Sorin Cerin Quotes on Life (53 Quotes)

    Why, Creator must it all reach man through the lie of Knowledge as long as it is not given so that man knows it It is precisely because in order to bring to light the vanity of this world that runs towards death once it has been tainted through a sexual act How much death is there in asexual act that leads to the birth of a new life In the sexual ct we will find the birth of death that will come with the creation of the being. There is not a being that has no death because everything that exists also dies and everything that dies must have lived in order to die, as mortality has in it as much life as life has death.Where will we find in this world the gate of death if not in the gate of life, in the sexual act, as we will find the gate of life exclusively in death because only in reference to it can life still be itself with its image of destiny included.

    And I return to the coldness of this defying human nature, to the impertinence with which the losers of the Sacred Self clime to our sorts of social positions thinking that there they will find their peace, but they are completely wrong. The more they climb, the more they will be confused and miserable because happiness is a mirage of this defying world. No matter how much you gain and what social positions you would had, they are all vanity of the vanities, they are all a smoke caught in our fists or a cry embraced, because they all become immediately a normality and then a boring thus completing the misery, but especially the vanity that surrounds this world where everything is built to fall, where everything is an Illusion of our Life, where the true meaning is the nonsense, and the true Truth is precisely the Untruth. Then what is better for man Is it to kill himself

    Should I understand that love is the reverse of out life, that it is death That we live in this life in which we hope to have the chance to love, so to die Let me drink from the glass of your voluptuousness down to the depths of my being so that I can die Despite all that, I will always love you, my sweet and wild angel of the destiny of my life. Wherever I will be in this world, I will carry you in my thoughts and speak to you where no one can ever ever ever come in Now you understand, my great love, now you understand why we must talk only there and never somewhere else Because we are condemned to be soul mates that had the misfortune of recognising each other in this world of vanity. Always keep your head up in life, even when you will feel lonely because I am and I will always be with you, even when our bodies will be dust and ashes for a long time, even when the oceans will dry up and the water of life will be long drunken by the vanity of this world.

    I love you. I call you. I always seek you in my heart. Now that I found you, what else can I say, maybe the most painful adieu in my entire life, my beautiful, adored, consuming soul mate. I would like to hug you, but I know I cannot touch what is above me, above my life, above this piece of breath, and I am so alien to my self. I know you are the one that can bring me out from the alienation I am in, that you are my only truth for which I exist in this world. I also know that without you, the entire world would fall apart, but it as true that beside you, the entire world would be consumed and what remains then I also know that the ineffable destiny will always keep the doors opened as if there would be any meaning as long as no one can go out through them. This is a vanity too. It is also a vanity the fact that all the opposites attract and all the things that go in the same sense reject. Thus Good will always be attracted by Evil, and Evil by good and the good of Good will be precisely the Evil while the good of Evil what we understand through Good. The soul mates are as the pair of Good and Evil.

    Despite that, if these dreams are shadows of God reflected into knowledge, why Gods shadows are dreams Only because you can wake up from a dream and all these shadows always wake up in an infinite echo which depicts God If even Gods shadows can wake up, does it mean that God is above awakening Through Death, absolutely anything receives a connotation opposed to Life, but nevertheless, Life would never be Alive without Its Death which bestows on it its full shine, as Death wouldnt be what it is.

    Why are men so secretive, why are they afraid of the truth, sometimes even of themselves Why don't they want to admit that they would want to love with their entire being because this is everything that remains out of this vanity called Life.

    It is not possible to create a perfect society for an imperfect man. Even if we transhipped the present man to a society where the Sacred Self has been found again, this man would be neither happy, nor fulfilled in such a society because he IS NOT read for it. For him, the perfect society is under no circumstance communism, but capitalism, being a man that dream that he can be rich too someday, that what he will gather will create a capital, a man for who cheating, lying and stealing are a part of the every day life, and if we chase them away, we would chase the man from himself. This is the man nowadays and this is why the capitalist system is the only system in which, even if he feels frustrated and anguished, he deems himself free of himself, even if he is not free at all

    But what can be more resembling to Life than Death Nothing And yet, they both obey a destiny which is a shadow of God, as we are too, except that this shadow can no longer be defined as an opposite to the other two, but as destiny, because we cannot think above a bivalent logic. Otherwise, Destiny too would be one of the opposites of Life or Death, because he too, just as the other two is a shadow of God, with the only difference that its a shadow that can be sighted through a superior logic.

