we do not know what we knew of the universe, as we do not know what the dead ones know about this universe. All we can do is to imagine thinking on the lives before or after us. Even if I believe in before and after lives, I cannot claim to know id my soul and the souls of others see the same universe we see here. Considering even the fact that in such Knowledge there would be some disagreements, the concerned universe would change, would be shaped according to those disagreeing ideas.

    After what I have stated, anyone can tell that Knowledge rests on the Void in order to be known, precisely because the Knowledges Self is the Being, the opposite of the Void, but, and I recommend attention, the opposite of the Void does not mean that is is that something, that in fact has a subsistence meaning, no Not in the least.

    Why have I used the Void-Being terminology Because in Death, Void, Being, Life and the Bilderberg Group I have written on the fact that the void has its own opposite and this is the being, as the being is opposed to the void, but this only we think based on the Logical Coefficient 2, because if we thought based on a bigger Logical Coefficient, for instance, along with void and being we would have other opposites too. If we thought based on the Logical Coefficient 1, which is inferior to the one we use, then the void would not have any opposite, so the being would not exist anymore.

    Everything that starts from at least two elements towards an infinite number of elements has the opposability characteristic. The big difference consists of the fact that, in this opposability, starting from a higher level or from one equal to three elements and not to two, can define the concept of multivalent opposability in comparison to the singular opposability characteristic of the worlds which only have two cardinal elements, just like in the case of our world.

    Through the fact that he defines himself as a religious being, man is first of all his own prophet and only then he places himself in the pluralistic assembly of the prophets that he identifies to the ambitions, aspirations, hopes, imprudent acts, confusions, failures or disillusions of his own life.

    And we come back again to the same question, if God is guilty or not for the loss of the Sacred Self of the man at that time. We cannot speak of the Free Will, because man has neither Will nor Knowledge, unless it is at an imaginative level, in its own dream of the Illusion of Life.If we cannot speak of Free Will, does this mean that man did not have the possibility to choose No, man didnt have the possibility to choose.Man only had the possibility to be chosen by the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one. If he was chosen, could he have been chose to lose at the roulette of his own life against himself, thus loosing his Sacred Self I do not think God, or as I call him, the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one wished man to lose, because he would have probably not created him in the first place, as I do not think it was a mistake of the creation, when man was conceived in the Intended Mists of Destiny.All that I think is that Man at that time precisely because of the divinity within him called Love He lost because Love in reference to Knowledge is something completely different.If this is no, why didnt our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one leave his print on another type of attribute of creation which was not a mere Image or a Mirror, since the Matrix Word of Knowledge is in fact the Matrix Word of the Mirror in reality.

    Man has to wake up from this sleep and to understand that he has a way though which he can end this vileness called human society or world, though the fact of trying to his best to inhibit the natural instinct of having offspring and those who want to take the fastest way to salvation, should commit suicide. The war is a way towards the mass suicide, but not the Way of the Spiritual Coaxialism, because war is the instrument of the villains in the social hierarchy, though which they want to obtain even more privileges. It is not a path of man to save himself, even if he indirectly saves himself through death.

    Our whole science and spirituality of which we think that are great achievements of mankind, of its historical evolution is based exclusively on non-Knowledge, to the reference to this non-Knowledge being in fact a great and important achievement of non-Knowledge. This is why we are human beings abandoned by our own Sacred Self This is why we see the cold beauty of this nature so often alien to ourselves this is why everything we think we are is in fact the alien within us, the one that replaces our own lost life And all of these occur because we reference to the non-Knowledge, to its Absolute Truth Is there a way to leave this sad spirituality and this petty life Is there a way to separate us from the lie of our existence Is there a RELEASE And if we released us from ourselves, would it be better Could we ever miss ourselves Miss the lie of our existence, what should we miss Miss the alien within us that has always replaced our own life To miss the absurdity of this world No, no, no, we shouldnt miss anything in this world except for what we really loved in this absurd and vain love. To miss our loves, the sprigs that did not advertised themselves in commercials, to miss the day when weand there so many reasons for which to miss.

    The image of the tormented man is taken and reproduced in the dirtiest political ways by the institutions of the church, and through this image they squeeze money and a part of the souls of the people in order to convert them to a faith that no longer is part of the ultimate form of mans love, to faith of the obedience to groupings, official, governmental or any other occult institutions and hierarchies. The church stole the image of the Crucified Christ, which is the image of the holiness of man because it wanted this image precisely due to the fact that man found himself again in it. Church found itself that much in this image that it reached the ultimate stage of mans love, holiness. Then it could have been a favourable moment to reunite man with his Sacred Self, if this image would have not been stolen from the man by the church and subsequently institutionalized, becoming eventually the image which will enslave man.

    I have starred in the endless sky, where only clouds can run free, understanding that if will go beyond those clouds, if I conquer the entire universe I will conquer NOTHING, because this is a lie too, as big as I am, a mere Illusion of my Life or other bloody illusions of the lives of other that loose themselves in their reflection in other destinies giving birth to the historical evolution of this lie and with it to the holy book of the spirituality of peoples, in fact the holy book of the spirituality of illusions that were once reflected as images, just like flashes in the Great Void-Being.

    Living a life that in fact lives them, as well as death dies them every moment since the triumphal birth in order to die.

    Knowledge is nothing else than reflection or mirroring. Knowledge exists in itself only if this reflection or mirroring does and by no other way. The self of Knowledge is what is reflected or mirrored in it. If Love is mirrored in it, it does not mean that it is Knowledge, but it stays Love, except for the fact that it is mirrored by Knowledge, or mirror as I call it..

