Being in a foreign country means walking a tightrope high above the ground without the net afforded a person by the country where he has his family, colleagues, and friends, and where he can easily say what he has to say in a language he has known from childhood.
("The Unbearable Lightness of Being")
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Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.
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Fidelity gives a unity to lives that would otherwise splinter into thousands of split-second impressions.
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She regarded books as the emblems of secret brotherhood. A man with this sort of library couldn't possibly hurt her.
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Nothing requires a greater effort of thought than arguments to justify the rule of non-thought.
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Art is the human disposition of sensible or intelligible matter for an esthetic end.
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