Todd Bertuzzi Quotes (55 Quotes)

    It was neat, but it's something that we're all going to have to get used to. It's like basketball, shooting a free throw and the crowd behind you going nuts.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank Canucks fans and the city of Vancouver for all of your kind wishes, ... Your support, coupled with that of my teammates, Canucks ownership, management and staff and my agent Pat Morris have been a great help in these very difficult times.

    If I could explain it I wouldn't be here, ... Trust me, I've been off for a long time and had a lot of sleepless nights trying to think of things but you know what It happened. I can't go back and change what happened. The only thing I can do is come back even stronger, a better person off the ice and a better person on the ice.

    They are a lot better team than their record and that is something we have to start respecting more is teams in that position -- how hungry they are and how they are fighting for their jobs. We need to have the same kind of matching effort, if not more, and make them play at our level. We didn't do that tonight.

    Trying to cause someone great pain by hitting them in the head while they are facing the other way is an intentional act to injure. You will have to compensate them for any permanent injury they suffer, even if you did not mean the injury to be permanent.

    No explanation for the start. Not at all. I don't have an answer. This is an embarrassing loss.

    I'm a firm believer in second chances, and if we're going to go through life not giving anyone second chances, what kind of life are we going to have People make mistakes in life. Unfortunately, I was under the microscope and on TV when my mistake happened, and if I'm going to sit here and keep getting ridiculed about it, how are we ever going to give someone a second chance to become better or to change situations

    No, I would have played a couple of more periods, ... It's another hockey game.

    We're playing with a lot more confidence and winning does that. I like where our heads are at and we just got to keep with it.

    Obviously knowing that they've got a little bit of stuff going on ... we wanted to make sure we jumped on them quick and tried to put it away early.

    I've discussed it before, and this team is moving on and I'm moving on and we're just concentrating on the game tomorrow and the two points we need. It's a team we've always had spirited rivalries with. They're exciting games to play in.

    Do (the accusations) sound like him Of course not. I respect him and believe him. I think everyone else should, too.

    You're the first guy out, ... That's a mistake.

    I feel good. We got the goal right off the hop tonight, I felt not bad out there.

    In the 13 minutes I was on, I felt very, very good. It's a game I could've really done some damage.

    I've always felt unbelievable on the big ice. You get a lot more space and a lot more opportunity to be creative and do things out there.

    We have to smarten up on situations like that. In this day and age, in this league, teams can come back. It's something we're going to have to learn.

    The first couple of shifts felt good. Obviously, we're going to use these games to get ourselves ready for the real thing. ... San Jose, to their credit, they're a quick team so it kept the tempo really up. You really have to skate and work hard to get back. ... But, overall, I think it was OK.

    It was just good to get a win, good to be in the dressing room and fun to be in this atmosphere.

    Just getting a bit more puck luck, ... The chances were there. I just wasn't putting them away before.

    The chances were there and I just wasn't putting them away before. I was fortunate enough to get a handful of good chances tonight.

    Pronger said I couldn't have 44 until 2010. I said I wasn't going to be around until 2010. Eight is too small a number so I thought I'd go to the next four in the line.

    I'm coming out to play hockey the way we play hockey and the score is the only thing that really matters, and that's what we're focused on.

    People pay their money and they come into the building, whether it's here or it's our place, ... They have every right to do whatever they want to do.

    I've played my best hockey in Vancouver and the fans have been a big part of that, ... We have had some success but I feel as a team our best is still yet to come. I am excited about this team and look forward to getting back on the ice with my teammates in front of our fans.

    I haven't been myself out there, ... I haven't been playing my game. Things happen, but good people get through tough situations. You got to keep climbing and keep building. The only thing you can really say is that we're winning. We got other guys doing the job while a couple of us are not on the top of our games. It's good to see because it shows how much depth we have on our team and how everyone is moving forward here.

    It just keeps on happening and happening. Just when I see the light at the end of the tunnel, something else appears. Those are the shoes I have to walk in every day.

    It was good Detroit was the next game up, ... These are games we take very seriously.

    This team is moving on and I'm moving on. We're just concentrating on the game tomorrow and the points we need.

    That was a lot of fun and that's something we need to start getting into this dressing room a little more. When you go through bad spells, which obviously is going to happen in a season, you have to be able to shake it off, laugh about it and move forward. When this team is relaxed and confident, that's when we play our best.

    We got lazy in the end and it almost bit us in the behind. We've got to smarten up in situations like that. In this day and age in this league, teams can come back.

    That's probably the last thing on my mind. It's not something I have even thought about. If I get picked, obviously I'll be extremely excited and happy, but if not then I'll just continue to move on.

    I took care of my business off the ice. We're going to move forward from there. I want to be the best. To be the best, you have to carry a lot of the weight and a lot of the burden. I'm looking forward to that.

    I think it's great for the game when you get those kind of players going behind the bench who know the game, know the right way it's meant to be played. Especially with the way hockey is going right now, I think it's exciting and hopefully there are more guys who will step behind (the bench) and continue to do that.

    The past 17 months have been a challenging time in my life and for everyone associated with what happened March 8,

    After three years in the league the brothers have averaged a combined 65 points per season, but many observers think this will be their breakout year. I expect nothing but outstanding play from them, ... Daniel's a 30-goal scorer and Hank's a 60-point guy

    It means I've played a lot of games. It's nice but it's not something I want to stop at.

    Unfortunately they had a lot of penalties and you give us that many opportunities we can put a game away.

    Especially when you're playing against teams like Calgary and Edmonton, teams in our division. It's something we are aware of and something we are going to have to fix in order to be successful.

    I understand your jobs and the things you have to do,

    You just have to get in the right spot at the right time and get the puck on your tape.

    Am I going to get it Absolutely, I'm going to get it. Do I expect it Whatever. You know what I go about my business. If people want to go ahead and stand up and do what they do, they pay for their tickets to come to the rink. So be it. I'll deal with it and contribute the way I know how, and that's on the ice.

    You can't explain the chemistry, ... It just happens. We were meant to play together. It's something you build. It's a trust factor and it's a confidence in each other, knowing where each other is. It just fell into place.

    I was hoping for the opportunity to confront him and speak to him and his family and it has never come about,

    It's been a long year, it has. But it's something I've got to deal with, and we'll take care of it. As for being here right now, that has nothing to do with it. We've got a job to do while we're here, and all the players are going to take care of it.

    I can come up here and say that it's been a tough time, ... It's nice that it's gotten over. I've always wanted to stay here in Vancouver. I've never wanted to go anywhere else. This is my home. This is where my kids were born. This is where I became the player that I am right now. I'm really excited that it's done and that I can stay here for awhile.

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