Quotes about lawmaker (12 Quotes)

    I think our party members staked (the party's future) on the Maehara's youth and ability ... It is utterly necessary for each DPJ lawmaker and other rank-and-file members to back the new leader and stick together.

    Let's face it, he has always been an accomplished lawmaker and has political enemies therefore who will try to damage him. I always thought this investigation was more politically motivated than factually based. This one smacks so much of political vindictiveness and so many questions are aroused that we'll have to see.

    This must be the only industry in the world where you can have a total novice, who has not even been in management for one year, being touted for the top job in English football. Would we say the next prime minister is going to be someone who has not even been elected as an MP (lawmaker) yet No.

    They're buying face time with the lawmaker. And they're not regular Joe constituents. They're lobbyists with an agenda. It's an opportunity in a nice, picturesque setting to get this kind of intimate access that you wouldn't get if you trooped up to Capit

    He's truly a renaissance individual for our times, ... I've likened him to a Will Rogers voice in Congress (with) humor (and) common sense. He brought real legislative achievements, working on environmental issues for Southern California ... working on issues for the voters of California by protecting their will against activist judges. He was a well-rounded and dedicated lawmaker.

    There were many tie votes in the Texas House in 2005 on critical education bills, so a new Austin legislator could be the tiebreaker. We need a lawmaker who will consistently be on the side of public school parents and PTA leaders. Austin's new leader should have the courage to stand with parents and not succumb to pressure by power brokers promoting ideological education agendas.

    A vast majority of the votes have to do with policy matters, for which your member has one vote out of 120. It's (a new lawmaker) unlikely to dramatically change anything.

    The typical lawmaker of today is a man wholly devoid of principle -- a mere counter in a grotesque and knavish game. If the right pressure could be applied to him, he would be cheerfully in favor of polygamy, astrology or cannibalism.

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