Seriously. I'm not very bright, and it takes a lot for me to get a concept - to really get a concept. To get it enough that it becomes part of me. But when it happens I get real excited about it.
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A lot of food shows need only to tempt. Some food shows only need to inspire, to empower. And there are a lot of shows that do that.Alton Brown
I looked for a very long time, knowing that it had to happen, but it took me a long time to find someone with the same background and whatnot and I finally found him.
Alton Brown
My first book is really about heat. That book, for me, was an exploration of heat as ingredient. Why we don't talk about heat as an ingredient, I don't quite understand, because it is the common ingredient to all cooking processes.
Alton Brown
In the end the French chef that nearly killed me became one of my best friends, and she could never quite understand how that happened.
Alton Brown
Take ice. Ice is fascinating to me. Ice is the one thing in our world that went from an agricultural product to being manufactured.
Alton Brown
Recipe writers hate to write about heat. They despise it. Because there aren't proper words for communicating what should be done with it.
Alton Brown
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