Sorin Cerin Quotes on Self (44 Quotes)

    Only Destiny gave birth to Spirituality and nothing else, because this is also a form that reflects in the Great Void of non-Knowledge from the Mirror of Knowledge in order to keep the image of Spirituality as closest as possible to the Great Void-Being. Thus only the Spirituality is closer to the great Void-Being that is described to us through death and through the destiny of this Death which can be as tender to this ephemeral existence as he can be unforgiving to the mans Sacred Self.

    By understanding Evil just as well as Good, the human being will understand itself and with this it will disappear the self alienation of man at an individual level as at the social level.

    I love you. I call you. I always seek you in my heart. Now that I found you, what else can I say, maybe the most painful adieu in my entire life, my beautiful, adored, consuming soul mate. I would like to hug you, but I know I cannot touch what is above me, above my life, above this piece of breath, and I am so alien to my self. I know you are the one that can bring me out from the alienation I am in, that you are my only truth for which I exist in this world. I also know that without you, the entire world would fall apart, but it as true that beside you, the entire world would be consumed and what remains then I also know that the ineffable destiny will always keep the doors opened as if there would be any meaning as long as no one can go out through them. This is a vanity too. It is also a vanity the fact that all the opposites attract and all the things that go in the same sense reject. Thus Good will always be attracted by Evil, and Evil by good and the good of Good will be precisely the Evil while the good of Evil what we understand through Good. The soul mates are as the pair of Good and Evil.

    For man, the vanity of vanities represents first of all solidarity with his own universe, and this vanity is mans Salvation, the way through which he will defeat himself and defeat with it the entire universe which will become a mere appendix of his Sacred Self. Then when and to whom will the man pray But why does he have to pray What made God pray in the first place Fear Anguish Misery Pain A bit of all of this, this meant a lot. But when man will find his Sacred Self, he will be a strong Man, without fear, anguish, pain, anxiety. It is true, but then man will pray more than ever. Why Precisely because he will be stronger than ever, by being solidary to the universe, to the divinity of which he is a part. It is this solidarity that will make him pray to his own saving vanity To pray to his Sacred Self, so that he will never forget the existence of this saving vanity of vanities, that will take him in the lost paradise of his own thoughts The prayer will be nothing else than mans solidarity through vanity. And vanity will be this prayer that will never leave the man It was, it is and it will be mans destiny If man did not pray, even on subconscious level, he would lose his self vanity, which will set his Sacred Self free.

    It is not possible to create a perfect society for an imperfect man. Even if we transhipped the present man to a society where the Sacred Self has been found again, this man would be neither happy, nor fulfilled in such a society because he IS NOT read for it. For him, the perfect society is under no circumstance communism, but capitalism, being a man that dream that he can be rich too someday, that what he will gather will create a capital, a man for who cheating, lying and stealing are a part of the every day life, and if we chase them away, we would chase the man from himself. This is the man nowadays and this is why the capitalist system is the only system in which, even if he feels frustrated and anguished, he deems himself free of himself, even if he is not free at all

    The societies of the futures, always searching for salves, will be so greedy to have this capital which is the man, that they will find all sorts of dirty ways to religiously or culturally brutify him and even severely punishing him if he would chose suicide or the ideology that shows the true path of salvation of the mankind through itself. Precisely because they will understand that the Man is the World and the World is the Man This aphorism will be the one that will be in the foreground on the backgrounds tainted by all these murders of the money of this society which will be the antechamber of the society of the Sacred Self.

    The Being as an opposite of the Void is defined as Knowledge opposed to the non-Knowledge and this way it is a non-Knowledge which receives the meaning of Knowledge precisely because it has the possibility to reflect the only thing that is true in its Self, namely non-Knowledge

    This is when Money will be dethroned Only when there will not be many people left, when most of them will save themselves through suicide ad those who remained did it for the spiritual, sacerdotal society of the Sacred Self, for the society in which their life will consist of finding the Self Balance; This is the future of mankind and if this is so, is it not suicide the way to the absolute, the absolute within us The true religion of the human being must be the one that excludes the fear of death Only such a religion can still save the Man. Nothing else will do it, because the only salvation of the Man is Suicide. In what do you see beauty Is it in the nature of this world or in the divine nature of this world It is in the divine nature of this world because the nature of this world can be awful through its natural or spiritual calamities, earthquakes or floods, wars or other types of cataclysms.

