Sorin Cerin Quotes on Death & Dying (37 Quotes)

    Why, Creator must it all reach man through the lie of Knowledge as long as it is not given so that man knows it It is precisely because in order to bring to light the vanity of this world that runs towards death once it has been tainted through a sexual act How much death is there in asexual act that leads to the birth of a new life In the sexual ct we will find the birth of death that will come with the creation of the being. There is not a being that has no death because everything that exists also dies and everything that dies must have lived in order to die, as mortality has in it as much life as life has death.Where will we find in this world the gate of death if not in the gate of life, in the sexual act, as we will find the gate of life exclusively in death because only in reference to it can life still be itself with its image of destiny included.

    Despite that, if these dreams are shadows of God reflected into knowledge, why Gods shadows are dreams Only because you can wake up from a dream and all these shadows always wake up in an infinite echo which depicts God If even Gods shadows can wake up, does it mean that God is above awakening Through Death, absolutely anything receives a connotation opposed to Life, but nevertheless, Life would never be Alive without Its Death which bestows on it its full shine, as Death wouldnt be what it is.

    But what can be more resembling to Life than Death Nothing And yet, they both obey a destiny which is a shadow of God, as we are too, except that this shadow can no longer be defined as an opposite to the other two, but as destiny, because we cannot think above a bivalent logic. Otherwise, Destiny too would be one of the opposites of Life or Death, because he too, just as the other two is a shadow of God, with the only difference that its a shadow that can be sighted through a superior logic.

    This is when Money will be dethroned Only when there will not be many people left, when most of them will save themselves through suicide ad those who remained did it for the spiritual, sacerdotal society of the Sacred Self, for the society in which their life will consist of finding the Self Balance; This is the future of mankind and if this is so, is it not suicide the way to the absolute, the absolute within us The true religion of the human being must be the one that excludes the fear of death Only such a religion can still save the Man. Nothing else will do it, because the only salvation of the Man is Suicide. In what do you see beauty Is it in the nature of this world or in the divine nature of this world It is in the divine nature of this world because the nature of this world can be awful through its natural or spiritual calamities, earthquakes or floods, wars or other types of cataclysms.

    Just like probably nowhere is more Life than in the world of Death, where its entire being rests on Life. If it hadnt been for Death, then there wouldnt be Life either, and as Life feeds Death, is possible that Death in return would feed Life at the cosmic lunch of the human feelings.

    Lets remember that suicide, as well as happiness can become a feeling.

    To define an opposite, its necessary to have only one opposable element, and in the worlds where there are more than two opposable elements, the singularity of the opposable element in comparison with the other disappears, in the sense that Life wouldnt be unique anymore in its reference to Death, but she could have three more elements such as this one or resembling to it, but that would refer to Death as total opposites.

    All the positions, fortunes, celebrities disappear as a snow flake that melts on the black asphalt of death. So does beauty too. And what else remains if not the piece of love that once existed in this great il or in this dream called life.

    Even we, when we look into a mirror we make refer to ourselves, but through the mirror. Does the real us stand in front of the mirror which reflects the unreal us How else is real Life reflected into the unreal Death One thing is certain and that is that our image in the mirror is real as long as we are reflected in the mirror. In this case, isnt Death Lifes image and thus Life becomes Deaths image The life we know as such through its reflection in death is in fact Our own Death

    The cardinal elements possess this title through the fact that they are the last frontier to the level of awareness through which that world can be defined. Life and Death are cardinal because nothing can include them in its structure by becoming an opposable reference, and yet what can be more opposable than waking up from this dream with world and destiny Destiny Waking up into Destiny.

    Why are we still born Why do we die Why are there villains in this so deceitful world Look at a waterfall or a winter picture where snow lies on the branches of the trees. Do they know is sunset or dawn are close, if they are so beautiful in the shining rays of the morning star I don not think they know we like them so much, as we cannot know if other being with other different Logical Coefficient like some of our characteristics that we do not even know we have. Then who are we Only a whisper of pain said in a evening clouded by the Creator, so clouded that this whisper gives immediately birth to death or better said, it becomes death when it is born, but an increasingly slow death until it truly passes the threshold of death and then is doe not die slowly anymore but resurrects, without knowing if this rebirth is one that will go towards a birth followed by another slow death, to the winter of the being because we know that spring always brings the buds of the new leaves that will later become the rusty colour of autumn, and if these leaves would not exist anymore, where would there be the deadly rusty colour of autumn It is nowhere.

