Efforts Quotes (3708 Quotes)

    We had ample opportunity to score. But River Valley was almost perfect in the field, shutting down rally after rally with outstanding defensive effort.

    Slaying terrorism, and the extremist nationalism and perversion of religion that breeds it, will require our greatest effort, both as Iraqis and as new members of the alliance of democracies.

    It seems that we were able to string some hits together and quit hitting the ball right at people. I'm happy with the effort, but we're still far from where we want to be. We're still making some mistakes in close games that cost us in the first half.

    Today we stopped their sedation, ... We gave them all caffeine, which is an effort to help them improve their breathing, and tomorrow we hope to -- those who have had a good response to this -- to take them off ventilation and see if they can breathe on their own.

    We are investing a great deal of resources in the police and army. Those forces will not be regarded as credible forces if run by a minister who is sectarian or has ties to militias. It undermines the efforts to build these forces.

    This was as good a performance as I've seen in awhile. These guys were awesome. I could have called any play on my sheet today. The blocking was crisp, the running was outstanding, the effort was awesome.

    Today's agreement does not eliminate the possibility of power interruption this summer. Power supply remains very tight. We are going to need full participation of all Californians in strong conservation effort.

    About 1 in 20 transactions that are flagged up as unusual turn out to be fraudulent. It can take a lot of effort and time for staff to contact customers to check if fraud is taking place.

    Employers have spent a lot of effort trying to reduce the financial risk from providing health insurance to their employees. But the greater risk is what employees' health problems can cost them in the form of lost productivity at work or the total burden of illness. This is the risk they should manage, by reducing the overall health risks of their employees.

    The administration will aggressively fight the war on terror in an effort to protect the American people while at the same time upholding the civil liberties of the American people. The president is doing both of these things and will continue to do both of these things.

    A strong public education system is just essential to business and economic growth. We've been focused on desegregation for 41 years. Now, we get to focus on the next step. It's up to us to do it. No one has a big stick standing over us. I always find that voluntary efforts are the most fruitful - plus, we have no excuses.

    She's shown the most improvement I've ever seen from one year to the next. She's improved her game by more than a shot a hole in the past year. She really made the commitment in the offseason to put some effort into golf.

    In evaluating potential vendors, accurately estimating total cost of ownership is critical. Yet, this is often an area where companies don't put the right amount of effort. This tool can help those looking at Warehouse Management Systems get their arms around this key issue.

    We have lost over 2,000 of our best and bravest. Over 15,000 have been seriously wounded, ... We are spending more than 6 billion a month, with no end in sight. And this Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee refuses to even ask the hard questions about the misinformation and disinformation given to the American people, and the efforts made by the members of this administration to cover it up.

    Our technology development effort is proceeding as planned. We understand the technologies needed for the airplane and the team of professionals from Boeing and our partners is working tirelessly to develop and prove them.

    We're going to ask that people reach out to (Ruffin) and make a donation to the University of Cincinnati Hurricane Katrina effort. We also have Mike Brown, whose family is living on the second floor of their home right now. The first floor is flooded. So let's try to do what we can for our own and help them move forward with their life.

    I'm just real happy for those kids. They worked hard to earn these opportunities. I think they are all very deserving and it's going to be a great opportunity for them. We want as many of them as possible that want to play at the next level get that chance. It's nice to see them get rewarded for their efforts.

    The events of (Monday) and (Tuesday) have made it clear that this is not the time to play a football game. This is a dire situation that rivals any in the history of our state, and our priorities are on participating in recovery efforts.

    These girls will not quit. The effort and competitiveness of this group has been outstanding. What I've been trying to convince them of is their season is not lost, and that they can still prove that they're one of the best teams White Swan has ever seen.

    I want answers - we all want answers - as to why it took so long for rescue teams to get on the ground. There is no excuse for the days of delay and the inexplicable lack of coordination in the response effort, ... We knew the danger was coming. Yet, the government failed to respond. Lives were lost because the government failed to do its job.

    While much work lies ahead, we are pleased that recovery efforts are under way in the communities affected by Hurricane Katrina and that almost all of our stores have resumed normal operations. I want to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of the countless number of our associates and partners who are responsible for getting our stores up and running. We look forward to continuing to provide our customers with our outstanding selection of movies and video game rentals.

    It is my strong contention that there is an infinitely higher thrill which, like climbing a mountain or singing a beautiful song, once experienced never stops begging to be repeated. That thrill has its beginnings in the private and personal discovery of revealed truth the universal laws by which God is governed and by which he governs. It has its development in private and personal decisions to test that law through acts of faith followed by effort. And the consummation of that thrill comes in watching and, indeed, experiencing body and soul the miraculous unfolding of events as they proceed by methods far beyond our feeble capacities to dream of.

    So, all in all, I applaud the effort. If he can gather up enough user support, he could snowball it into something the vendor world is forced to deal with, but unless that happens it will probably be like wrangling cats.

    I know we all would love to have more interceptions and sacks, but we don't worry about the sacks. I don't worry about the sacks. We want pass rush. Just like in the fourth quarter last week, I thought we should have had better pass rush. I'm not making excuses. They got tired at the end. He is such a team player. I'm sure it's more of a pride thing with him more than anything else. It will come. He's playing well. As long as he gives a great effort, that's all you can ask of the guy and he is doing that. He is doing a great job of being a team player.

    Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends.

    I think, for her, she felt personally that being at home would benefit her more. She was a great part of our program for 2 12 years we appreciate the effort she put in and we really wish her the best.

    I think we have good coaches and good players in this state. We've really made an effort to re- cruit well in the state. I think the records would show that we have, particularly in the last few years. You look at our roster and it is further proof that we are winning with a lot of Virginia kids.

    When you come out to play a rival you never know. Regardless of the up-and-downs, you are going to get the best effort. It was important for us to come out focused. You want to jump on them early and stay up. If you give the team life at any point in time they can come back and beat you.

    We have to work, we cant rest on any possession, we have to give maximum effort. We got some loose balls, we got on the offensive glass. We were able to convert on those hustle plays.

    Her chief attribute was that she was great at getting things going. In later years she would come by and see how it was going, and I'm sure it was a great feeling that the place was not just continuing to go, but prospering - that her early efforts were rewarded.

    From an intangible standpoint, it's about things like effort, mental toughness, the ability to stay focused and execute, and be a little relentless in the way you try to go about your work, ... We're gladiators out there. We're modern-day gladiators and that mental toughness has got to permeate your team.

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