Quotes about quell (15 Quotes)

    I suggest setting up a corps of specially trained European riot police that can work at an international level to de-escalate problems and, where needed, effectively quell violence.

    Territorial integrity of Russia can't be compromised. We won't give in to threats and blackmail. We will employ all means - all legal means - at our disposal to quell those who dream of taking away any part of Russian territory,

    We were ordered out to quell an uprising of the Indians, and were out for several days, had numerous skirmishes during which six of the soldiers were killed and several severely wounded.

    I now bid farewell to the country of my birth - of my passions - of my death; a country whose misfortunes have invoked my sympathies - whose factions I sought to quell - whose intelligence I prompted to a lofty aim - whose freedom has been my fatal dream.

    We would probably have to get out of the way. We wouldn't have nearly enough troops to quell the violence at that point. At a minimum, we'd have to pull back to certain military bases and try to keep working the politics.

    Although you may spend your life killing, You will not exhaust all your foes. But if you quell your own anger, your real enemy will be slain.

    We are holding the meeting to quell parents' fears. We are working very quickly to identify those people we feel had the most serious risk of exposure so we can get them tested immediately.

    Republican Leader Bill Frist's desperate attempt to quell the fallout from the growing ethical scandal that has engulfed his office raised more questions than answers. It's time for Republican Leader Frist to stop stonewalling and answer the legitimate questions raised by his ethically-questionable, multi-million dollar stock transaction. With Karl Rove, Tom DeLay and now Bill First all under investigation, the Republicans' culture of corruption is alive and well in Washington, D. C.

    DEPUTY, n. A male relative of an office-holder, or of his bondsman. The deputy is commonly a beautiful young man, with a red necktie and an intricate system of cobwebs extending from his nose to his desk. When accidentally struck by the janitor's broom, he gives off a cloud of dust.Chief Deputy, the Master cried,To-day the books are to be tried By experts and accountants who Have been commissioned to go through Our office here, to see if we Have stolen injudiciously. Please have the proper entries made, The proper balances displayed, Conforming to the whole amount Of cash on hand --which they will count. I've long admired your punctual way -- Here at the break and close of day, Confronting in your chair the crowd Of business men, whose voices loud And gestures violent you quell By some mysterious, calm spell -- Some magic lurking in your look That brings the noisiest to book And spreads a holy and profound Tranquillity o'er all around. So orderly all's done that they Who came to draw remain to pay. But now the time demands, at last, That you employ your genius vast In energies more active. Rise And shake the lightnings from your eyes Inspire your underlings, and fling Your spirit into everything The Master's hand here dealt a whack Upon the Deputy's bent back, When straightway to the floor there fell A shrunken globe, a rattling shell A blackened, withered, eyeless head The man had been a twelvemonth dead. --Jamrach Holobom

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