Mark Whitaker Quotes (14 Quotes)

    For someone who does as many things as he does -- edits, writes columns, writes books, lectures -- he is calm and very relaxed with a great wry sense of humor about things.

    But for anybody in this business, ... the big challenges are How do you continue to keep print magazines exciting and viable while also taking advantage of the Web How do you attract younger readers And what can we do to make the strongest possible case to the advertising community John is in the same boat with everyone else in trying to figure those things out.

    We regret that we got any part of our story wrong, and extend our sympathies to victims of the violence and to the U.S. soldiers caught in its midst,

    We've been dealing with new sources of information since the dawn of newsmagazines. And we've continued to innovate and adapt.

    Just as citizens, ... we feel badly about the fact that there's been a rash of violence. . . . Clearly, that was not our intent in publishing what we thought was a solid news item.

    Both the choice of a cover and the execution of a cover are crucial for any magazine. Every editor wants their cover to stand out.

    I think time will be the test to see if the commitment lasts through the coming years. The litmus test will be to see the new revenue stream coming into the city. Will those funds trickle into the school system

    The bottom-line pressures at Time Inc. are no secret,

    It was very clear to me that Zakaria was interested in the broader challenges of magazine making.

    whatever facts we got wrong, we apologize for. I've expressed regret for the loss of life and the violence that put American troops in harm's way. I'm getting a lot of angry e-mail about that, and I understand it.

    Top administration officials have promised to continue looking into the charges, and so will we,

    Classes taught by professional Wilderness Medical Associates instructors are fast-paced, with an emphasis on practical skills, including full-scale rescue simulations, fake wounds and stage blood.

    As anyone who has worked with him knows, Tom was a very kind and honorable man in addition to a valued and courageous reporter. He was always there for his colleagues in times of need.

    On the other hand, clearly, our report played a role -- and for that we feel terrible,

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