Sorin Cerin Quotes (190 Quotes)

    What other explanations could be given for the fact that our God is love, we are love, and this is a part of us because we are as divine as Love and God One of these explanations is that even in our conscience, beside the false cognitive and volitive, there is Love, affectivity, represented by the affective. This is why the Print left in the Mirror of Knowledge that is reflected determining the world of Knowledge cannot be creation, but an attribute of it, which is Love.This happens precisely because the entire world exists through us and in reference to us, humans, pieces of divinity. And the, if everything we have within us is nothing more than love, and our world is the image of Love that receives Destiny , then what a Print becoming an attribute of Creation can be, if not Love Of course, it cannot be anything else. Despite all that, why does the love within us for a person we have fallen in love with, for instance, disappears after a month, a year, a certain period of time Why this love does not last forever, except for books or novels with a smell of roses and eternity

    Mans Self would like to be able to remember the future because this is why he always directs his hopes towards it, but he can only do it when it becomes the past.

    I understood how great the print of this Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is, that he is truly love and towards who we have to act with the same love he conceived us, because everything he did was to make us feel his love, but this was not possible without a world in which the love to be reflected in one way or another, and the worlds of the Mirrors are the so-called worlds of Images, of Destiny, of so-called Knowledge which is in fact an image of Destiny. Nevertheless, cannot this image of Destiny be changed from this vision full of tragedies that the human society has at least for now

    Then can we know where death begins Death begins from the first looks, the first whispers of love, from the first kisses, caresses and sex, when the being feels it shivers from the worm wind of the moments that gently wraps it and it wants not no lose the life of so many ancestors whose bones are in present breath of the being. Mans subconscious transmits that it in only through sex that he will be able to stay along with the bones and flesh of its ancestors by maintaining life that is merely a prelude of death. Then the being will vibrate loving and longing for a partner of opposite sex trying to understand the sexual impulse that dominated him but without being able to relate it to love because this in only possible when he knows the truth about the being and it is hidden somewhere in his sacred self. The truth on the birth of a new death lies in the sexual orgasm and it will be brought to this world as an offspring, following its path to the grave just as his forefathers, with blood and sweat, with hard work, despair and happiness, with fulfilment and tears. And this way the first kiss is born, the first flower is offered, along with the first stanzas from a poem of the Sacred Self.

    And a new day will come, and a new evening and mans Sacred Self will understand that replacing the churches of the Evil and also of the sublime in him, of that unwritten Good that could not be stolen along with the Sacred Self, will require to put something else in return, that without praying an hope, without dream and poetry, without curse and pain, without happiness and fulfilment all of this would not even be a vanity of the vanities. It would not even be an Illusion of the illusions, but a waste of time, just like many ages were wasted under this cold and torrid sun, calm or not interested by what he sees with his angelic or demonic rays, depending on the dream this undecided, dreaming and meaningless man was dreaming

    Each soul which believes it is its own eternal evil will eternally seek its good, but the great paradox is that in order to find each other one should look for the Good and the other for the Evil because they cannot both have the same sense because they are the opposite of each other. The soul mates cannot have the same sign, but, in order to be pairs, they will have to attract, and of they both were Good, they would reject. Thus, every soul mate is the opposite of the other one.

    No matter how hard it is, true love is also the result of an accident in the dream of our life, and that accident is an event that happens in our soul. This event can be in another transcendental reality a volcano, a butterfly, a mountain or any other possible image we cannot even imagine.

    There are no steps that would crush Time.

    Then we have to run towards Nowhere, to shout that we want to keep the wind on the top of our palms so wrinkled by time, to look towards our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one and say This is your Accidental Occurrence, our Intended Destiny, such a

    How can such a man be chased away in a world full of churches, where there are clans and clans, groups and groups of priests, quacks, gurus, ministers, pastors, rabbis, muftis and other representatives of the cults Dont they represent mans devotion to the church, dont they serve religion What people serve today is not a religion of the man that would identify him with his own divinity, but a religion that identifies man to the salve of an external divinity, as if it not man who knows this world, but the external divinity. Lets assume that the external divinity knew this world which would be independent of mans ephemeral existence. Then why does this world disappear with the man Because it is his world. The world of the dinosaurs existed when there were not people, we have relics of that time. Who dreamed the world of the dinosaurs It was the current man too, when he discovered it, because dinosaurs saw it completely different from what the man sees, and eve if man existed at the time, the dinosaurs would have still seen it different, as animals or birds, fishes or reptiles do.

