Quotes about joey (16 Quotes)

    Right now, where Mike McMahon will be is ahead of Joey Harrington, ... That's just obvious. He's going to know the system better. He's going to know the offense in and out. There's no way that Harrington can just drop right in there. Mike will have to be the guy, and it'll be a good competition. I think he's up to it. In fact, I know he is.

    Staring at all the green bundles, ... Joey felt suddenly overwhelmed by the challenge of hanging onto it. The idea of finding that much money was proving to be more thrilling than the actual experience, much as the highs he got by shooting speed had long ago stopped living up to his expectations. The hard truth about life, which most people learned but that Joey had not, was that things had to be earned to be fully enjoyed. Success, accomplishment, the admiration of the world -- these were all things that could not be faked, or purchased with a needle or a windfall.

    Today, I dialed a wrong number. The other side said, 'Hello' and I said, 'Hello, could I speak to Joey' They said, 'Uh, I don't think so ... He's only two months old.' I said, 'I'll wait '

    Joey D had a little rude awakening to the big leagues last year. But the kid has a lot of talent and a tremendous ceiling ahead of him. We're hopefully going to help him reach it the best we can. I know where I was right out of college, and I wasn't where he's at.

    I have enormous respect for Steve Johnson, and as I've told him, Feed was one of the inspirations for Salon. They were up there before we were. And also for Joey and the Suck people.

    The Ramones went through a couple different line-up changes, and Johnny and Joey held through the whole thing. So right now I'm the only one hanging in there.

    After three failed marriages, I know what it's like to be replaced. So that's kind of how Joey Harrington must feel today... A former No. 1 choice looks to me like he's going to be a bust in Detroit.

    We've added two incredible players here. Joey is very technically gifted and a real leader since he was the captain of Canada's under-17 team. Daniel is a big, strong and extremely technical left-footed defender who has the ability to organize the defense.

    He's smart, tough and takes care of his business. Joey already has made the academic achievement list. All we had to do was show him the classrooms and the weight room, and he's taken care of the rest.

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