Quotes about weavers (12 Quotes)

    Old stories would tell how Weavers would kill each other over aesthetic disagreements, such as whether it was prettier to destroy an army of a thousand men or to leave it be, or whether a particular dandelion should or should not be plucked. For a Weaver, to think was to think aesthetically. To act--to Weave--was to bring about more pleasing patterns. They did not eat physical food: they seemed to subsist on the appreciation of beauty.

    They said, 'Come on, who would you rather have living next to you The crazy white-separatist Weavers or a family of respected FBI agents' ... The only answer I could come up with was, 'Whichever one plays their music quieter.'

    I'm legit now, ... I won't be breaking Billy Martin's or Earl Weaver's records, but that's been building up for a long time. I don't want to get a reputation, but I want to protect my players.

    It seems to me that there must be an ecological limit to the number of paper pushers the earth can sustain, and that human civilization will collapse when the number of, say, tax lawyers exceeds the world's total population of farmers, weavers, fisherpersons, and pediatric nurses.

    I certainly believe the Weavers were utterly innocent, were a threat to nobody, and if you can't believe crazy things on top of a mountain in Idaho, where can you believe crazy things

    I think of those weavers working through the damp Christmas months to get the tapestry done in six months per the contract in Florence, and clinging to every minute of daylight. Probably they had the artist breathing down their neck.

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