Our challenge in this regard will be to broaden the scope of our federal funds in terms of international diplomacy, development aid, and international assistance. Many Latinos in the United States look at Latin America and see trouble brewing.
Our challenge in this regard will be to broaden the scope of our federal funds in terms of international diplomacy, development aid, and international assistance. Many Latinos in the United States look at Latin America and see trouble brewing.
We need strong public health institutions to respond to any challenge. We need to deal with critical infrastructure. The reality is that very little money has flowed to communities to help our first responders; to help our hospitals; to help the public health infrastructure.
Secondly, security. Both the challenges we face in the world and the responsibilities that our country has in protecting our people, are major issues. We need to do more in the context of domestic security.
I am still doing my due diligence. A vote on a Supreme Court nominee is a lifetime appointment and when the court decides, it is the law of the land.
You would have thought we had a picture-perfect response to Katrina,
Mr. President, in your State of the Union address you said keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. As the big oil companies are posting record profits, many families in New Jersey are finding it difficult to balance the costs of filling their tanks with other critical needs of their families. We urge you to address the growing crisis before the summer travel season begins.
You had some of the closest people to Janet Reno in good faith negotiating to try to avert this. And I believe that to send, you know, armed agents with gun point and with a mask on the holiest of weekends is simply something we expect in Castro's Cuba, and not here,
I'd love to hear that he's going to work with us, so that when he becomes president he's using his pen to sign legislation passed by a Democratic majority, rather than vetoing legislation passed by a Republican majority,
Ports are the front lines of the war on terrorism. We wouldn't turn the Border Patrol or the Customs Service over to a foreign government, and we can't afford to turn our ports over to one either.
It may not necessarily be the way I would like to see it happen, but the reality is we could still bring millions of people out of the darkness into the light.
We need to have a strong economy that can create employment opportunities and that can also produce the revenue that we need to defend our country at home and abroad.
We think it's critical for his future, because if you're a Democratic president of a Republican Congress, you'll just have four years of battle.
There are plenty of opportunities for common grounds that we need to explore and strengthen. The Hispanic community has a strong affinity for our relationship with Israel.
We wouldn't turn over our customs service or our border patrol to a foreign government. We shouldn't turn over the ports of the United States, either.
My decision not to run for the U.S. Senate is based on my commitment to achieve a Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and my desire to become the next chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.
How is it that you stand on a moral footing to go after the U.N. when they're responsible for 15 percent maybe of the ill-gotten gains, and we were part and complicit of him getting 85 percent of the money
In comparison, Cuba spent about 1 billion -- or more than 35 percent -- on petroleum imports,
I start from the view of thinking about what is the national interest of the United States, and what is in the national security of the United States.
The test is, will you represent the values of New Jersey and this nation on the highest court. Will he tilt the court so far that he will place in jeopardy decades of progress in protecting individual rights and freedoms I am afraid the answer is yes.
The answer dictates what the policy should be in our relationships with every country in the world.
There are many domestic issues that give us a lot of common ground to work on. Health, education and immigration are among the areas where we share mutual goals and aspirations. There are also many values that we share as a communities.
My first priority is growing this economy in the long term, and stimulating it in the short term.
By failing to keep their end of the bargain, the Bush administration would allow New Jersey projects to deteriorate and make New Jersey highways and bridges less safe.
These drug-plan companies can switch the nature of the drugs they cover. Seniors should be allowed to then switch out of that plan if the medication they are taking is dropped from their drug-plan provider.
What family would commit all their paycheck income for the next 10 years up front ... None of you would. That's like playing Russian Roulette with our economic future.
While we may be of different faiths, we have a strong sense of faith, family, community. We hold the values of freedom and human rights very high and I think that those are all a part of a very strong quilt that binds us together.
Maybe it's because we have two oil men in the White House who don't seem to have the sensitivity of understanding the nature of these energy impacts upon the American people, both in gas prices and as we look forward to the upcoming winter season in terms of home heating fuel costs as well,
While I am pleased the administration is finally undertaking the investigation it should have done in the first place, there are serious questions about both its willingness and its ability to act on the results. With the president prejudging the outcome of the investigation before it even began, it is clearer than ever that Congress will need to take an up or down vote on this sale.
The important thing to do is understand we are all in this together, ... Yes, we are the largest minority, but that in itself means nothing.
We believe very passionately that an international approach is necessary to achieve some of these goals.
We should seek international support for our mutual objectives abroad, in promoting freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, and also the elimination of weapons of mass destruction.
I always believe that a budget speaks of the collective values of the nation. So I can't understand why the president submits a budget to the Congress that ultimately does tremendous damage to education. From Head Start to special education, from vocational programs to college aid, this budget slashes the investments that are needed to help children prepare to compete in this global economy.
Democrats balanced the budget for the first time in a generation, had record surpluses, low unemployment, low interest rates, low inflation.
At a time of record energy prices, when we are trying to break the very addiction the president talked about in his speech, it does not make any sense to cut funding for energy efficiency programs and research.
Any policy that could give Wyoming more dollars per capita than New Jersey is a policy that puts politics over security,
When I go there I will go there with a deep sense of obligation and respect for the work that she did, and how that work transformed America.
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