Stuart Rose Quotes (16 Quotes)

    We've got a bit of growth a bit earlier than expected.

    Clearly it would be quite nice to get to 400 pence (but) that will only be a journey. The market will decide...what our earnings or potential earnings are worth and price us accordingly,

    Three weeks is a long time in retail and there was no humble pie eaten,

    Customers want good value, but they care more than ever how food and clothing products are made.

    We have already received such positive feedback from customers we will be extending the range further this autumn.

    I want to please every woman, every time.

    The environment remains very difficult and we have the important Christmas trading period ahead,

    If we get through to January, and continue along this trend, we'll be more confident about the sustainability of what we've delivered this morning,

    The business has substantial further trading potential which will be unlocked through a return to the core values of quality, value, service, innovation and trust,

    There are a lot of very busy blokes about who wear a suit for work, who go through a lot of wear and tear and who'll want this because of convenience, The customer is time-compressed and, in middle America, also pocket-book compressed.

    It's a solid set of results. I would say so far, so good,

    The thing about London is that it is a hotbed of new and exciting talent. We don't aim to compete on a like-for-like basis, we aim to do what we can do best.

    The sum total of all this demonstrates that Philip Green's offer significantly undervalues the business,

    People want cheap goods and Italy does not make them. Protectionism does not work

    We have been at pains to point out that we've got the critical three months to Christmas to go. If we get to January and we're on a similar sort of track, then we can start talking about a recovery.

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    Value - America - Service - People - Fool - Autumn - Woman - Time - Product - Mastery & Expertise - Business & Commerce - Work & Career - Trust - Quality - Morning - Creativity & Innovation - View All Stuart Rose Quotations

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