Quotes about inconveniences (15 Quotes)

    I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames.

    She accepted the travel and living in hotels for 11 months, ... With a child, she could have said she wanted to be home, and that would have been difficult. After a match it's 10 p. m., and then you have dinner until 12 - all the inconveniences of a pro athlete. Tennis was my first priority, and she accepted it. She gave advice and supported me.

    I have commenced to feel the infirmities of increasing age and years and so many of us now, after these many years of toil, have to struggle with the going down sun of our earthly existence. But we have the consolation of knowing that our mortal body will not always impede our progress, we shall not forever suffer its inconveniences we are gladdened in the hope of either laying down this mortal tabernacle or undergoing that welcome change which will free us from all afflications and annoyances. And as we hail the day when we shall be free from sorrow and death, to forever rejoice in the joys of everlasting lives.

    Over a century after the publication of the Copernican system, one of England's most renowned intellectual luminaries was still unconvinced 'Nevertheless, in the system of Copernicus there are found many and great inconveniences for both the loading of the earth with a triple motion is very incommodious, and the separation of the sun from the company of the planets, with which it has so many passions in common, is likewise a difficulty, and the introduction of so much immobility in nature, by representing the sun and stars as immovable, especially being of all bodies the highest and most radiant, and making the moon revolve about the earth in an epicycle, and some other assumptions of his, are the speculations of one who cares not what fictions he introduces into nature, provided his calculations answer.'

    We regret the need to take this step, which inconveniences more than 500,000 My.MP3.com account holders, ... While we disagree with the court's decision, we also want to demonstrate our good faith and strong desire to achieve an expeditious business resolution.

    Often companies are not aware of additional inconveniences caused by their service failures. They know the new TV you bought from them broke but don't know you had all of your friends over to watch the game when the picture went out.

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