Idea Quotes (4539 Quotes)

    I considered retiring last year and I still have the same thought in this difficult time. I thought the long summer holidays would have helped me but instead when I started to train I felt worse than before. My idea is to retire when I am at the top and not after spending a season on the bench.

    It takes a lot of experience of life to see why some relationships last and others do not. But we do not have to wait for a crisis to get an idea of the future of a particular relationship. Our behavior in little every incidents tells us a great deal.

    To have world peace, the inhabitants on that world need to be peaceful. Now i can't speak for everyoneeverything, but as far as i go i shall be as peaceful as possible,and i recommend that if you to support in the idea of peace then be peaceful too. Altho

    With the budget we have right now, we can replace our computers every 16 years. Basically, we can't continue as-is. The downfall is that our students will fall behind and we'll lose teachers. The other idea is to increase the technology budget.

    The farm will give younger kids an idea of where the apples they eat come from, where the eggs that Mom feeds them at home come from, before she buys them in the store. Having to dig for potatoes in the sand will make kids realize that it takes some effort to get to some foods,

    Genius is not so much about new ideas as it is about clarity of ideas. Two people can have the same idea yet it will be genius in the one and mediocrity in the other.

    Las Vegas has always been perceived as just a little bit dirty. But almost always we have sold the idea that you can come here and do something you can't do somewhere else.

    There's always speculation about guys on every team. You say, 'Man, this guy looks bigger. But you don't know. And there are some guys who flunked steroid tests, and you had no idea. You see the guys and say, 'No way this guy was on something.' You don't know until somebody is busted.

    If you can imagine a man having a vasectomy without anesthetic to the sound of frantic sitar-playing, you will have some idea what popular Turkish music is like.

    There are lone figures armed only with ideas, sometimes with just one idea, who blast away whole epochs in which we are enwrapped like mummies. Some are powerful enough to resurrect the dead. Some steal on us unawares and put a spell over us which it takes centuries to throw off. Some put a curse on us, for our stupidity and inertia, and then it seems as if God himself were unable to lift it.

    Part of the real story here is that, through July, producers were still getting more output, with fewer labor hours put in. Productivity in the third quarter is probably going to be stronger than in the second quarter, confirming the idea that, while the stock market's not in good shape, the overall economy's not that bad.

    The idea of having pride, the idea of manners, I think is very, very important. There's just too little of it in the world and I think there are certain dignities in life to which we should all aspire.

    Using coffee to deglaze a pan is not a new idea. Remember country ham with red eye gravy In a recipe from Southern Country Cooking From The Loveless Cafe, ... because when you cook a slice of ham in a pan, the ham bone, surrounded by the ham's juices, looks like a red eye.

    DNSSEC sounds like a good idea, but it's hard for me to assess the likelihood of this threat, ... In the pantheon of threats, viruses and more direct packet attacks rate a higher frequency. Those are the ones we worry about more.

    The whole idea is to require property, building and land-use development decisions to be made with the best practices available to them at the time.

    The idea is that the number of medical professionals across the board has declined within the last five to 10 years. Meanwhile, instances of chronic disease among people of color has gone up.

    I always have been intrigued by Ichiro hitting third. When I managed against him with Baltimore I was intrigued by the idea. It is not out of the realm of possibility that it would happen here. ... That would never be done without first discussing it with Ichiro.

    To live forever should not be an obligation. In fact, eternal life should only be for those who wish for it, because if we are depressed and unhappy with our lives, just the idea of living forever is an unbearable source of suffering.

    I've been to 20 Burning Mans, and I've never seen a better one. The group that came this year was a bit more noble in their intentions than any I've ever seen in a city this size. They've really absorbed the idea of participation.

    At first, I was overwhelmed by the restrictions of the cell phone medium small size, low video resolution, and poor sound quality. Only in the moment when I realized that I shouldn't view the medium as restricting, but rather as liberating, did I come up with my idea. I started thinking that, with the cell phone as my weapon, I could attack a story just as well as Steven Spielberg can. He may be able to do amazing special effects and use tons of money to make his blockbusters, but with only a cell phone, we're on equal ground. Suddenly, the prospect of making cell phone films not only seemed liberating, but a whole lot of fun. The process turned out to be a great lesson for me -- great stories are great stories, no matter their size.

    What makes Dave so strong is his understanding of training and willingness to pay the price He has given up the other sports and focuses on running now. It's a little too early to talk about what he's destined to do. Later on this season we'll have a better idea. He's doing some advanced workouts and we will have to see how his body reacts.

    The proposed Constitution, so far from implying an abolition of the State governments, makes them constituent parts of the national sovereignty, by allowing them a direct representation in the Senate, and leaves in their possession certain exclusive and very important portions of sovereign power. This fully corresponds, in every rational import of the terms, with the idea of a federal government.

    It's absolutely of no importance who or what V was under the mask. He isn't a who or a what, he's an idea. The thing is, you couldn't continue it. Now and then the idea of a sequel has been raised, in vague forms, but I think it would be a bad idea. The story's finished.

    It's just the nuttiest argument that I've ever heard -- this whole idea of old economy versus new economy assumes that we're all going to be sitting around in the dark, naked and hungry, surfing on the Internet. The idea that you don't need food companies or companies like Procter Gamble anymore is just nuts.

    Considering that a Pew Internet study in July found that three-quarters of online teens use IM, the second-most-common tool among this group for communicating with friends after the good old landline, a future of taking IM breaks at work instead of coffee breaks isn't far-fetched, says Mary Madden, co-author of the more recent report. It's akin to the idea that employees increasingly use their downtime to shop or check the news. We're the IM generation, ... They're going to put our screen names on our tombstones.

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