John Grisham Quotes (18 Quotes)

    I'd love to be able to look back and say, 'I've helped this list of people get a new house or rebuild,' ... To say we did something good here.

    I was never a bookworm. I remember reading Dr. Seuss, the Hardy Boys, Emil and the Detectives, Chip Hilton, and lots of Mark Twain and Dickens. My athletic ability did nothing but invite taunts. I was an indifferent student and an athlete with delusions of adequacy, dreams of adulation.

    Ten years from now I plan to be sitting here, looking out over my land. I hope I'll be writing books, but if not, I'll be on my pond fishing with my kids. I feel like the luckiest guy I know.

    The worst letters come from retired high school English teachers. They will literally take a book and pick it to pieces and send me 14 pages of notes.

    It may seem odd that I'm here today - the unapologetic writer of popular fiction - on Faulkner's front porch about to announce the finalists for the National Book Award, which are our most prestigious literary awards,

    Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are so ingrained in our society we rarely stop to think about it. I'm able to write what I want--dark fiendish plots without fear. . . . I can criticize the FBI, the CIA, the president and Congress without giving it a thought.

    We want to raise all we can and then take the next two years to spend all of it, ... Hopefully then we'll be out of business and there'll be no more hurricanes.

    In these very, very rare circumstances - this tragic time - we hope the gift will get some attention and inspire other people to contribute money and help our fellow Mississippians on the Gulf coast.

    We are very fortunate people. We never publicize gifts. We try to avoid publicity, but we decided this may be the time to do so and inspire other people.

    The couple, who maintain a home in Oxford, Miss., hope to employ Gulf Coast residents who have lost their jobs and are familiar with the area. When you make charitable contributions, you realize you can't save the world, so you find a small area you can go into and hopefully do some good and do it with your own money and your own sweat and you see the results, ... You can't spread yourself too thin.

    the character will be portrayed in a good light.

    I seriously doubt I would ever have written the first story had I not been a lawyer. I never dreamed of being a writer. I wrote only after witnessing a trial.

    When you make charitable contributions, you realize you can't save the world, so you find a small area you can go into and hopefully do some good and do it with your own money and your own sweat and you see the results.

    I have learned not to read reviews. Period. And I hate reviewers. All of them, or at least all but two or three. Life is much simpler ignoring reviews and the nasty people who write them. Critics should find meaningful work.

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