Mike Stoops Quotes (34 Quotes)

    Sure. You would have liked (more production). Rickey has practiced well and is getting in shape. That comes from playing and not being in the system. It is difficult for junior college players to come in and make a huge impact early on.

    This is the one time where we want to push our kids and make them compete against each other. I believe competition is good for both sides. We just believe this is the best way to improve.

    It's not surprising to me. He made plays in camp. Why wouldn't he make them in the game

    We will go ones against ones all spring. I believe the competition is good for both sides. This is one time we really push our kids and make them compete against each other and make each other better.

    We had a lot of disagreements. We're both very strong, very aggressive personalities. But he was still the head coach. Our brother relationship had to sometimes stop and he became the head coach, my boss.

    I'm happy with our performance, but turnovers and our running game was unsuccessful. And we are not a good enough team to make those mistakes.

    Dane works hard and practices hard it's important to him. He's what you want. He's a very complete player. He understands the game. It's his attitude and work ethic that make him the player he is.

    We give up too many big plays defensively. We are inconsistent. That has been our nemesis for the last year and three games. We have a hard time with consistency.

    We hit virtually every need. This group gives us a lot of flexibility and diversity. These are all very talented players across the board.

    We are closer every time we step on the field than we were two years ago, I don't think there is any question about that. I don't think we played particularly well last year. I think we could have played a whole lot better. We missed out on a whole lot of opportunities. But we are close and I think people realize that.

    I thought we had balance in the offense, and any time you do that you give yourself a chance.

    Offensively, there are some kinks we have to work out. We have to keep getting better and more consistent.

    It's not fun playing with your two backup defensive ends and your fourth-string middle linebacker.

    This piece of paper could look like a Monet to me. This is as good a looking sheet as you can hope for. It does not get any better.

    I thought Northern Arizona played a feisty game all night. They gave us some problems doing some things.

    There were a lot of good things. I think our offensive line is much improved and we had balance in the offense.

    We'll wish kids good luck. If a kid has a big game or a big test coming up, we'll drop 'em a note. You've got a direct line to 'em.

    Michael Johnson has competed well. Adam Hawes is a guy we are really happy with. I think those are all quality players. We need to get them in shape and get stronger.

    It was good to see in the last game where B.J. finally stepped up. B.J. is a guy I think has not produced the way we thought he would. Hopefully, he has matured, and going into this third year, is starting to give us some quality depth.

    He taught us how to coach. His legacy will always be a relentless work ethic and unquestioning loyalty. And it was the greatest turnaround in college football history. That's as true a statement as anybody can make.

    Adam can play. If the situation presents itself, he'll do well. If he's called upon, he'll be ready.

    As opposed to the last two springs I feel like being here two years we are much further ahead than any time. The first year you are getting guys lined up. I feel like we can go out there and run about 80-90 percent of our stuff we ended up with last year. We are further ahead of the game than during any of our time here.

    I think they can play better. I think they had decent years, but I think they are capable of much more. I think they can be great players if they continue to improve.

    We have made some real improvement throughout the whole course of the spring. I like the consistency level of our defense. Offensively, there are some kinks we have to work out. We have to keep getting better and more consistent, which we have shown signs of.

    I don't think we played well as a defensive line. We lost Copeland Bryan. He is our best pass rusher without question. The first play of the game he knocks the ball loose.

    (Willie) is probably stronger and in better condition than he during any time that he played those last five games. I think he'll be a better player mentally and physically than he was a year ago. I'll know after today if he has more zip on the ball. He's healthy and five or eight pounds heavier than he was a year ago.

    Our kids gained a lot of confidence in playing Utah last year. I thought we did some decent things. We could have played a whole lot better and I'm sure Utah feels like they could have done some things better.

    I think we showed our true colors today. As the game wore on, we played more confidently, and played up to the end.

    We keep expanding each time we step on the field. We try to implement new plays, new defenses and new adjustments to each formation every day. We're just trying to get in more stuff each day.

    I don't think our young defensive linemen played very well, or as well as they can. That was the most disappointing part of our defense.

    I thought we had some tough circumstances, but it is what it is. We'll take the consequences and concentrate on trying to improve.

    I believe there are a lot of little things that happened during games that prohibited us from winning. I think our kids realize that now. If you want to win you have to take care of your business.

    He makes some plays for them. He scrambles. He makes good throws and good decisions. You can see them getting better because their quarterback play is getting better.

    They're doing the best they can with the personnel they've got. Stanford is a team that you can see growing with confidence.

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