    This will be the true sacerdotal human being that will look in the distance of the space of the universe as the ages of billions and billions of years, long before the age when man was enslaved collapse on him by slowly making disappear the lights in which the life of a certain star, that could be the star of his Destiny is still wavering. Through the vanity of his own Universe, man will find his true meaning that of being equal to the Universe, to not be the one that is kneeled and enslaved to its laws. Through vanity, man will feel stronger because he will realize that he is not alone in this vanity. That he does not owe any divinity and that he is as strong as any divinity in this vanity. Then vanity will become church and shield, beauty and fulfilment.

    Precisely this vanity of vanities which is the mans dream, the Illusion of his Life is the one that finally gives the man the Self Freedom because of the fact that he can be compared to any star, to anything there is in this universe, eve to Universe itself, because they are all born and die, they will al be dust and afterwards Void and Being and other elements, they are all a great vanity, not just the Illusion of Life which man lives on this Earth.

    This is why man creates his own universes when he Knows them, and these universes can never be prior to man because they are mere images of the vanity of vanities that will make whole mans thirst of solidarity with the Infinite, the Absolute and the Plenitude dusted by so much stardust of its own illusory image of life. To claim that Mans God is independent of him is a fiction, because this God is a God of the mans Illusion of Life because it cannot be any other way, because this the only way in which man can determine and recognize it, because only this way can this God exist.

    Just like probably nowhere is more Life than in the world of Death, where its entire being rests on Life. If it hadnt been for Death, then there wouldnt be Life either, and as Life feeds Death, is possible that Death in return would feed Life at the cosmic lunch of the human feelings.

    To define an opposite, its necessary to have only one opposable element, and in the worlds where there are more than two opposable elements, the singularity of the opposable element in comparison with the other disappears, in the sense that Life wouldnt be unique anymore in its reference to Death, but she could have three more elements such as this one or resembling to it, but that would refer to Death as total opposites.

    And I retired isolated in my corner of world again, seeking to understand what is not understood and to know what is not known. What did I found out That in the place of Everything is this Great Void-Being, on whose shoulders rests our own Life, which is

    All the positions, fortunes, celebrities disappear as a snow flake that melts on the black asphalt of death. So does beauty too. And what else remains if not the piece of love that once existed in this great il or in this dream called life.

    And the meaning of man in this dream of his Illusion of Life is to fulfil the man, to know that he is not in the least more insignificant than the sun or the stars, to know that the sun and the stars of the endless universe will finally become the same stardust as the man, that nothing is above him. He will know the divinity in him won the battle on the entire universe by giving it a meaning, that of a being that accepts the vanity and though this acceptance it becomes a divine being, that no longer is inferior to the universe, but equal to it, because the stras and the man will be lost in the same stardust.

    Even we, when we look into a mirror we make refer to ourselves, but through the mirror. Does the real us stand in front of the mirror which reflects the unreal us How else is real Life reflected into the unreal Death One thing is certain and that is that our image in the mirror is real as long as we are reflected in the mirror. In this case, isnt Death Lifes image and thus Life becomes Deaths image The life we know as such through its reflection in death is in fact Our own Death

    The cardinal elements possess this title through the fact that they are the last frontier to the level of awareness through which that world can be defined. Life and Death are cardinal because nothing can include them in its structure by becoming an opposable reference, and yet what can be more opposable than waking up from this dream with world and destiny Destiny Waking up into Destiny.

