John Landis Quotes on Movies (5 Quotes)

    Looking back over the film reminds me of the extraordinary times we had, ... It was a great experience. The characters somehow resonated, and the musical talent is so incredible. This was also before CGI (computer-generated special effects), and we wrecked every one of those cars.

    I think you can see in the movie how passionate, really passionate John and Danny were about the music. It's a unique situation where you have two guys who are exploiting their own celebrity of the moment to focus a spotlight on these great acts.

    There were five films in that time that had budgets of over 25 million that were criticized before they even came out, ... Apocalypse Now, Heaven's Gate, Star Trek - The Motion Picture, 1941 and The Blues Brothers. They started calling us '1942.' But the interesting thing is that, with the exception of one (Heaven's Gate), all of those movies were very successful. When Animal House celebrated its 25th anniversary, many of the same critics who (dumped) on it originally were now calling it a classic.

    It's a whole new economic model . . . It's corporate, it's based on fear. They try to do what they think is safe. I would say half the movies I've made I could not make now with a major studio. They would not let me . . . I watched Chinatown the other day. What studio do you think would make that movie now with that plot and that ending

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