    We know there is death only because it is the opposite of Life, and we can recognize only one opposite because we think on the basis of a bivalent logic of good and bad, beautiful and ugly, etc. How would Life or Death look like if they had three or more opposites What about us Would we know who we are and why we are so often humiliated by the moments of our own destiny Not even then would we know any of this because we are nothing more than a pale shadow of a face of God reflected into knowledge and then shadows dont come and they dont go, they simply disappear.

    So that we can truly admire this wonderful painting we will have to know ourselves first of all, to accept our limits and understand that if we really want to have access to this wonderful painting of the existence of the world of the Logical Coefficient 2 we will have to look inside ourselves, to see first of all the unlimited Universe, to recognise the infinite from which we were conceived and that lies in each of us in order to be granted access to the infinite outside us.

    Nevertheless, love was given to us not only as fulfilment, as ideal, but as suffering, hopelessness, despair too. Is it all this the shield of this vanity called dream of our life or Illusion of Life

    I repeat, not the man does it, because he has nothing to say on his own destiny, because how the history of the human past is written and that book cannot be changed, so is the future which will be a part of the history and his book neither can be changed. The only free way given to man to act on his destiny is by love. The man can and has the capacity to love or hate. By having love man also has Holiness and Faith and thus he becomes religious.Everything that is Holy receives other new meanings throughout the historical evolution. The term evolution, as I have said it, is inadequate to a world which has a destiny, but it is the closes to what I want to express now. The saints are those who receive supernatural powers from the man. They can do Good or they can intervene in the human destiny.

    Then who is the Man that has no Will, or Knowledge LoveThis is the Man, a piece of love from birth to death, a faint and painful whisper in the Universe, a whisper of nature that conceived him to be happy and tormented, to know that he knows and nothing else, and when he knows to believe he also has will. Man is a deceitful whisper of CreationMan knows that his entire world only exists through Knowledge, but he does not know that it is precisely this Knowledge that he does not know and that in fact the world of Knowledge does not exist like this either. Everything that Man does not really know is that he is Love..The, even if he knew he is love, what good does it do to know that this love too reaches him through Knowledge

    From worship to prayer there is only one small step that will always be used by hierarchy.

    What else could be the apocalypse of Death but the Rebirth of Life

    If churches will disappear, what will replace them The answer is simple Man will replace them Only then will the man turn towards his own Self and wonder what was the use of so much suffering All these millennia of suffering had a meaning, and if they did, what was that meaning Does anyone benefit from this sense And Man will fall again in the darkness of the beginnings of his self, knowing that no meaning can be a meaning because all the paths finally lead to nowhere, to the vanity of the non-Knowledge to which Knowledge is referenced to, that everything is an Image, an Illusion, that all the Knowledge is an Image, an Illusion, and no matter how many meanings it seems to have at a certain time, they will disappear as the smoke carried away by the winds to nowhere. They will disappear because the so-called great and ineffable Knowledge does not even have clay legs, but smoke legs, because it is based on non-Knowledge and thus it becomes non-Knowledge too as non-Knowledge becomes its own Knowledge because it is based on Knowledge and thus it gets to know its own non-Knowledge, its own vanity in these infinite worlds where stars shine or die and time grows younger as the increasing spaces collapse over the laws of the worlds becoming Void and Being.

    Man knows the Illusion of his Life and not the Absolute Truth, the man creates the birth of the universes he has once known, but of the Illusory universes and not of those who form or are a part of the Print of our God who is the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one.