    Didn't even knew what love meant before she appeared in my life. Only know I understand that great love does not consist neither of dependency to a person, nor of selfishness, but is much more than this. It is like when you immerse in the eternity of your own soul, in that place which you think belong only to toy, but where you meet the other. Only there you feel her deep look and you realize that you are eternally present in her soul and in her most private parts of her being. You realise that nothing matters, not to cry, not to shout. You realize that everything there is and everything there will be does not even exist, are not worth the smallest leaf which fell from the tree of the live of each one of us. And then you feel the need to touch the soul with your hand, to embrace it, to feel its breath, to know it closer to you than you are yourself. You want to kiss it, to share your entire life with it. Love has such an impact that you understand that it is much above what you call life, Then you realise that no matter how much you try to embrace it, and kiss it, and feel its breath, all that can never be done, because you kill kiss only the man, you will feel his breath and embrace it. You will realize that that soul will be much above your life. As you are above hers. You will understand that being with that soul is not possible through caresses, not word, nor kisses, but much more, though an unprecedented torment that you will not be able to sustain, no matter how much you want it, as it is so painfully sweet, a consuming fire that will burn in you in all the eternal moment of your life. And what else remains What remains in my place and in hers The ashes of a memory From which a new love will resurrect as the Phoenix bird From the ashes of this crazy torment This is our life, the life of the soul mates, of always seeking one another and when they find each other they consume with the love of their love.

    No life can be compared to another Life unless both refer to Death Even if a Life is different from another Life, it exists, as Life, only by referring to Death, because all other Lives it would refer to finally lead to the last referent which is a Life having as reference Death This is why I said the all the shine of Life consists of Death, as the shine of Death consists of Life.

    Why have I used the Void-Being terminology Because in Death, Void, Being, Life and the Bilderberg Group I have written on the fact that the void has its own opposite and this is the being, as the being is opposed to the void, but this only we think based on the Logical Coefficient 2, because if we thought based on a bigger Logical Coefficient, for instance, along with void and being we would have other opposites too. If we thought based on the Logical Coefficient 1, which is inferior to the one we use, then the void would not have any opposite, so the being would not exist anymore.

    Even if I use sweet phrases in this description, I cannot even be sure that what I write here is true, precisely because I do not know the Absolute Truth, but what I argue in this pages is a feeling of this tear that is my life, a feeling on this world that will disappear just as it appeared, maybe in fire and ashes or in steam and tar. My fingers writing in this moments, or I fell they are writing, not knowing the Absolute Truth, will be as my body, just star dust, in a moment of the Universes time..What will it remain from me My thoughts I think they are much more eternal than my body. Eternal in some conscience Even if I stay in the conscience of mankind for a certain time, they will not be forever remembered, because human kind is not eternal either, the whole human kind, with the billions of people living as if they were eternal, is nothing else than a passing tear on the Creators cheek and nothing more. Even Time and Space will go away, and only our shadow named destiny will remainAnd maybe then my cry will be heard from this Redemption of Times and Spaces, a shout that I want, for once, to find out the Known and not the Illusion of Life in a world with a Logical Coefficient 2. And if I were destined to know, to find the Knowledge only once, what will I see, if I try to see with my thoughts without eyes or ears, without forehead and temples to be used or wrinkled I will see Knowledge. And how will it be Will it be beautiful or ugly, close or distant, inside or outside me Everything I know is that I will be befogged by everything I will be meant to see. Because what I will then feel may be the most disappointing moment that I will ever live in any world throughout my destiny. Why will it be the most disappointing moment Precisely because Knowledge, instead of appearing under the shiny form of so many trends of ideas or of any other nature that will tempt me with their divine beauties, it will be nothing more that a mere phrase written in fire letters, saying that Only those who do not know seek knowledge because those who know it do not know what it is and they will never know it, because knowledge exists only for those who do not knowThen I will understand that at the end of the worlds time is truly vanity, that the Absolute Truth is Vanity and knowing that is worse than living with the original sin, not to mention the man who found his Sacred Self again. And I will once again want to go back to the worlds of Knowledge, were to be received in such a world again, irrespective of its Logical Coefficient, even if this Knowledge is to be given to me through senses, as the plants received it, even if I were to be an insect or an animal, a sea mammal or a Man, or anything else in another world with another Logical Coefficient. What would be important to me is to be born again in non-Knowledge and not to find out the Absolute Truth of non-Knowledge, because it is a lot better like this.

