Nothing is more prominently brought forward in the New Testament than the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nothing is more prominently brought forward in the New Testament than the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But the more we search the Scriptures, the more we perceive, in this doctrine, the fundamental truth of the gospel - that truth which gives to redemption its character, and to all other truths their real power.
The Reformation did not directly touch the question of the true character of God's church.
God is sufficient in all ages for His church.
I can say, Christ has been my only object; thank God, my righteousness too... Hold fast to Christ.
Nationalism - in other words, the dividing of the church into bodies - consisting of such and such a nation, is a novelty, not above three centuries old, although many dear children of God are found dwelling in it.
I go farther, and say, that it is plainly our duty to desire pastors and teachers to take the care of such congregations, and that God did raise up such in the church as we see it in the word.
This truth of the gathering together of God's children is in Scripture seen realised in various localities, and in each central locality the Christians resident therein composed but one body: Scripture is perfectly clear on that head.
Christ preferred the poor; ever since I have been converted so have I.
I had always owned them to be the Word of God... the careful reading of the Acts afforded me a practical picture of the early church; which made me feel deeply the contrast with its actual present state; though still, as ever beloved by God.
Jude has a very different character. It is not the cradle of Christianity, or of the assembly on earth: it is its decay and its death here below. It does not keep its first estate.
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© 2020 Inspirational Stories