Quotes about stench (16 Quotes)

    This past week's good news for reformers is likely to continue in the weeks and months to come. Record campaign fundraising (see Schwarzenegger's bid to raise 120 million in the California gubernatorial race) and the continued stench of national scandal will lift reform efforts in Washington DC and across the country this year and beyond.

    There's just a stench of things rotting, decaying - dead seafood, poultry, other things I can't talk about. It gets into your nose it gets into your clothes. You can't get away from it.

    It's quite intense. Especially if it's a calm night, we seem to be worse for some reason. Nights, weekends, when the wind is out of the south, it blows the stench right toward us.

    I don't know how to describe it except to say that what was once the beautiful and thriving city of New Orleans now looks more like a third world country, ... The living conditions for the injured, the sick and the survivors of Hurricane Katrina are disgusting. The stench is awful and the conditions are terrible, yet people hang on to life -- some ever so slight -- but they hang on.

    And the betrayers of language ...... n and the press gang And those who had lied for hire The perverts, the perverters of language, the perverts, who have set money-lust Before the pleasures of the senses howling, as of a hen-yard in a printing-house, the clatter of presses, the blowing of dry dust and stray paper, foetor, sweat, the stench of stale oranges.

    I am willing to admit that some people might live there for years, or even a lifetime, so protected that they never sense the sweet stench of corruption that is all around them -- the keen, thin scent of decay that pervades everything and accuses with a terrible accusation the superficial youthfulness, the abounding undergraduate noise, that fills those ancient buildings.

    Imagine when Plymouth had a working waterfront with all the bustle and energy and stench that comes with it. But as the ships became bigger, they couldn't fit in Plymouth Harbor. They passed by to go to the cordage company in North Plymouth, but they no longer came here.

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