    Through the fact that he defines himself as a religious being, man is first of all his own prophet and only then he places himself in the pluralistic assembly of the prophets that he identifies to the ambitions, aspirations, hopes, imprudent acts, confusions, failures or disillusions of his own life.

    No matter how high the waves of life would be, they will never surpass the depth of the ocean of death.

    Even though I have not loved from the beginning this wonderful soul, even though I have long disappointed and tortured it with my apparent instability, I have come to understand that when you do not seek you will find and when you do not love from the beginning you will live the greatest love, that will become the love of your life.

    And we come back again to the same question, if God is guilty or not for the loss of the Sacred Self of the man at that time. We cannot speak of the Free Will, because man has neither Will nor Knowledge, unless it is at an imaginative level, in its own dream of the Illusion of Life.If we cannot speak of Free Will, does this mean that man did not have the possibility to choose No, man didnt have the possibility to choose.Man only had the possibility to be chosen by the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one. If he was chosen, could he have been chose to lose at the roulette of his own life against himself, thus loosing his Sacred Self I do not think God, or as I call him, the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one wished man to lose, because he would have probably not created him in the first place, as I do not think it was a mistake of the creation, when man was conceived in the Intended Mists of Destiny.All that I think is that Man at that time precisely because of the divinity within him called Love He lost because Love in reference to Knowledge is something completely different.If this is no, why didnt our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one leave his print on another type of attribute of creation which was not a mere Image or a Mirror, since the Matrix Word of Knowledge is in fact the Matrix Word of the Mirror in reality.

    Our whole science and spirituality of which we think that are great achievements of mankind, of its historical evolution is based exclusively on non-Knowledge, to the reference to this non-Knowledge being in fact a great and important achievement of non-Knowledge. This is why we are human beings abandoned by our own Sacred Self This is why we see the cold beauty of this nature so often alien to ourselves this is why everything we think we are is in fact the alien within us, the one that replaces our own lost life And all of these occur because we reference to the non-Knowledge, to its Absolute Truth Is there a way to leave this sad spirituality and this petty life Is there a way to separate us from the lie of our existence Is there a RELEASE And if we released us from ourselves, would it be better Could we ever miss ourselves Miss the lie of our existence, what should we miss Miss the alien within us that has always replaced our own life To miss the absurdity of this world No, no, no, we shouldnt miss anything in this world except for what we really loved in this absurd and vain love. To miss our loves, the sprigs that did not advertised themselves in commercials, to miss the day when weand there so many reasons for which to miss.

    Holiness is neither that passionate love of the beginning, nor the tormenting anxiety of the long waits and of the moonlight walks, but is that superior form of friendship that is given this time a true eternal look, of comprehension, of acceptance of the self sacrifice for friendship, understanding and complementarity. Holiness occurs when the two souls involved in this phenomenon becomes complementary, become one. When those two become one, when the unity can no longer be destroyed, then love acquires the meaning of holiness. Holiness is piety and faith, is fulfilment and self sacrifice, because holiness requires all of this. Faith is a characteristic of the holiness and this is why it is blind to many of the reasons in every day life.

    Are we only Love and nothing else or the debauchee of this Love since we are so abandoned precisely by Love through the inquisitive destiny of mankind How can we be left by that Love that we want so anxiously when we wake up in the dawns of our birth We cannot be abandoned by ourselves because this is all that is left in us Love and nothing moreWe are always abandoned by the Love in us as well, but especially by ourselves because no Love can last forever, except in books or fairytales, outside us. Even if we made all that is possible not to leave Love, it leaves us because in this Image of Destiny that is our world we are not allowed to be happy unless we know in the Illusion of Life that happiness is that horizon line that always runs further away quicker we run towards it, if we know that Love only kills us is we want it never to disappear from within us.