    Precisely this vanity of vanities which is the mans dream, the Illusion of his Life is the one that finally gives the man the Self Freedom because of the fact that he can be compared to any star, to anything there is in this universe, eve to Universe itself, because they are all born and die, they will al be dust and afterwards Void and Being and other elements, they are all a great vanity, not just the Illusion of Life which man lives on this Earth.

    What is holy for us, humans, nowWhat can we love the most in this first century of the third millennium, in these first years of this millennium than images of the crucifixion of a Man, of the Son of a Man Why do we love so much this image with such a cruel destiny and not other images It is because if the fact that we identify to that cruel Destiny, we become complementary to it and thus that destiny is a part of our life and our existence as unitary whole with ourselves, who we are sacrificed with the same aggressiveness on the altar of the love of this world, which is itself Love This is why we people believe in the church of that image with a Cruel Destiny, we bow before it and we pray because the image is sacred to our souls because they too feel sacrificed on a huge cross of destiny of each one of us. What must we do Must we change the crucified image of the Christ or change ourselves in order to change the crucified image We all want not to have anymore this cruel destiny of our existence, where the world of love is a world of crimes, villainesses and thefts of all kinds.How can we chase these miseries away of our world without chasing ourselves out of it Such a sad world in which, I say it with sorrow, the ultimate form of love, which is Holiness represents a Christ crucified on the wood of a cross, thirsty and mocked which receives vinegar to quench his thirst. This Christ is us now, this Christ is the man nowadays and the man of the past centuries that lost his Sacred Self in the mists of his own history. This Christ will have to be replaced in us by each one of us, but not by force and not to put something else instead. No In the place of this Christ, there will always have to be an empty place, to remind us eternally from where we left, to know where the loss of the Sacred Self can lead to.

    In our existence, absolutely anything that would refer to its self, as evil to evil and good to good would lead to the annulment of the actual reference, so it is absolutely necessary for a final referent to exist, that is in no way the same as the reference.

    True religion must fight against Evil in man and be aside him, being the only way to avoid existing Evil of the human self in another type of Evil that will be closer to Good or could even surpass it in Goodness. It will consequently determine good to climb more steps towards the true path of perfection of the Self of the human being.

    Man through his essence is a dual being of Good and Evil that are a part of mans self that he can never chase away from him, because if he tries to chase away Evil to keep only Good, Man becomes an alien to himself, transforming the Good he leans to into the biggest and most evident Evil as possible, that of self determining as a being dehumanized by its own being.

    After what I have stated, anyone can tell that Knowledge rests on the Void in order to be known, precisely because the Knowledges Self is the Being, the opposite of the Void, but, and I recommend attention, the opposite of the Void does not mean that is is that something, that in fact has a subsistence meaning, no Not in the least.

    The divine nature of this world involves for the human being the pure, absolute nature, the plenitude state of this world, because this is what the human being sees through divine, as it is divine too, it sees itself. Beauty consists of the divine nature of this world, just like the sublime and the perfection. In all theses, there is Good and Evil too. We cannot speak of sublime or divine perfection without knowing what Evil is in reference to the Good of the sublime, divine and perfection. The current hierarchy of the human society fights together with the cults for the Good alone, putting Evil aside and thus, by imposing the dictatorship of Good, leads to the exacerbation of Evil. If all these wrongs in the man are divine, is it worth it to wait for other hard times when he is to sacrifice other generations to reach the conclusion that most of the next generations will all be killed in order to allow a handful of villains to exist on top of the social pyramid, who will eventually realise that their vileness comes precisely from the hierarchy and when the hierarchy will disappear because there will not be the many and the tormented to support it, they will realize that the true path is the society of the Sacred Self. Is this all this worth it Does this Everest of suffering which is our world have a meaning No, it has no meaning for us, the human beings that know neither why we are born in this world, nor why we will die. We do not even know what we were before we were born or if we really were something, as we do not know if we will ever be something. Everything we know are all sorts of fairytales to which religious titles were given precisely because man find much more comfortable to declare fairytales for putting young children asleep as religions, turning them in fairytales for putting adult children asleep, instead of accepting the reality of Death and the impossibility of answering these questions.