    Religion is in fact the exterior that continuously invades mans self, always trying to minimize it, to incorporate it in its own self by sketching the most diverse images with purifying flow. Can you purify Destiny Yes, because it is precisely the Destiny that accepts and incorporates purification.

    And then we went to the end of worlds time with our thoughts burdened by the glory of the lie of this false spirituality of mankind that rests on its own truth as if it would be eternal and not ephemeral, as if it would be a weight in the balance of Creation and not at its feet, as if it were truth and not lie.

    Absolutely anything is Necessary is a part of this dream, just as non-Knowledge is the Absolute Truth of Knowledge, which we will never find out itself because non-Knowledge cannot be known, just the same way as the Necessary has a truth as his opposite. No I shout it loud and clear. All these monstrous tragedies through which mankind went through throughout its historical evolution are not necessary. They happened because of ignorance, stupidity, meanness, contempt, desire for power and any other causes due only to the fact that Man lost somewhere throughout millennia his Sacred Self.

    The prophetic statute of the man consists too of the fact that he is a predominantly religious being, but the path he has chosen to define himself as homo religioso is as alien to him as possible.

    By loving, the man acts on himself by acting on the image of his own love with Holiness and then on the Destiny which is the image of the Love of this world. Only this way the destiny can be changed if man knows the most of his image, which remains unchanged, and this is Sacred. The image of the Destiny is sacred, because it is the ultimate form of love. Looking at the Holiness in the man we look at his destiny. Through Holiness, man acts on his destiny by understanding it, by better knowing his image, projected in this world. This is the only action man can make over destiny, knowing the most of it, but only through Holiness.

    We are in the world where the longing mountains are the most grounded.

    How could such an absurd and unfair society that torments with self alienation the human being, already completely alienated be still saved How could a society such full of misery, of the wickedest tortures, because mans diabolical mind, once he has lost his Sacred Self, had the time to invent all these misdeeds. How could we save such a society Is it by saving the man, by explaining him about his Sacred Self No, I do not think so, because mans Sacred Self cannot be explained, but man will have to become aware of the great loss he suffered and to regain it himself. Will it ever be possible I believe so, but it will be necessary for the greatest Evil of man to disappear, namely churches, along with religion which humiliate him before a divinity alienated from itself. Such a salvation will only come if the man will know how to face his fear of Dying and of the lie of the Afterlife as described by some religious cults that thus keep the man chained in the absurd and self alienation. But until all these occur, all other humans will be the guinea pig of their own lives, as their life lives them instead of them living their life. Even when man will find again its Sacred Self, he will not be truly happy, but will understand that his life cannot consist of happiness, but of Balance. This is way it is infinitely better not to have a world at all than to have such a world.

    We cannot imagine Life without Death, because the entire Life rests on Death, otherwise it wouldnt exist.

    Only then man will raise his eyes to the sun that caressed with its rays so many millennia of frustration and anguish, of absurd and uncertainty, of lack of power and suffering. He will hail the sun and the stars and everything that surrounds him knowing they are all vanity of vanities. Vanity of vanities that will give man a meaning This vanity of vanities will tell the man that he truly dreams his own Illusion of Life, that he finally found the meaning.

    The prayer is the symbol of vanity and not of bowing before a divinity, because it only though prayer that man becomes solidary to divinity. Once man becomes solidary to Divinity, to the Universe, he becomes free, because the base of this divinity is the vanity of vanities He becomes free through Vanity because everything is vanity, the entire world and all of mans divinity Before understanding all of this, mankind will have to go through sufferings that are hard to imagine. There will be several wars, more and more devastating, with many victims killed in the most barbaric way possible, and all of this so that some may dominate this world through fire and sword and others to remain their slaves. Mankind will go through times with more and more unmerciful diseases due to viruses that will be, most of them, created in military genetics laboratories. They will kill a great number of persons and they will bring new sufferings. The political and administrative maps will be constantly changing as a result of deaths and occupations of all sorts.