    Does not a great number a feelings determine a common feeling formed by the parts that compose it Once Truth can no longer be known, but felt, doesnt that feeling become truer than a small part of it that is felt only by one individual The religious factor will always have its own status even if, by referencing it to another religious factor of national or worldwide level, it can be underlined a mere influence compared to the latter and not a religion itself. I could name the example of certain groups that become profoundly religious without creating new religions, but by becoming sects of one religion or another. Such examples are numerous. To conclude, any group whose members unite their own individual divinities under the auspices of a social divinity form a religion, even if in reference to other worldwide religions, it is deemed a mere influence, it is still called religion. .This is why, no matter how much man wants to get rid of religion, he will not be able to do so until he renounces for good its own social life, by denying his past, which is deemed impossible.

    If life is a waiting room for the end, could death be a waiting room for the beginning

    Man's life is knowledge and that's all. If the Man didn't knew life he didn't exist.

    Do not even hope at death before being awakened from the dream of life.

    Know that holiness too is a part of love and you are a saint of my destiny, a religion of my life, a belief of the forgotten being inside me, the stranger that I am, headed for nowhere, knowing that where it is I will find my fulfilment through death, expecting you

    Do not cry, because we are destiny, because we are everything that can be above this world. And now, the angel of my life, please let me fly so that I can fulfil the vanity of this world, of this dream, of this nightmare that eternally took you from me. I didnt thought you will come now at this age and time of this Illusion of Life, but between these bars I tell you how much I love you and do not ever doubt me. I will be yours in every moment of this life, which I give to you. .

    Oh Dear God Why wouldn't you allow those two consuming fires to be only one Why do you allow only fires aliens of each other to unite Why God I look even know deep in the eyes of my soul mate, in the eyes that were so stranger to me at the beginning. I feel it is above me, above my being, that my life has no meaning, but I also know that being together would kill us, because we would burn each other, as we both are much above the life of the other We are like the poles of a magnet which attract themselves because they are opposite, but if they were united the magnetism would disappear. This is why we will always attract ourselves seeking us in the other until death will make us forget each other in the instant of an eternal moment. Let's not forget that that moment too, no matter how eternal it is, is just a moment and nothing else. What about then Then will we seek each other restlessly again, in the infinity where we where born to die again, still wrapped in this cloak of vanity, of the impossibility of ever becoming close

    And I told myself I was in a trap from which I wanted to escape To escape where, do you, Man know where you want to go to break from tis inferno of your own existence No, I do not know because I am blind and my Knowledge is in face an Illusion of Life wrapped in non-Knowledge, which is the Absolute Truth as unknown to me as the non-Knowledge.

    The most important factor in mans life is hope.

    Living a life that in fact lives them, as well as death dies them every moment since the triumphal birth in order to die.

    When Man will re-find himself, then demons with angels and God with the Devil will reconcile. It will be a step forward, but not enough to remove the vanity of the world. Nevertheless, man will not admit defeat, he will struggle, and he will be once again put to the test of accepting a new Original Sin, of taking the blame of the divinity on him. This time he will not accept this low bargain and will allow eternal peace between God and the Devil and between the Good in Man and the Evil in Man in this world. Then he will slowly understand in its evolution as sacerdotal being that not only does he not have Will and Knowledge, not only that he is meant to grasp this world precisely through the Knowledge he does not have, he will understand that he is only the love he does not know and which forms the only meaning of his existence in this dream of the Illusion of Life. When he will find the Sacred Self, man will stop fighting with the vanity of its own existence because he will understand that this vanity it is given to him so that he will always turn against it , that this vanity is everything that pushed him to vileness and humbleness, to false, lie, murder and theft, he will finally know that this vanity belongs only to this world that is given by the Knowledge he does not have, by the dream of this Life running towards Death.

    Where else can be seen more Death than in the world of Life where each moment exists only through its reference to Death

    I can never feel that the Illusion of Life is a truth as long as any illusion reflects unreality however, even an untruth is a truth in its turn.