    Through suicide, Man will completely triumph over Death, over everything that alienates him from himself and that once used Death as pretence, because nothing was more sublime and wrong in the history of the social evolution of the human being than Death, which was and still is now, subconsciously the Self Absolute of the Man And yet, we must live

    When such a perfect society will be created or if it will ever be created is a question as difficult to answer as if the question would be how many wars will stille come. Nevertheless, my answer is that if such a perfect society, a society of the Sacred Self, a spiritual society existed, the premises through which to obtain such a society are terrible, if not awful, because, for such a society to exist, it will be necessary to change the current human within the man and replace it with the Sacred Self of Man through which he can became a sacerdotal being. How do you think this can be done if not through the most awful moments through which mankind could bear Those who control the monster called money will have to understand that no matter how many crimes they will make, they will not be able to stop the downfall, to keep people as slaves of this instrument. People will have to understand that their entire social hierarchy is outdated, that no matter how many death and wars will still come for this hierarchy, they are in vain, that the murderous and infamous hierarchy systems cannot go on anymore, that there will be plenty of dead people, of human beings that understood that their only salvation is not the fear of Dying, but precisely Death Suicide.

    And we come back again to the same question, if God is guilty or not for the loss of the Sacred Self of the man at that time. We cannot speak of the Free Will, because man has neither Will nor Knowledge, unless it is at an imaginative level, in its own dream of the Illusion of Life.If we cannot speak of Free Will, does this mean that man did not have the possibility to choose No, man didnt have the possibility to choose.Man only had the possibility to be chosen by the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one. If he was chosen, could he have been chose to lose at the roulette of his own life against himself, thus loosing his Sacred Self I do not think God, or as I call him, the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one wished man to lose, because he would have probably not created him in the first place, as I do not think it was a mistake of the creation, when man was conceived in the Intended Mists of Destiny.All that I think is that Man at that time precisely because of the divinity within him called Love He lost because Love in reference to Knowledge is something completely different.If this is no, why didnt our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one leave his print on another type of attribute of creation which was not a mere Image or a Mirror, since the Matrix Word of Knowledge is in fact the Matrix Word of the Mirror in reality.

    Holiness, Faith and Religion can never be institutionalized because they are the individual property of every man, they are a part of each mans Sacred Self, and their socialization can be done only by accepting the individuality of each such Sacred Self. And such an acceptance of the individuality does not allow in any circumstance their institutionalization.

    By opposing the human in the man and thus activating the inhuman does nothing else than dehumanize that man by further alienating him from his self and along with it, as man is a social individual, to create a society increasingly absurd, selfish and unfair to the human being that will be exiled to the ideological suburbs of such a society, suburbs that will give evidence of a radicalization of the feelings that are contrary to the mans sacred self, and the centre will represent an elitist society that will lead to a equally great self alienation of the human beings that form it, but based on the idea that they are some kind of gods, forgetting that Gods are those who indirectly entailed the original Sin, that man has donated his Sacred Self to the gods that were responsive to the elite of that society when the unfavourable turn in the Destiny of mankind, that of losing mans control over the sacred self and eventually donate it to the gods in exchange of help. Man donated his sacred self to the social elite of that such unfavourable time for mankind when the original sin was born. This is why, for me, Nietzsche is an up-side down philosopher having through the great merit of advocating that the human being does not really have a will.

    I have always been a true supporter of globalization, of a world religion that would show to the man more truth about this world, which would be closer to him. A religion where the true divinity is the man and not what is alien to him. I have said countless of times that only a world religion may truly bring peace on earth. I see this world religion based on the principles in this book. Even in the case of the society of the Sacred Self or of the spiritualist society, as I see the future of mankind Man will be and will remain an eternally religious being, being its entire being will be based on the Prayer of Solidarity with Divinity and the Self Universe and its exterior, solidarity due to the Vanity to which all of this is obeying.

