The Jerusalem Quotes on World (5 Quotes)

    We must kill Arafat because the world leaves us no alternative. When the breaking point arrives, there is no point in taking half measures. If we are to be condemned in any case, we might as well do it right.

    I and other rabbis are considering putting a cherem ban on any Jew that desecrates mosques or other holy places, ... What right do Jews have to hurt the places of worship of other faiths It is a good thing that the peoples of the world pray to God.

    I grew up in the Sixties, when the music was very open, ... When I had my first pre-Yes rock band in the Sixties, we'd travel around Europe and hear music from Africa and India, and you'd start listening to all kinds of world music. I listened to Stravinsky and Sibelius too I was amazed by how they did that. In the Seventies that all came out in pop-rock music.

    The question of Jerusalem has broad implications for the Islamic world, ... If we can reach agreement, that agreement will have to be accepted by Islamic countries... there will be big problems if it is not.

    The BBC reports that the Israeli justices says the world court's ruling was flawed as it did not consider Israel's security needs . ... continued erecting the barrier on occupied Palestinian land.

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