Quotes about at-bats (16 Quotes)

    If the guy ahead of me is hitting with two outs, I'm really hoping he finds a way to get on base because I want to hit in those situations. I approach it the same way, maybe mentally lock it in a notch higher, but those are the at-bats I really want to cash in on.

    Adam Everett made some adjustments during spring training and has a much better approach at the plate. The guy's in a very difficult position a lot of times batting eight hole and is coming up with outstanding at-bats. Jason Lane hadn't been swinging it the way he'd like to and he starts crushing the ball.

    Mentally, is closing tougher than a hitter going out there with 600 at-bats to produce ... tougher than a starting pitcher For the great closer, it's as tough. He watches the club for eight innings. Then if he goes out there and screws it up, he's got 24 guys to answer to. It's a heck of a deal. Some guys can't handle it.

    We took great at-bats tonight. We hit four home runs. And the beautiful part of it was the run that we scored to go ahead was something that we worked at very hard in Spring Training.

    I think if we could have kept the game close, we'd have had a shot because we were having good at-bats. We thought we'd be a little farther along. The good news is there are a lot of games ahead.

    He has had some good at-bats and has had a flair for the big hit here recently. We saw that from him in spring training. Anyone who has seen him play realizes he has a lot of energy. He's working on focusing that energy into the important aspects of his game. He has an ability that you don't see every day.

    It is a little early to speculate or for this to be an issue. You don't have the 3-4 at-bats that you normally would so if I get up, I'll just try and be aggressive. That works for me anyway.

    Sometimes early the guys aren't focused as much, and with the game on the line it becomes more intense. I think we've shown the ability when the game is close and late, and our at-bats have gotten better. We'd like to keep that going for nine innings, but we haven't done that.

    He needs to go down and get everyday at-bats rather than sit up here on the bench. He's missed a year-plus of baseball. We brought him up here and kept him up awhile to see where he's at. He's doing pretty good after being out a year of baseball.

    There was no way to expect how well he's done. The consistency of his at-bats have been eye opening. He's a guy that when you look beyond just the here and now, ahead to 2006 and beyond, he's obviously become a very valuable piece for us.

    This team is not one that's going to roll over and go away. We're going to scratch, we're going to claw, we're going to put good at-bats together, try to get a couple of runs here and there, bite into the deficit a little bit and punch ahead. Tonight it worked out.

    He looked good in (batting practice). He looks good at third, too. He catches the ball well. Everybody talks about Russ' home run ability, but Russ catches the ball well. He's got a fine arm. I just want to get him back out there and get him some at-bats.

    Jenna has had some spectacular at-bats against some really good pitchers. She's letting her natural ability take over. Jenna made an extra effort on her strength and conditioning through summer and the fall.

    He won't make this team. He's a guy that's taking the extra at-bats, and I think it's been really good for him and us, but he's working at a new position and the guys ahead of him need to play. I'm not going to put him on the bench to be a part-time player.

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