Moss Hart Quotes (10 Quotes)

    Nobody bores any man as much as an unhappy female.

    Poor people know poor people, and rich people know rich people. It is one of the few things La Rochefoucauld did not say, but then La Rochefoucauld never lived in the Bronx.

    So far as I know, anything worth hearing is not usually uttered at seven o'clock in the morning; and if it is, it will generally be repeated at a more reasonable hour for a larger and more wakeful audience.

    Can success change the human mechanism so completely between one dawn and another Can it make one feel taller, more alive, handsomer, uncommonly gifted and indomitably secure with the certainty that this is the way life will always be It can and it does.

    Boredom is the keynote of poverty ... for where there is no money there is no change of any kind, not of scene or of routine.

    The only credential the city New York asked was the boldness to dream. For those who did, it unlocked its gates and its treasures, not caring who they were or where they came from.

    A too constant preoccupation with money may seem to indicate the lack of a proper sense of moral values, but let those who have always had money ... be without it for a while, and they will soon discover how quickly it becomes their chief concern.

    All the mistakes I ever made were when I wanted to say 'No' and said 'Yes'.

    Charity in the theater begins and ends with those who have a play opening within a week of one's own.

    The self-hatred that destroys is the waste of unfulfilled promise.

    More Moss Hart Quotations (Based on Topics)

    Money & Wealth - Dreams - Charity - Promise - People - Morality - Error & Mistake - Cities - Performance Arts - Morning - Man - Courage - Boredom - Poverty - Movies - View All Moss Hart Quotations

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