Joe Blanton Quotes (19 Quotes)

    I was trying to get the ball in, and he was reminding me of that. In games, I have been missing over the plate. It was helpful to have him out there for a quick fix right in the middle of things.

    The (pitch to Rivera) was a fastball in and that's something I need to work on.

    I've definitely watched him over the years. It's neat anytime you get to pitch against somebody who has been around for so long and had such great success.

    I just gave up a couple of singles in a row mixed with a walk or two. I threw a lot of close pitches that could have been called either way.

    When I came up last year, we were battling them for a playoff spot just like we are now. Any time we play each other it's a big series and every game is right down to the last pitch, for the most part.

    (Street) has been tremendous. He looks so calm out there. He must have nerves of steel. I guess that's why we're confident he's going to get the job done every time.

    We're going out and giving it all we have. It's just a matter of a couple breaks here and there.

    It's a tough place to pitch - especially tonight, the wind was blowing out to right-center. They have some big lefties in their lineup. It's almost like you know you will give up home runs here. You want to make them solo, not let a three-run homer beat you.

    I try not to worry about it. Keeping us in the game is my job. I faced a young guy with great stuff, but there's nothing I can do about it.

    Three inches here or there and a lot of those balls are caught. Sometimes you catch a break, sometimes you don't. Sometimes the (artificial) turf speeds balls up. I thought I made some pretty good pitches they did a good job of getting the bat on.

    I want a win anytime. It's just big getting the first game in a place like this. Hopefully, it will get our confidence going.

    I'm just getting more comfortable all the time. I'm trying to find the strike zone more with my offspeed pitches and my fastballs.

    It was laid-back, but you don't want to give up a run, and you don't want anyone to get a hit off you. You still want to have that bit of intensity, but not quite as much as a regular game.

    When you're going against a good pitcher, sometimes it's tough to get some runs across especially when they're locked in like that in a big game, ... Lackey did a great job. He spotted the ball well, changed speeds fairly well and had a pretty good breaking ball.

    It's tough. But you just have to slow everything down when you are out there. You take a little more time between pitches. You just try to slow the game down in your head and don't make it too quick. Make it as simple as possible.

    That's the way it goes sometimes. Maybe in the Seattle series the ball was going right to the infielders. Maybe in the next series they'll hit line drives right at people. That's the way baseball works.

    It's real nice, especially coming this late in the spring. You always want to have that one good outing right before you leave Spring Training, and this is my last start down here, so it was a good time for it.

    It's one of those where the other pitcher is getting a lot of attention, but I'm not facing him. I'm pitching against their lineup. He doesn't have anything to do with the way I approach the game.

    We were 15 games under .500, and Barry always remained positive. We started bad, and he never gave up. He kept pushing us. He's 27 now, with six years in the big leagues and a Cy Young Award. We didn't want to lose a great teammate.

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