Characters Quotes (3622 Quotes)

    It is the creator of fiction's point of view; it is the character who interests him. Sometimes he wants to convince the reader that the story he is telling is as interesting as universal history.

    Every time I've made a movie over the years . . . there was a lot of confusion between who I am and who the character in the movie is. In this picture, there was no way anybody could make that association. The lead character (played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers) is this gorgeous, troubled, highly sensitive character. There was no way anyone could confuse me with anyone in the picture.

    I did not know who I was. But now, watching it all unfold and having a past, a present and a future I think what a little character I was. The character I am now, it's a good and seasoned woman. There's not so much vaudeville, but plenty of heart.

    But some actors I have met possess an intelligence that I can only dream of. It's about character, it's about behavior. They understand things about people that I simply don't see.

    First, you do a piece of material that begins and ends and has a flow; it's not chopped up as in a film, where in an extreme case you might be doing the last scene of the script the first day that you go to work, and you don't know enough about the character you're playing.

    According to Gandhi, the seven sins are wealth without works, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, and politics without principle. President Carter told of finding 'The Seven Sins' engraved on the wall of Gandhi's memorial. President JIMMY CARTER, eulogy at funeral services for former Vice President Hubert Humphrey, St. Paul, Minnesota, January 16, 1978. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Jimmy Carter 1978, book 1, p. 80.

    I kept bugging them about making it more upscale, because I felt Abby, through her cleverness and business sense, was a character who would move up. And that's what she did.

    He's wanted to diminish the CGI as much as possible and put a man in a suit with CGI changes. He was afraid of the whole thing looking like a cartoon I suspect he's trying to make the character look as real as possible.

    I think actors are getting so much more power these days, but I'm not. I stay very much away from the decisions, the way in which things are orchestrated, what's been changed. I just try to stay completely in the role as the actor and as the character.

    A lot of the stuff that I've done is just really broad comedy and the characters are not that bright. Obviously with the 'American Pie' films and 'Road Trip,' my guys were kind of dicks. These guys in 'Dukes' are good guys.

    Let no man write my epitaph for as no man who knows my motives dare now vindicate them, let not prejudice or ignorance asperse them. Let them rest in obscurity and peace Let my memory be left in oblivion, my tomb remain uninscribed, until other times and other men can do justice to my character.

    We were able to come back today. We showed a lot of character and stayed poised and didn't get down, ... But we have to come in next week and try to do better.

    I always knew I wanted to be a character in the movies. When I was growing up, I had to have a lot of surgery, and I spent a lot of time recovering at home and in the hospital. Watching movies took me away from my own problems and gave me a total escape.

    The real art is bringing (each dummy) to life. The whole purpose is to make the people connect with that character. Not for them to see if your mouth is moving.

    I didn't know how to kill off a character unless I was able, as a narrator, to get really complicated. Because it was a big deal. I'd never killed a character before.

    That's a good sign of the character of our team, ... I said, OK, it's not going well for me offensively, so I've got to block some shots, play tough defense and rebound the basketball. That was my niche today. Austin, Ron, Jason and Jamaal carried us offensively.

    I'm just happy for him that he is playing well, ... A lot of times up here you go through tough things. At any one time in the NFL, you're going to have a number of players on a team who are going through tough situations. A lot of times the way they handle it is a measure of someone's character. I think that was Mark's situation last year and Patrick's situation now. The way you go through the tough times leads you to improvement and great performance in the future. It's a test of character when you go through that.

    I'd only seen him as the hero or the foppish best friend - so I felt predisposed to like him. On the other hand, Granger's character is not particularly attractive at all - 1950s film heroes were supposed to be strong and confident, yet here is this rather tediously weak man, who allows himself to be pushed around by women.

    Obsession led me to write. It's been that way with every book I've ever written. I become completely consumed by a theme, by characters, by a desire to meet a challenge.

    We're proud of him because of the person he is and because he feels so strongly that he has a story that is inspirational, and he's willing to tell it over and over and share with other people and give people hope, ... I think that says a lot about his character.

    I always think of the character as being me. But me wearing a 'coat', which may be a different way of speaking, moving or regarding other people. To me, acting is pretending, just like kids playing, only you pretend as if it were really, really real.

    I think with Ray you got somebody who really is an unusual person and an unusual player in the NBA in terms of his character, his leadership and how he takes care of himself, ... If you were going to make a bet on someone, I think Ray Allen is the poster child for that. I feel very comfortable.

    I'm involved in some action scenes, so they'll train me for that. I'll be working with my acting coach to prepare for my character.

    Jim had to go on the dole, but he didn't wear the pain on his sleeve, ... He accepted it and kept trying to do the best he could for his family. The Great Depression is a character, and I think the villain in this piece is poverty. If there's a single moment in Braddock's life that I think makes him important in history, it's the fact that he went to the Social Security Commission and repaid the money he'd taken when he was on the dole. That shows you more about his character than anything in his boxing career.

    The seniors will leave a four-year legacy of not only winning but heart, character and class. The seniors would not allow us to lose. That is the legacy this class leaves.

    A nation's character is the sum of its splendid deeds they constitute one common patrimony, the nation's inheritance. They awe foreign powers, they arouse and animate our own people.

    The best way to disrespect somebody is to just walk away from them. But that is the show business part of what we have to deal with, and to me it's wrong. It's a bad example for young people to see and it's not the kind of character and attitude that we want our players to represent this organization in, our owner, the Miami Dolphins ... or the people on the team who all have to suffer because of that.

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