    No life can be compared to another Life unless both refer to Death Even if a Life is different from another Life, it exists, as Life, only by referring to Death, because all other Lives it would refer to finally lead to the last referent which is a Life having as reference Death This is why I said the all the shine of Life consists of Death, as the shine of Death consists of Life.

    Why have I used the Void-Being terminology Because in Death, Void, Being, Life and the Bilderberg Group I have written on the fact that the void has its own opposite and this is the being, as the being is opposed to the void, but this only we think based on the Logical Coefficient 2, because if we thought based on a bigger Logical Coefficient, for instance, along with void and being we would have other opposites too. If we thought based on the Logical Coefficient 1, which is inferior to the one we use, then the void would not have any opposite, so the being would not exist anymore.

    The divine nature of this world involves for the human being the pure, absolute nature, the plenitude state of this world, because this is what the human being sees through divine, as it is divine too, it sees itself. Beauty consists of the divine nature of this world, just like the sublime and the perfection. In all theses, there is Good and Evil too. We cannot speak of sublime or divine perfection without knowing what Evil is in reference to the Good of the sublime, divine and perfection. The current hierarchy of the human society fights together with the cults for the Good alone, putting Evil aside and thus, by imposing the dictatorship of Good, leads to the exacerbation of Evil. If all these wrongs in the man are divine, is it worth it to wait for other hard times when he is to sacrifice other generations to reach the conclusion that most of the next generations will all be killed in order to allow a handful of villains to exist on top of the social pyramid, who will eventually realise that their vileness comes precisely from the hierarchy and when the hierarchy will disappear because there will not be the many and the tormented to support it, they will realize that the true path is the society of the Sacred Self. Is this all this worth it Does this Everest of suffering which is our world have a meaning No, it has no meaning for us, the human beings that know neither why we are born in this world, nor why we will die. We do not even know what we were before we were born or if we really were something, as we do not know if we will ever be something. Everything we know are all sorts of fairytales to which religious titles were given precisely because man find much more comfortable to declare fairytales for putting young children asleep as religions, turning them in fairytales for putting adult children asleep, instead of accepting the reality of Death and the impossibility of answering these questions.

    Nevertheless we refer to death as we live our entire lives through it. What else could life be than our own reflection in what we are not, so in death.

    Since we mirror in an entirely different reality from what we are, this means that everything we think we are living, our own existence, our dreams and hopes, our fear of Death is a big fake, because our reality is exactly what we are not, so Our Death

    No matter how high the waves of life would be, they will never surpass the depth of the ocean of death.

    Through suicide, Man will completely triumph over Death, over everything that alienates him from himself and that once used Death as pretence, because nothing was more sublime and wrong in the history of the social evolution of the human being than Death, which was and still is now, subconsciously the Self Absolute of the Man And yet, we must live

    When such a perfect society will be created or if it will ever be created is a question as difficult to answer as if the question would be how many wars will stille come. Nevertheless, my answer is that if such a perfect society, a society of the Sacred Self, a spiritual society existed, the premises through which to obtain such a society are terrible, if not awful, because, for such a society to exist, it will be necessary to change the current human within the man and replace it with the Sacred Self of Man through which he can became a sacerdotal being. How do you think this can be done if not through the most awful moments through which mankind could bear Those who control the monster called money will have to understand that no matter how many crimes they will make, they will not be able to stop the downfall, to keep people as slaves of this instrument. People will have to understand that their entire social hierarchy is outdated, that no matter how many death and wars will still come for this hierarchy, they are in vain, that the murderous and infamous hierarchy systems cannot go on anymore, that there will be plenty of dead people, of human beings that understood that their only salvation is not the fear of Dying, but precisely Death Suicide.

    Are we people above animals because we strongly believe in this dream of our life that we are superior on this planet or are we simple insane people running towards death, living life as they were eternal.