    The saints thus receive qualities that are forbidden to man, and these qualities are owed precisely to the fact that man is capable of loving and the ultimate form of love is the Holiness. What is the Destiny if not an Image of the Print of our Creating Factor, which is love Through love, man comes closer and closer to the image of the Destiny, which thus turns into Holiness for Man. The Holiness becomes the most plausible and closest image of the Destiny and Holiness is, incredibly, the one to whom it is asked to intervene on Destiny. Who else is asked to intervene on Destiny if not Destiny that thus receives the meaning of Holiness through mans Love, being the Image of love reflected in the Infinite Mirror of Knowledge Who is the manIs he not a piece of this image of Love which is the Destiny So the man is Love or image of Love The man is Love because the image of Love is mans Destiny. Is there a difference between the man and his Destiny There is no such difference. Then the man is both Love and Image of this Love in this world.

    What would be important to me in a moment like this one would be not to deem a mans life or Mankind as a tear of pain on the Creators face, but to think of it as a tear of happiness and fulfilment on its face called nature, which we see with the most diverse landscapes of this world. Then I will want with all my heart to thank to our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one for the fact that this world is given to us only through the fact that we know of its existence, but be do not Know it and we will never Know it, precisely because KNOWLEDGE DOES NOT EXIST

    Why are we a shadow and not a great tree Why when we think we are spring, reality shows us we are a late autumn Because of the fact that God is the Unique Accidental one, is the Primary Event, and everything that follows him is an Intended Occurrence, so an image of the Unique Accidental Occurrence. This image is destiny. If we were not but a mere image, this would mean that God is not the Unique Accidental one, but Intended, which cannot be because this would mean that God too is created by another Primary Event before him, thing that cannot be true. But still, do we know what truth is We wouldnt be Gods image only if there was not God.

    What other explanations could be given for the fact that our God is love, we are love, and this is a part of us because we are as divine as Love and God One of these explanations is that even in our conscience, beside the false cognitive and volitive, there is Love, affectivity, represented by the affective. This is why the Print left in the Mirror of Knowledge that is reflected determining the world of Knowledge cannot be creation, but an attribute of it, which is Love.This happens precisely because the entire world exists through us and in reference to us, humans, pieces of divinity. And the, if everything we have within us is nothing more than love, and our world is the image of Love that receives Destiny , then what a Print becoming an attribute of Creation can be, if not Love Of course, it cannot be anything else. Despite all that, why does the love within us for a person we have fallen in love with, for instance, disappears after a month, a year, a certain period of time Why this love does not last forever, except for books or novels with a smell of roses and eternity

    I understood how great the print of this Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is, that he is truly love and towards who we have to act with the same love he conceived us, because everything he did was to make us feel his love, but this was not possible without a world in which the love to be reflected in one way or another, and the worlds of the Mirrors are the so-called worlds of Images, of Destiny, of so-called Knowledge which is in fact an image of Destiny. Nevertheless, cannot this image of Destiny be changed from this vision full of tragedies that the human society has at least for now

    Then who is the Man that has no Will, or Knowledge LoveThis is the Man, a piece of love from birth to death, a faint and painful whisper in the Universe, a whisper of nature that conceived him to be happy and tormented, to know that he knows and nothing else, and when he knows to believe he also has will. Man is a deceitful whisper of CreationMan knows that his entire world only exists through Knowledge, but he does not know that it is precisely this Knowledge that he does not know and that in fact the world of Knowledge does not exist like this either. Everything that Man does not really know is that he is Love..The, even if he knew he is love, what good does it do to know that this love too reaches him through Knowledge

    Religion is in fact the exterior that continuously invades mans self, always trying to minimize it, to incorporate it in its own self by sketching the most diverse images with purifying flow. Can you purify Destiny Yes, because it is precisely the Destiny that accepts and incorporates purification.

    Absolutely anything is Necessary is a part of this dream, just as non-Knowledge is the Absolute Truth of Knowledge, which we will never find out itself because non-Knowledge cannot be known, just the same way as the Necessary has a truth as his opposite. No I shout it loud and clear. All these monstrous tragedies through which mankind went through throughout its historical evolution are not necessary. They happened because of ignorance, stupidity, meanness, contempt, desire for power and any other causes due only to the fact that Man lost somewhere throughout millennia his Sacred Self.

    The prophetic statute of the man consists too of the fact that he is a predominantly religious being, but the path he has chosen to define himself as homo religioso is as alien to him as possible.

    When I said about the attribute of the Matrix Word of Creation which is love that becomes the Print that will define the Matrix Word of Knowledge, I have done it because Knowledge becomes Knowledge when it becomes the Image of a Mirror, and the concerned Mirror is non-Knowledge.In order to become such an image, it was necessary for another Matrix Word to be reflected in its mirror. In fact, the attribute of the Matrix Words of Creation consists of a Miroor that becomes Knowledge only when another attribute, the one of love will be reflected in this mirror of Knowledge which is non-Knowledge.Consequently, our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one exists prior to Knowledge and after it with its Matrix Word of Love, because our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is the image reflected in the Mirror, this is its Print, the Print of Love. As I have said it so many times, we, the souls in this world, are love, as everything that lives and feels in this world and in the other worlds, known or unknown to us is love, precisely because our God, our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is Love.

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