Tesema Negash Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Our lack of funding has given us little choice.

    Ironically, these rains bring little respite. While they have alleviated the immediate need for water, there is increased risk of people falling sick from drinking contaminated water, while livestock deaths have continued because the animals are too weak and vulnerable to diseases such as pneumonia when temperatures drop at night.

    Our donors have helped many people live through this drought, but it would be a cruel escape, if those who lost the most only suffer more in the months ahead because contributions dry up. We must stay the course, and help these people recover rather than abandon them because of the rains.

    The problems caused by 21 years of civil war are not going to disappear overnight. Bringing all the Sudanese home will take a long time and needs the international community's support to happen.

    We are sounding the alarm now because of what the early-warning indicators are all showing a rapidly deteriorating situation. We need immediate action to avoid the loss of people's assets and their lives.

    We are in the middle of an emergency. If we receive no new donations now, it is extremely likely that Kenya will be hit by a humanitarian disaster in the months to come.

    This first group is a hope for the future for all Sudanese refugees and displaced.

    Even normal rains won't bring dead livestock back to life in the north or provide an immediate harvest in the east. There is no quick fix to this emergency after five consecutive poor seasons.

    The most vulnerable families are those who have seen all their livestock perish or are unable to plant for the next harvest because they have no money left for seeds or fertilizer.

    More Tesema Negash Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Animals - War & Peace - Hope - Citizenship - Water - Night - Family - People - Future - View All Tesema Negash Quotations

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