    Man has to wake up from this sleep and to understand that he has a way though which he can end this vileness called human society or world, though the fact of trying to his best to inhibit the natural instinct of having offspring and those who want to take the fastest way to salvation, should commit suicide. The war is a way towards the mass suicide, but not the Way of the Spiritual Coaxialism, because war is the instrument of the villains in the social hierarchy, though which they want to obtain even more privileges. It is not a path of man to save himself, even if he indirectly saves himself through death.

    Only this way the human life will escape its own burden, its own image, its own Destiny, the vanity, the deceit and the absurd, the strange coldness of this world, finally choosing the complete peace of the Nirvana it was looking throughout its historical evolution, a strange and absurd Nirvana itself in reference to the increasingly humble and insignificant being compared to it, to the stranger that replaces more often self and more inhumanly, that mocks her creating it a society increasingly petty and absurd. Is suicide the saving solution of the mankind Is it not any other way through which man would chase away the alien within him, the absurd and the anxiety so that he can find his Sacred Self that was stolen so many millennia ago What other way could there be except suicide.

    In spite all that, we still dont really know what this dream called Life is, as we dont know anything of the other one called Death.

    It is only by spring that the death of the autumns returns. What about winter, which is death When the pure snow white covers the naked bodies of the trees that no longer have leaves, when they sleep dreaming about the new leaves that will come over their bodies with bark covered by ice and freezing Do these trees know that they are just like our ancestors, that for generations produced branches of offspring in our history, of each one of us, even if these branches, some of them forgotten, have been almost fully burned by the original sin that came as a curse on our beings when we lots our Sacred Self, the divinity in us. As not even trees know how beautiful they are, in the eyes of the people, during spring, when they give birth to death, we do not know how beautiful we can be at the time of the first kiss or of the first love words to those for which we are, just as trees are for us a wonder of nature, of the spring. Why should we not find peace and the divinity within us like this, if the trees have done it to Or they do not know this peace Should they have an Original Sin too Are they as cursed as the humans are But why are we humans cursed Good God Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one, why, in this dream of yours, did you allow this whisper of pain, that is the Man to be also cursed Wasnt it enough that he was so frail in this huge ocean of suffering of his desecrated history.

    Do not even hope at death before being awakened from the dream of life.

    Know that holiness too is a part of love and you are a saint of my destiny, a religion of my life, a belief of the forgotten being inside me, the stranger that I am, headed for nowhere, knowing that where it is I will find my fulfilment through death, expecting you

    Death is reflected as either the greatest Evil or it becomes the greatest Saviour.And we get to the same conclusion, namely that Salvation consists of Death

    When Man will re-find himself, then demons with angels and God with the Devil will reconcile. It will be a step forward, but not enough to remove the vanity of the world. Nevertheless, man will not admit defeat, he will struggle, and he will be once again put to the test of accepting a new Original Sin, of taking the blame of the divinity on him. This time he will not accept this low bargain and will allow eternal peace between God and the Devil and between the Good in Man and the Evil in Man in this world. Then he will slowly understand in its evolution as sacerdotal being that not only does he not have Will and Knowledge, not only that he is meant to grasp this world precisely through the Knowledge he does not have, he will understand that he is only the love he does not know and which forms the only meaning of his existence in this dream of the Illusion of Life. When he will find the Sacred Self, man will stop fighting with the vanity of its own existence because he will understand that this vanity it is given to him so that he will always turn against it , that this vanity is everything that pushed him to vileness and humbleness, to false, lie, murder and theft, he will finally know that this vanity belongs only to this world that is given by the Knowledge he does not have, by the dream of this Life running towards Death.

    Then I started thinking to the Destiny makers that continuously create new images y in books, on television or through other media that provide images. And I said these are Creating Factors and Unique Accidental too. And I looked through the window. It was snowing. The first snow flakes were laying silently on the frozen soil. All of a sudden the silence was broken by the beat of a doves wings. This is when I understood that the silence of the Great Void-Being was disturbed by only one Intended Occurrence, and everything that followed it was a big lie called Image, which is an Illusion and the Illusion is Destiny Eureka, I said, as if I had found the paradise of the Illusion of Life in which we hope to get after the so-called death. It was a paradise of the winner, except that this winner thought he was more defeated than ever because it was a victory over an empire of lie, of an Illusion of a Destiny, which deeply disturbed the Great Void-Being with its lies and hypocrisies.