    Absolutely any image reflected in mans self is a phenomenon. As it is not possible to speak of two human selves, we can neither speak of two identical phenomenon such as this one, nor of two identical human visions.

    If man is vanity, its divinity will be vanity as well. Mans prayer will become his religion And mans religion will have as main subject vanity and not divinity, because everything there is and everything there is not are owed to this Vanity, even the divinity that exists and the one that does not exist, even the Universe because all of these are known by man, because if they were not known none of the would exist Thus, man is and will always remain a religious being, and if he should try to chase away the religious side of his Self he will do nothing else that chase himself away from his own Self, as he is now when he seeks and sees religion outside him.

    Holiness is neither that passionate love of the beginning, nor the tormenting anxiety of the long waits and of the moonlight walks, but is that superior form of friendship that is given this time a true eternal look, of comprehension, of acceptance of the self sacrifice for friendship, understanding and complementarity. Holiness occurs when the two souls involved in this phenomenon becomes complementary, become one. When those two become one, when the unity can no longer be destroyed, then love acquires the meaning of holiness. Holiness is piety and faith, is fulfilment and self sacrifice, because holiness requires all of this. Faith is a characteristic of the holiness and this is why it is blind to many of the reasons in every day life.

    It is only by spring that the death of the autumns returns. What about winter, which is death When the pure snow white covers the naked bodies of the trees that no longer have leaves, when they sleep dreaming about the new leaves that will come over their bodies with bark covered by ice and freezing Do these trees know that they are just like our ancestors, that for generations produced branches of offspring in our history, of each one of us, even if these branches, some of them forgotten, have been almost fully burned by the original sin that came as a curse on our beings when we lots our Sacred Self, the divinity in us. As not even trees know how beautiful they are, in the eyes of the people, during spring, when they give birth to death, we do not know how beautiful we can be at the time of the first kiss or of the first love words to those for which we are, just as trees are for us a wonder of nature, of the spring. Why should we not find peace and the divinity within us like this, if the trees have done it to Or they do not know this peace Should they have an Original Sin too Are they as cursed as the humans are But why are we humans cursed Good God Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one, why, in this dream of yours, did you allow this whisper of pain, that is the Man to be also cursed Wasnt it enough that he was so frail in this huge ocean of suffering of his desecrated history.

    Never will the God of Man be different from the God of mans Self.

    This man will not be able to understand why the sun still has the power to shine, eve if everything is vanity, as he will not be able to understand why the sun, the universe and all of its infinite galaxies and the endless stars have an age. He will not be able to understand why all of this dies, why they will all be someday stardust, and more than that, they will be Void and being, they will the nothingness of the vanity of vanities in vanity. And man will wonder Was it at least a Curse No, they cannot even be that. He will wonder again Was it a prayer or faith And he will turn to the church again, but this time he will not look for the church outside him, but only inside him, finding it in the Sacred Self alone, where it awaited him for so long facing the ages, when man was facing himself. And Man will shout desperately to his Sacred Self Why all of this Why the vanity Only then the Sacred Self will answer him For you It was all for you Man For me, will answer the man to his Sacred Self. Yes Man Yes Man Yes Man, will infinitely repeat the Sacred Self.

    Our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one left its print on a soil alien tot him, but on which human kind will germinate along with an infinity of other worlds.I think that the loss of the sacred self by the man on the roulette of history was due to the Matrix Word of Knowledge, or more precisely to the Mirror, that changed the meaning of the Self Love of man with the sense of the self Knowledge

    The image of the tormented man is taken and reproduced in the dirtiest political ways by the institutions of the church, and through this image they squeeze money and a part of the souls of the people in order to convert them to a faith that no longer is part of the ultimate form of mans love, to faith of the obedience to groupings, official, governmental or any other occult institutions and hierarchies. The church stole the image of the Crucified Christ, which is the image of the holiness of man because it wanted this image precisely due to the fact that man found himself again in it. Church found itself that much in this image that it reached the ultimate stage of mans love, holiness. Then it could have been a favourable moment to reunite man with his Sacred Self, if this image would have not been stolen from the man by the church and subsequently institutionalized, becoming eventually the image which will enslave man.

