Efforts Quotes (3708 Quotes)

    A White House spokesman, Steve Schmidt, accused Democrats of trying to smear the judge. It is worrisome that there may be an effort under way by Democrats to try to cut up the judge and attack his integrity, and try to blemish a career of public service where his integrity has never been questioned, ... His integrity is beyond reproach. There is no substantive basis at all to any allegation of impropriety.

    The United States may not necessarily be dependent on foreign aid, but the donation presented by Kuwait is an expression of solidarity with the people of America and a small contribution in efforts to help the victims of the hurricane,

    We learned some things. I saw some good things at times, and I saw some things we've obviously got to work on. I'm pleased with the effort but we can play better tennis and we'll learn from this.

    I am most pleased with J.R. and Keith combining for 10 assists and only one turnovers. That's the kind of effort we should get from these guys because people are going to pressure out on these guys, and they are going to have to feed the post. Also, Aaron was as good as he has been all year tonight.

    I'm very proud of our employees and the outstanding results they delivered for the quarter and the year. I'd like to thank our entire team for their unwavering commitment to meeting customers' needs. As a result of their efforts, we're growing our business even as we refine our model for the future.

    We wanted to run (tonight), that is our style, but clearly that is their game as well. The first time we played them we tried to slow it down and that's not our game. I told our girls that I'd rather risk being great with the risk of losing than playing it safe. I'm very proud of the effort. They got a lot of second shots and they beat us on the boards on both ends.

    At that point we were 3-5. At halftime of the Newark Catholic game, we talked about having the energy, the excitement and the enthusiasm and giving the effort it takes to win. In the second half, and despite losing to Johnstown, I started to see those things. Since that point, we won five of our last six and it's not by accident.

    It was a total team effort. We played 16-17 guys per game. It's really good to see contributions up and down our lineup. When they get to the ball park, they are ready to play because they know they are going to play at some point and time.

    The terrorists appear, and we've let them fill this vacuum that's the Internet without any push back. This has not been like a political campaign where immediately there's some response and an effort to take their message and spin it in a different direction.

    What a response. The Ironwood community has responded with overwhelming generosity. Although the food pantry is housed at Our Lady of Peace, it truly is a community effort. Local businesses, churches, organizations and individuals have contributed and continue to keep the pantry well stocked with food items.

    We will win this nomination battle, but as in the past it's going to take a huge amount of effort by the entire community, everybody pitching in. In the end, I do think we'll prevail.

    In 1995, ... the court ordered a 10,000 bond to ensure compliance with a cleanup effort. When that court order came down, it was cleaned up in a matter of days. Fast -forward to 2005 - if it works, it will be a win-win situation.

    I'm very happy with the quality of play today. The girls have improved a lot since last week. They had a great effort. They played hard and ran hard.

    We're doing everything to keep our employees and utilize them in the most productive manner in an effort to have our community return to the way it was.

    I don't want to be embarrassed, that's the only thing I ask. I don't have any criticism about effort. I have no criticism about the work ethic. I just don't want to be embarrassed, and I've been embarrassed the last two days.

    Throughout the initiative's three-year history, we've received stories of more than 10,000 everyday heroes nationwide. Each person is an inspiring and compelling individual who in his or her unique way has dramatically improved a person's life or brought change to a community. We applaud everyone's efforts, and we encourage people to nominate their own hero in the coming week.

    Well, we are not doing that film actually. At least I am not at the moment, but we are making an effort to get it done; I don't know whether we'll get the financing for it. The old story we had it, it fell out of place and this and that.

    Meeting today's and tomorrow's demands for safe, fresh water requires everyone's efforts, from isolated village communities to global industries and world leaders. Solutions need to be as diverse as the threats. The key will be in finding solutions that view meeting people's needs and nature conservation as compatible, not conflicting, aims.

    You will be able to move around the content as you see fit, which is the future. This is kind of a 'fix your own pizza' concept. There are some real jewels in these concerts that haven't been put out before, and this kind of effort will make the legacy of The Doors even better.

    It's clear to me now that we've got to reach out to the Arab Sunni community in particular in an effort to cause some moderate political activity to take place so they join the future of Iraq.

    It's the same theory that Lance Armstrong exploits whenever he's riding in the Tour de France. He's taking advantage of the draft created by other riders to reduce the amount of effort he has to make.

    It's been a total team effort. On this team, one guy steps up after another. They've got each other's back. We have a strong unity on defense with each player feeling supported by his teammates. We have had great timing, and timing is everything in the game of soccer.

    I've never been through something like that, but I'm pleased with the effort our seniors gave us and pleased our players kept fighting and wouldn't give in, despite all the adversity.

    Our 2005 salesperson of the year award winners have brought great value to Choice as a result of their efforts. The franchise sales team had another record-breaking year with 639 executed contracts in 2005, continuing our pattern of record growth from 2004 and establishing a standard by which we will measure 2006.

    The vice president expressed the concern that a review of what happened on September 11 would take resources and personnel away from the effort in the war on terrorism,

    Or did you say it's the love of money that's the root of all evil To love a thing is to know its nature. To love money is to known and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men. It's the person who would sell his soul for a nickel, who is loudest in proclaiming his hatred of money and he has good reason to hate it. The lovers of money are willing to work for it. They know they are able to deserve it.

    You can watch our players. He has generated this tremendous level of effort by our linemen and our receivers because they don't know where he's going to wind up, and they're convinced when he's running the football it might be to right where they are. Nobody wants to be embarrassed by not having a full level of effort on the play.

    To be an artist includes much; one must possess many gifts - absolute gifts - which have not been acquired by one's own effort. And, moreover, to succeed, the artist much possess the courageous soul.

    When you're already out of the playoffs, you need to find to certain things to motivate you. I thought we did a good job of stressing the fact that this is a huge rivalry for us and we owe it to our fans and ourselves to come out and put in a good effort.

    It doesn't matter whether you get beat 100-0 or 1-0, it all counts as one game. That's the way we look at it. We did some good things the other night, and obviously we did some bad things. We'll build on the good things and correct the bad things and come out with a better effort.

    Vancouver is a good hockey team. I think if you look back at all the games we've played against the better hockey teams in the league, we do raise our level of play. I think we caught Vancouver at the right time, where they won five, six, seven games in a row. They came in and we put up a real good effort. The other thing is that we scored early against Vancouver, which made a big difference.

    The process of making a movie has expanded in terms of effort and time for the director, doing commentaries for the DVD for example, finishing deleted scenes so they could be on the DVD, and doing things like a web blog.

    While meditating I sit quietly and rest in the nature of mind I don't question or doubt whether I am in the 'correct' state or not. There is no effort, only rich understanding, wakefulness, and unshakable certainty. When I am in the nature of mind, the ordinary mind is no longer there. There is no need to sustain or confirm a sense of being I simply am.

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