    Then can we know where death begins Death begins from the first looks, the first whispers of love, from the first kisses, caresses and sex, when the being feels it shivers from the worm wind of the moments that gently wraps it and it wants not no lose the life of so many ancestors whose bones are in present breath of the being. Mans subconscious transmits that it in only through sex that he will be able to stay along with the bones and flesh of its ancestors by maintaining life that is merely a prelude of death. Then the being will vibrate loving and longing for a partner of opposite sex trying to understand the sexual impulse that dominated him but without being able to relate it to love because this in only possible when he knows the truth about the being and it is hidden somewhere in his sacred self. The truth on the birth of a new death lies in the sexual orgasm and it will be brought to this world as an offspring, following its path to the grave just as his forefathers, with blood and sweat, with hard work, despair and happiness, with fulfilment and tears. And this way the first kiss is born, the first flower is offered, along with the first stanzas from a poem of the Sacred Self.

    Then who is the Man that has no Will, or Knowledge LoveThis is the Man, a piece of love from birth to death, a faint and painful whisper in the Universe, a whisper of nature that conceived him to be happy and tormented, to know that he knows and nothing else, and when he knows to believe he also has will. Man is a deceitful whisper of CreationMan knows that his entire world only exists through Knowledge, but he does not know that it is precisely this Knowledge that he does not know and that in fact the world of Knowledge does not exist like this either. Everything that Man does not really know is that he is Love..The, even if he knew he is love, what good does it do to know that this love too reaches him through Knowledge

    What else could be the apocalypse of Death but the Rebirth of Life

    How could such an absurd and unfair society that torments with self alienation the human being, already completely alienated be still saved How could a society such full of misery, of the wickedest tortures, because mans diabolical mind, once he has lost his Sacred Self, had the time to invent all these misdeeds. How could we save such a society Is it by saving the man, by explaining him about his Sacred Self No, I do not think so, because mans Sacred Self cannot be explained, but man will have to become aware of the great loss he suffered and to regain it himself. Will it ever be possible I believe so, but it will be necessary for the greatest Evil of man to disappear, namely churches, along with religion which humiliate him before a divinity alienated from itself. Such a salvation will only come if the man will know how to face his fear of Dying and of the lie of the Afterlife as described by some religious cults that thus keep the man chained in the absurd and self alienation. But until all these occur, all other humans will be the guinea pig of their own lives, as their life lives them instead of them living their life. Even when man will find again its Sacred Self, he will not be truly happy, but will understand that his life cannot consist of happiness, but of Balance. This is way it is infinitely better not to have a world at all than to have such a world.

    We cannot imagine Life without Death, because the entire Life rests on Death, otherwise it wouldnt exist.

    The prayer is the symbol of vanity and not of bowing before a divinity, because it only though prayer that man becomes solidary to divinity. Once man becomes solidary to Divinity, to the Universe, he becomes free, because the base of this divinity is the vanity of vanities He becomes free through Vanity because everything is vanity, the entire world and all of mans divinity Before understanding all of this, mankind will have to go through sufferings that are hard to imagine. There will be several wars, more and more devastating, with many victims killed in the most barbaric way possible, and all of this so that some may dominate this world through fire and sword and others to remain their slaves. Mankind will go through times with more and more unmerciful diseases due to viruses that will be, most of them, created in military genetics laboratories. They will kill a great number of persons and they will bring new sufferings. The political and administrative maps will be constantly changing as a result of deaths and occupations of all sorts.

    Then we will become aware that just by returning to us, to that piece of ourselves, we will start to see Knowledge, but without using the eyes, to feel the Truth, but without using the senses, to grasp the Known because we found out the Unknown precisely because it is unknown and difficult to find, then we will become ourselves and we will look towards the stars in our inner sky by living what should have been the death of life or the life of the death within us.

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