    Man is nothing else than en eternal maker of divinity, where every sentiment he has becomes a possible saint or angel, prophet or demon, depending on the changes that sentiment undergoes.

    How else can we influence the social evolution or could we speed up the return of the man to the Sacred Self We people cannot influence in any way the future evolution of mankind, because everything that is meant to happen will happen, because all of thes

    Good cannot exist without evil, as the human being cannot think any other way than based on the Logical coefficient 2 of Good and Evil, Beautiful and Ugly and all the others that can define these as a common denominator.

    Not even man that will re-find himself will be able to remove the vanity from this diabolic world, but he can change it from a vanity of his ideological debauchee into a vanity of self reconciliation. The divinity in man cannot admit vanity and thus it will try to replace it with new reasons for which we are born, but it will finally understand that everything is a big vanity and a great sin that no longer belongs to us but to the print that whispered our existence, full of the thorns of the moments that hunt us.

    Man will not be able to change through no belief the Destiny of this world, but he will be able to see another world through faith, even if the world as a whole will be the same, precisely because through faith he will know more of the Destiny.

    Every Universe exists depending on the Knowledge that reflects it and not in its absence. It is absolutely true that our ancestors saw this universe before and after we were born and this is why we think that the Universe exists irrespective of our existence. It is an illusion as big as the Illusion of our Life with our entire universe, because our ancestors too saw the world through these senses that we have too, they were human being too, a part of the human race. For the members of a tribe, for instance, their Universe expands up to the borders on their Knowledge of this world. If these borders are very small, the world will be very small and the other way around. Our Universe will look completely different to an animal, even if we think it sees the same images we do. It is true that we are aware, in the Illusion of our Life that the animal sees the same images, but he will interpret them differently, depending on his level of competence, which will entail a different image of the Universe. The same happens with human beings, who think based on a Logical Coefficient 2 and cannot conceive a world where the beings think and see an universe based on Logical Coefficient superior to the one of the man. That world and the universe that will include it will be completely different to the one that reflects and includes our world. Then the meaning of the mans existence in this world which is for us vanity of the vanities, for a different thinking belonging to a different Logical Coefficient, can be something different.

    Then we will become aware that just by returning to us, to that piece of ourselves, we will start to see Knowledge, but without using the eyes, to feel the Truth, but without using the senses, to grasp the Known because we found out the Unknown precisely because it is unknown and difficult to find, then we will become ourselves and we will look towards the stars in our inner sky by living what should have been the death of life or the life of the death within us.

    Thus we live, with every passing moment, our own Death If our Life were a reflection in exactly what we are, this would mean that we mirror and we refer to ourselves, even though we refer to what we are not, coming to live in a parallel world which should show exactly like us so that it is not alien to us, thing that is impossible since there is God. God alienates us from ourselves Since we are Gods shadow, how can we be alien to the God that creates this shadow Are our own shadows aliens to us too

    When I said about the attribute of the Matrix Word of Creation which is love that becomes the Print that will define the Matrix Word of Knowledge, I have done it because Knowledge becomes Knowledge when it becomes the Image of a Mirror, and the concerned Mirror is non-Knowledge.In order to become such an image, it was necessary for another Matrix Word to be reflected in its mirror. In fact, the attribute of the Matrix Words of Creation consists of a Miroor that becomes Knowledge only when another attribute, the one of love will be reflected in this mirror of Knowledge which is non-Knowledge.Consequently, our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one exists prior to Knowledge and after it with its Matrix Word of Love, because our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is the image reflected in the Mirror, this is its Print, the Print of Love. As I have said it so many times, we, the souls in this world, are love, as everything that lives and feels in this world and in the other worlds, known or unknown to us is love, precisely because our God, our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is Love.

    Are all this evils as necessary as it is non-Knowledge to us in order to get to know and to have this dream which we think we know, yet we do nothing else than live the Illusion of Life through it

    How much does man need Holiness Only through the true Holiness, Man will really change the image of the world, but not the world too. How can this be done It is one thing to look at the world with an aggrieved soul, confused and tormented by all sorts of

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