Phil Gordon Quotes (14 Quotes)

    People need to read (the information) in a form that's understandable. I wanted to write exactly how I played, because when you play, you just play on your instincts. Over the course of writing it, I became a much better player. I realized what I was doing wrong, and came to an understanding that some things I believed in weren't entirely true.

    I really enjoy teaching the game, first and foremost. I do a lot of speaking appearances around the country and because of Celebrity Poker Showdown people around the world have written me asking for help with their game. After I got a great response to my first book, I decided to give it a shot.

    I came up with a unique twist on standard instruction techniques and I felt that this would make a really big difference. So I partnered with a couple of filmmakers in Hollywood and we made the DVD.

    It's a litigation bonanza, and it will stop business.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to be good at poker. Anybody with a fourth-grade education can figure out the logic behind the odds and outs.

    Having a W adjacent to the arena will again show everyone that it's increasingly cool to be in downtown Phoenix, even when it's hot, ... I applaud Mr. Sarver and his associates for their support of the downtown community in such a bold and creative way.

    Without hesitation, not only would we step quickly to the plate to participate, but for any request to make changes, we will make those changes,

    In a Chicago bar, a guy went off for 2,200 against me. I had to loan him 20 for cab fare. That was fantastic. He went paper every time.

    We created a new mission for the plant, and one of those legs was to be more involved in the community.

    This is crazy, ... This is a rule that was designed before the world changed, pre-911. You can't stand on bureaucracy if we're going to protect and save lives, and that's what these teams do.

    I don't understand why we're here today. It's unconceivable and unbelievable,

    For the most part, I think players should take life with a grain of salt and focus a little more on the opportunities at hand. I take bad beats pretty easily because I've seen far worse beats in Third-World countries.

    Different situations require different strategies. Every play and situation requires a lot of thought in order to make the right move. I don't think you can do that by saying that if you get Ace and a Jack in middle position that you should always play it all the time. It's very difficult to communicate this stuff in a professorial way, but you can do it in an experiential way. In this video you only see my hole cards and you hear all the thoughts that go through my head when I'm sitting at the table.

    A tight player raised from middle position. I had to call about one-twelfth of my stack with pocket deuces.

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