Steve Ball Quotes (8 Quotes)

    A lot of the reason we give up some runs that hurt us is that we have a team full of guys that haven't played together before this year, and that leads to a lack of focus sometimes.

    At halftime we talked about rebounding and taking care of the ball. Whoever has the fewer turnovers will win the game.

    We had some difficulty matching up with them in transition in the second half, but our offense was balanced, and we've shown we can play with anyone.

    I would sooner go back to, if you want to vote you have to come here and vote.

    We're happy with the progress we made, but we're not satisfied with it. The fact that they've offered this as a full-time position and with the new facility, the campus has really shown a commitment to moving to the next step. I want to continue to progress.

    I'm never surprised when our team makes a big run from behind because we are fortunate enough to have guys who have a lot of character and never let up. It's very energy-consuming to have to make a comeback like that.

    We have stretches in every game where we don't score. We have a lack of focus. We make some things difficult that don't need to be. Every day we talk about it. I've been a little lax on them in practice. We need to compete a little more in practice.

    It helped by keeping the morale high.

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