Trust Quotes (1171 Quotes)

    When Gale Norton agreed to the trust reform work group we bought into it that's where they defined trust. The only thing Interior wanted in trust was the responsibility for land, and if you watch the budget that is what they are doing.

    But I don't have a very good track record with royalty. My dress fell off in front of Prince Charles at the Prince's Trust, so I'm just living up to my reputation.

    I lost my sense of trust, honesty and compassion. I crashed down and became what I consider an emotional mess. I've never been so miserable in my whole life. I just wanted to go to bed and never get up.

    It's good to get out on the road a little bit. When it's over, trust me, it'll be time to come home, but we've got a great group in there in the locker room. I think the road trips once in a while are good for you.

    Life is based on your self-confidence. When you trust yourself, that means you know you can do things. If you don't have that trust, that means you're always going to have doubts in your mind.

    The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say I. And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say I. They don't think I. They think we they think team. They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but we gets the credit. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.

    The public trust is more important than party. Which is why the first solution to the problem is rooting out those who have done wrong, without regard to party or ideology.

    Most banks can sell your information-your balances, your address, your Social Security number-without your permission. That's violating your confidentiality. That's breaking your trust. I think it's important to change that, don't you

    They did try, but I always said no, I can't. I think I would panic in front of all the people. I like to do it just for fun, but I'm afraid. I will sing to people I trust, but not around people I don't know.

    When I'm on stage, it's a little world I've created where I'm sort of the thing, so I have total control over everything that happens. When we're improvising, I'm with someone I totally trust. I know things are going to work out. I don't have those guarantees in life. There are no consequences on stage.

    It always takes longer - there are more processes in a college than any business. Humility is pretty important. Because the (financial) gift won't come through, the class may be smaller than you thought ... trust me, over a decade there will be problems, and there won't be easy answers.

    is no longer a partner we can trust, and we want new elections, preferably as soon as possible. It's gone far enough with all this bickering. It's time to let the people speak.

    One of the things we need to do as the Board of Commissioners is to work with the school board to develop trust, so the public trusts these two groups to be responsible with whatever amount of money is provided.

    They're young guys, but you have a better feeling of trust about them because of their composure, their maturity and, obviously, their ability to throw strikes. You don't see those inconsistencies that you see out of most younger players.

    If man were immortal he could be perfectly sure of seeing the day when everything in which he had trusted should betray his trust, and, in short, of coming eventually to hopeless misery. He would break down, at last, as every good fortune, as every dynasty, as every civilization does. In place of this we have death.

    We are very proud, and thankful, to be recipients of the Oregon Cultural Trust. A new library will offer a way to preserve and respect our community's diversity and celebrate our community's Native American history.

    This is the first time that normal citizens had a chance to speak on the biggest and most widespread political scandal in Wisconsin history. They resoundingly said that this was a profound violation of the public trust.

    I think it's a matter of trust, a matter of rebuilding the trust that we had, ... And yes, I have talked to Kobe he actually called me this morning to congratulate me on the job. And I felt confident that he's confident that we can go forward.

    For me, this is a very serious and very egregious allegation. To betray the trust of the public at large, betray the trust of the county, co-workers and, most important, the customers. These are very, very serious allegations.

    For the most part, everyone's in the same area on price -- everyone knows basically where the number should be and is a little above or below for whatever reason. You need to work with somebody you can trust. I'd say look for someone who will be honest with you right up front. That tells me I'm not going to have problems in the long run.

    Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.

    I feel like we are getting more movement up front this year, but obviously we are not getting it to the point that the backs are comfortable to ram it in there. It's a trust relationship between the line and the running backs. He's got to trust that the holes will be there, and we've got to trust that when the holes are there he's going to hit them.

    American Girl has won the trust of millions of conservative families, ... It's very popular among the home school movement because of the values the company followed.

    Hendrix doesn't have the charisma the mayor has, and that's key. But the mayor doesn't have the trust right now. If he can regain the trust of the people, then he can close the gap. Detroit doesn't generally like kicking out incumbents.

    Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just, And this be our motto 'In God is our trust.' And the star-spangled banner forever shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Our study found that the majority of income trusts operate in some of the most capital intensive industries within Canada's economy. There is no evidence to suggest that the adoption of trust structures has had, or for that matter will have, any negative effect on capital investment or Canada's economy.

    The energy alliance Germany is forging with Russia has the same philosophy behind it. To find a way to bind this huge Russian neighbor into a common European space, develop interdependent structures and ties, create some kind of trust, and then also benefit from easy access to the Russian gas fields which are at Europe's front door.

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