Laura Conigliaro Quotes (20 Quotes)

    Sun's stock has already taken huge blows, is one of the better names in our group and should ultimately benefit from a strong product cycle and an expanding solutions approach, ... For now, however, we think the economic cycle probably has the upper hand.

    His answer was a crisp articulation of why they chose to slow down growth.

    with likely upside in both cases, given a strong market opportunity and the company's growing dominance within it.

    Solaris has done very well as far as it being a leading Unix operating system for Sun, but how much attention has Solaris attracted outside of Sun ... You could go through the other key software products and say the same thing.

    Notwithstanding the positive announcement ... our sense is that business conditions remain difficult for Sun thus far in the summer quarter.

    Sun's intra-quarter call confirmed the fairly grim picture of demand that we have been seeing,

    We watched the euro get significantly weaker over the last couple of weeks and that certainly has an impact on companies that don't have that much growth, but are very large and very exposed as IBM is internationally,

    While our checks suggest that there was a general pickup in hardware business at the end of the March quarter, this was probably not sufficient for IBM to make our original revenue forecasts.

    The postponement of Dell's analysts' meeting from April to September, while bound to create more uncertainty about the timing and scope of Dell's changing model, is probably a reality check on how much Dell needs to accomplish before it can feel confident about execution and results.

    HP, in fact, could also be one of the causes, rather than the victims, of the miss, as it shifts more of its desktop business to AMD.

    There wasn't anything in the quarter in any product area that the company did not shine on.

    While we are lowering our fiscal 2003 earnings estimates on lower revenue, we continue to believe there are cost savings-driven opportunities beyond the company's 2.5 billion target.

    We have it ( IBM ) as a recommended list rating because, ironically, this currency change comes at a time when the fundamental picture is actually perhaps a little bit better than what we had been expecting,

    Microelectronics remains one of the best parts of IBM and, we think, has an opportunity to continue to grow by at least 20 percent going forward, driven primarily by new design wins,

    They're in the process of turning it around, but I wouldn't hand them the keys to the kingdom just yet.

    We have already seen some evidence of thismore than anything it has caused investors to start paying attention.

    You can't hand over the keys to the kingdom just yet -- but you can show him the box they come in. There are just so many changes that have taken place, in style and substance.

    For the most part, Sun has tried to tone down some of those public statements and actions of that ilk. In general, Sun has taken more of a statesman-like position. As to whether they would do something like this or not, I have no idea.

    The likelihood of Dell hitting the high end of its 6 percent to 9 percent (revenue growth) target, which many investors, ourselves included, initially thought was an easy target to beat, is now much lower.

    Although our evidence remains mostly anecdotal, we continue to see a macroeconomic environment that, if anything, is worse than even our cautious estimates have been suggesting,

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