    Then I started thinking to the Destiny makers that continuously create new images y in books, on television or through other media that provide images. And I said these are Creating Factors and Unique Accidental too. And I looked through the window. It was snowing. The first snow flakes were laying silently on the frozen soil. All of a sudden the silence was broken by the beat of a doves wings. This is when I understood that the silence of the Great Void-Being was disturbed by only one Intended Occurrence, and everything that followed it was a big lie called Image, which is an Illusion and the Illusion is Destiny Eureka, I said, as if I had found the paradise of the Illusion of Life in which we hope to get after the so-called death. It was a paradise of the winner, except that this winner thought he was more defeated than ever because it was a victory over an empire of lie, of an Illusion of a Destiny, which deeply disturbed the Great Void-Being with its lies and hypocrisies.

    Then can we know where death begins Death begins from the first looks, the first whispers of love, from the first kisses, caresses and sex, when the being feels it shivers from the worm wind of the moments that gently wraps it and it wants not no lose the life of so many ancestors whose bones are in present breath of the being. Mans subconscious transmits that it in only through sex that he will be able to stay along with the bones and flesh of its ancestors by maintaining life that is merely a prelude of death. Then the being will vibrate loving and longing for a partner of opposite sex trying to understand the sexual impulse that dominated him but without being able to relate it to love because this in only possible when he knows the truth about the being and it is hidden somewhere in his sacred self. The truth on the birth of a new death lies in the sexual orgasm and it will be brought to this world as an offspring, following its path to the grave just as his forefathers, with blood and sweat, with hard work, despair and happiness, with fulfilment and tears. And this way the first kiss is born, the first flower is offered, along with the first stanzas from a poem of the Sacred Self.

    No matter how hard it is, true love is also the result of an accident in the dream of our life, and that accident is an event that happens in our soul. This event can be in another transcendental reality a volcano, a butterfly, a mountain or any other possible image we cannot even imagine.

    We know there is death only because it is the opposite of Life, and we can recognize only one opposite because we think on the basis of a bivalent logic of good and bad, beautiful and ugly, etc. How would Life or Death look like if they had three or more opposites What about us Would we know who we are and why we are so often humiliated by the moments of our own destiny Not even then would we know any of this because we are nothing more than a pale shadow of a face of God reflected into knowledge and then shadows dont come and they dont go, they simply disappear.

    Nevertheless, love was given to us not only as fulfilment, as ideal, but as suffering, hopelessness, despair too. Is it all this the shield of this vanity called dream of our life or Illusion of Life

    What else could be the apocalypse of Death but the Rebirth of Life

    How could such an absurd and unfair society that torments with self alienation the human being, already completely alienated be still saved How could a society such full of misery, of the wickedest tortures, because mans diabolical mind, once he has lost his Sacred Self, had the time to invent all these misdeeds. How could we save such a society Is it by saving the man, by explaining him about his Sacred Self No, I do not think so, because mans Sacred Self cannot be explained, but man will have to become aware of the great loss he suffered and to regain it himself. Will it ever be possible I believe so, but it will be necessary for the greatest Evil of man to disappear, namely churches, along with religion which humiliate him before a divinity alienated from itself. Such a salvation will only come if the man will know how to face his fear of Dying and of the lie of the Afterlife as described by some religious cults that thus keep the man chained in the absurd and self alienation. But until all these occur, all other humans will be the guinea pig of their own lives, as their life lives them instead of them living their life. Even when man will find again its Sacred Self, he will not be truly happy, but will understand that his life cannot consist of happiness, but of Balance. This is way it is infinitely better not to have a world at all than to have such a world.

    Only then man will raise his eyes to the sun that caressed with its rays so many millennia of frustration and anguish, of absurd and uncertainty, of lack of power and suffering. He will hail the sun and the stars and everything that surrounds him knowing they are all vanity of vanities. Vanity of vanities that will give man a meaning This vanity of vanities will tell the man that he truly dreams his own Illusion of Life, that he finally found the meaning.

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