Quotes about well-prepared (16 Quotes)

    If Roush Racing (or) if Mark Martin can't do his business at Kansas City or Charlotte or Atlanta, then we're in desperate trouble and definitely not on our game, ... What happened here is reflected in that the cars were well-driven, they were well-prepared by hardworking teams and the judgments that the crew chiefs made were excellent.

    Windsor can be extremely proud of its efforts. Fans from across both countries were treated to the very best in hospitality by a city well-prepared for this event. This celebration was an exceptional showcase for Windsor and for the game of football in Canada.

    Right now, just 9 percent of engineers in Southeast Michigan are women. Automation Alley supports the STEPS camp as a part of our commitment to ensuring that Southeast Michigan has a well-prepared, diverse technology workforce well into the future.

    It helps you confidence-wise any time you beat a legendary coach like Coach Ashley with 900-something wins. You know a team like that will be well-prepared. You just have to match their intensity.

    I don't have the answer. I wish I did, because I would have used it. He's a good coach and has them well-prepared. It's just one of those things, for whatever reason.

    If it turns out that George Bush doesn't get elected, once a party has run three times, like the Democrats after 1980, 1984 and 1988, they begin to see the light and say, 'We have to change,' ... Well if the Republicans lose this year ... they are going to be looking at John McCain and saying, 'Maybe he's got something to say, maybe we should listen to him a little bit harder,' and I think he's well-prepared for that outcome.

    I don't think anyone ever fathomed, even in the intelligence community, how sophisticated their training was, how well-prepared they were and how they were working away secretly in imparting this advice.

    Food probably has a very great influence on the condition of men. Wine exercises a more visible influence, food does it more slowly but perhaps just as surely. Who knows if a well-prepared soup was not responsible for the pneumatic pump. . .

    We played well against a very good Texas Tech team that throws the ball probably on a consistent basis better than anyone in America. I feel good about the match-up. I think our defense understands their assignments, and they're well-prepared for the game.

    I'm constantly amazed at the courage of young children to stand up in front of a large crowd and perform. There are adults who are afraid to speak in front of a crowd. And yet children do it very naturally. I think being in a group and being well-prepared certainly empowers them.

    We thought Louisville was getting better. Little did I know that they were playing that much better. They were well-prepared for us. They were in a mind-set, and that comes from Rick. Not many teams in the country could have beaten Louisville today. It was no fluke. They didn't shoot it particularly well, but Palacios was just magnificent and is really blossoming.

    We're coming off two critical months. November and December, as far as the volume of games and a lot of real busy stretches in those months - this month looks like each and every game we should be well-prepared, ready and rested. This is an opportunity for us to help ourselves and position ourselves where we'd like to move up in the standings.

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