    Only than the villains of the Hierarchy will turn their face to the man hooked by millennia of self treason and will realize that they are on the top of that pyramid due to the one they, the elites, have humiliated and brutalized elites who became what they are due to this MAN They will realize that they are nothing without this man and only then they will know that they are no longer elites, but people

    Who are the Saints They are people who succeeded in loving more than others did, that found more or less the Path of the Sacred Self, the path to the spiritual fulfilment. They are humans that have come to understand that only by walking down the path of

    All of this are the image of Knowledge, the image of the Matrix Word of Knowledge in which the Matrix Word of Love is reflected, and not the Matrix Word of Knowledge itself, because it is made definitive by the Absolute Truth and Absolute Truth is precisely non-Knowledge, so the true face of Knowledge is precisely non-Knowledge, which is the Mirror in which Love is reflected and not the image of love in this mirror of Knowledge. The Mirror itself is non-Knowledge thus defined by the Absolute Truth, while the image given by the reflection of the Matrix Word of Love in this Mirror which is the Self of the Matrix Words of Knowledge represents the image of our worlds, of the worlds which have a Destiny, where nothing in Knowledge, but the Image of Love reflected in Knowledge. Thus, when man knows a new universe, he creates his image of love reflected in the mirror of Knowledge, an image of love he references to this mirror of Knowledge that is precisely non-Knowledge.

    Knowledge is nothing else than reflection or mirroring. Knowledge exists in itself only if this reflection or mirroring does and by no other way. The self of Knowledge is what is reflected or mirrored in it. If Love is mirrored in it, it does not mean that it is Knowledge, but it stays Love, except for the fact that it is mirrored by Knowledge, or mirror as I call it..

    When Man will re-find himself, then demons with angels and God with the Devil will reconcile. It will be a step forward, but not enough to remove the vanity of the world. Nevertheless, man will not admit defeat, he will struggle, and he will be once again put to the test of accepting a new Original Sin, of taking the blame of the divinity on him. This time he will not accept this low bargain and will allow eternal peace between God and the Devil and between the Good in Man and the Evil in Man in this world. Then he will slowly understand in its evolution as sacerdotal being that not only does he not have Will and Knowledge, not only that he is meant to grasp this world precisely through the Knowledge he does not have, he will understand that he is only the love he does not know and which forms the only meaning of his existence in this dream of the Illusion of Life. When he will find the Sacred Self, man will stop fighting with the vanity of its own existence because he will understand that this vanity it is given to him so that he will always turn against it , that this vanity is everything that pushed him to vileness and humbleness, to false, lie, murder and theft, he will finally know that this vanity belongs only to this world that is given by the Knowledge he does not have, by the dream of this Life running towards Death.

    The Absolute Truth of Knowledge is precisely non-Knowledge. If this Mirror called Knowledge remains in the phase where nothing is reflected in it, then it does not have a Self anymore, it does not have any element, is as empty and sterile as if it were not. Thus the Mirror is non-Knowledge more than it is Knowledge and becomes Knowledge only when other Prints of the Matrix Words reflect in it.

    The future of mankind seems to be a religious one, and religion can be a way for the modern man or the man of the future to save himself, if it used appropriately and wrongfully as it was done by now. Religion must no and is not allowed to become a dictatorship of a divinity behind which interests alien to the scared self of the Man are hidden. Religion must be the mirror of the sacred self in which it can see its true splendour. Through religion we have to understand the way through which the human being finds its true freedom when it is referenced to the society to which he belongs. This path will lead the man to re-find himself in his own religion and not religion to re-find itself in man by force, by humiliating him and deeming him as null in front of the divinity.

    Mans Self would like to be able to remember the future because this is why he always directs his hopes towards it, but he can only do it when it becomes the past.

    Then can we know where death begins Death begins from the first looks, the first whispers of love, from the first kisses, caresses and sex, when the being feels it shivers from the worm wind of the moments that gently wraps it and it wants not no lose the life of so many ancestors whose bones are in present breath of the being. Mans subconscious transmits that it in only through sex that he will be able to stay along with the bones and flesh of its ancestors by maintaining life that is merely a prelude of death. Then the being will vibrate loving and longing for a partner of opposite sex trying to understand the sexual impulse that dominated him but without being able to relate it to love because this in only possible when he knows the truth about the being and it is hidden somewhere in his sacred self. The truth on the birth of a new death lies in the sexual orgasm and it will be brought to this world as an offspring, following its path to the grave just as his forefathers, with blood and sweat, with hard work, despair and happiness, with fulfilment and tears. And this way the first kiss is born, the first flower is offered, along with the first stanzas from a poem of the Sacred Self.

