The Wizard Quotes (14 Quotes)

    The birth of our party's mascot is not only a proud moment for our party but for the Indianapolis Zoo, ... It's great to know our Republican Party base in Marion County continues to grow -- one elephant at a time.

    You try to do everything the director wants and try to make the actors comfortable,'' Treglown said.

    Wizard of Oz You people should consider yourselves lucky that I'm granting you an audience tomorrow instead of 20 years from now.

    We can argue forever what personhood means, but there is no empirical or logical way to prove it. It's the beginning of the argument, not the endpoint.

    Close you eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, there's no place like home.

    It's a metaphor for our culture. This is where we get a lot of images we use in popular culture.

    I don't have economic pressure anymore. ... You know, there will be a single mother out there who will understand nothing means more to me than the fact I don't have to worry about (money) anymore because it's a difficult way to live.

    If you're working in a restaurant, you can't play at being a waitress. Food gets to the table or it doesn't, and you're paid to get it there. It's a straightforward exchange. Now (in Bait and Switch ), I entered a world where so much depends on your personality and self-presentation. I found that very murky.

    Three cheers for Prohibition. Without it where the hell would I be

    The Bad Pants Open has become a tradition at Indian Lakes Resort, ... It's the only golf outing in which the participants' pants matter more than their score. All participants are required to wear ugly golf pants. The winner of the ugliest golf pants will be inducted into the Bad Pants Hall of Fame.

    beyond about March 2004 if it chose not to keep individual units deployed to Iraq for longer than one year without relief.

    Auntie Em For twenty-three years I've been dying to tell you what I thought of you And now... well, being a Christian woman, I can't say it

    I was completely thrilled. I was just really happy. She's just a wonderful, wonderful collaborator. She's a really good actress and a genuinely nice person and that's a rare thing. She works incredibly hard -- she's in virtually every scene.

    feel a certain sense of rejection and inadequacy. I was doing everything I was told to do. It couldn't all have been because I had the wrong lapel pin. I just felt like I couldn't get in. I could not make myself visible.

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