Robert Bixby Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Unanimously, the budget groups in Washington have been calling for offsets, ... But only a few members of Congress seem willing to do it.

    In a way, you've left yourself no choice, because the budget, as it turned out, wasn't any better prepared than New Orleans.

    We're trying to get the message out to people outside of Washington that we have these big challenges in front of us. We definitely want to target the business community. They need to step up to the plate here.

    This is where they have to make it all add up, and it doesn't.

    That would undermine the whole concept of fiscal discipline.

    This could be one of those fiscal crossroads moments.

    It is clear that the debt limit must be increased. Failure to approve an increase would have dire consequences for government finances and financial markets. Delaying action on an increase until the last possible moment, forcing Treasury to utilize extraordinary measures to avoid a default, is unnecessary and irresponsible. However, under the current fiscal circumstances approving a large-scale increase in the debt limit without a plan to restore fiscal discipline would also be irresponsible.

    The deficit is like an unhealthy habit. You can keep doing things you know aren't good for you. You know that somewhere down the road you're going to pay a price. But you keep doing those bad things, anyway.

    The legitimate point is that the trust fund debt is going to continue to go up regardless of budget policy.

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    Budgeting - Debts - Discipline - Planning - Failure - Congress - Trust - Government - Business & Commerce - Habit - Communities - View All Robert Bixby Quotations

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