    And a new day will come, and a new evening and mans Sacred Self will understand that replacing the churches of the Evil and also of the sublime in him, of that unwritten Good that could not be stolen along with the Sacred Self, will require to put something else in return, that without praying an hope, without dream and poetry, without curse and pain, without happiness and fulfilment all of this would not even be a vanity of the vanities. It would not even be an Illusion of the illusions, but a waste of time, just like many ages were wasted under this cold and torrid sun, calm or not interested by what he sees with his angelic or demonic rays, depending on the dream this undecided, dreaming and meaningless man was dreaming

    If churches will disappear, what will replace them The answer is simple Man will replace them Only then will the man turn towards his own Self and wonder what was the use of so much suffering All these millennia of suffering had a meaning, and if they did, what was that meaning Does anyone benefit from this sense And Man will fall again in the darkness of the beginnings of his self, knowing that no meaning can be a meaning because all the paths finally lead to nowhere, to the vanity of the non-Knowledge to which Knowledge is referenced to, that everything is an Image, an Illusion, that all the Knowledge is an Image, an Illusion, and no matter how many meanings it seems to have at a certain time, they will disappear as the smoke carried away by the winds to nowhere. They will disappear because the so-called great and ineffable Knowledge does not even have clay legs, but smoke legs, because it is based on non-Knowledge and thus it becomes non-Knowledge too as non-Knowledge becomes its own Knowledge because it is based on Knowledge and thus it gets to know its own non-Knowledge, its own vanity in these infinite worlds where stars shine or die and time grows younger as the increasing spaces collapse over the laws of the worlds becoming Void and Being.

    Religion is in fact the exterior that continuously invades mans self, always trying to minimize it, to incorporate it in its own self by sketching the most diverse images with purifying flow. Can you purify Destiny Yes, because it is precisely the Destiny that accepts and incorporates purification.

    Absolutely anything is Necessary is a part of this dream, just as non-Knowledge is the Absolute Truth of Knowledge, which we will never find out itself because non-Knowledge cannot be known, just the same way as the Necessary has a truth as his opposite. No I shout it loud and clear. All these monstrous tragedies through which mankind went through throughout its historical evolution are not necessary. They happened because of ignorance, stupidity, meanness, contempt, desire for power and any other causes due only to the fact that Man lost somewhere throughout millennia his Sacred Self.

    How could such an absurd and unfair society that torments with self alienation the human being, already completely alienated be still saved How could a society such full of misery, of the wickedest tortures, because mans diabolical mind, once he has lost his Sacred Self, had the time to invent all these misdeeds. How could we save such a society Is it by saving the man, by explaining him about his Sacred Self No, I do not think so, because mans Sacred Self cannot be explained, but man will have to become aware of the great loss he suffered and to regain it himself. Will it ever be possible I believe so, but it will be necessary for the greatest Evil of man to disappear, namely churches, along with religion which humiliate him before a divinity alienated from itself. Such a salvation will only come if the man will know how to face his fear of Dying and of the lie of the Afterlife as described by some religious cults that thus keep the man chained in the absurd and self alienation. But until all these occur, all other humans will be the guinea pig of their own lives, as their life lives them instead of them living their life. Even when man will find again its Sacred Self, he will not be truly happy, but will understand that his life cannot consist of happiness, but of Balance. This is way it is infinitely better not to have a world at all than to have such a world.

    Not even man that will re-find himself will be able to remove the vanity from this diabolic world, but he can change it from a vanity of his ideological debauchee into a vanity of self reconciliation. The divinity in man cannot admit vanity and thus it will try to replace it with new reasons for which we are born, but it will finally understand that everything is a big vanity and a great sin that no longer belongs to us but to the print that whispered our existence, full of the thorns of the moments that hunt us.

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