Janet Reno Quotes on Justice (14 Quotes)

    FBI and ATF agents have been in Littleton providing assistance. We have teams of victims' counselors standing by. We have let the community know that the Departments of Justice and Education will provide whatever resources they may need.

    all the information that you receive to determine whether there is sufficiently specific and credible information that a crime may have been committed by a covered person or someone for whom it would be conflict of interest for the Department of Justice to investigate.

    I would simply say that we are taking the attacks very seriously and that we will simply do everything in our power to identify those responsible and bring them to justice,

    we need an attorney general that will enforce the law and a Justice Department that will do the same thing.

    Over the past several years, the Department of Justice has substantially increased the resources devoted to this effort, and we have seen unprecedented increases in investigations, prosecutions, and recoveries of monies fraudulently billed by unscrupulous providers.

    This fully supports the Justice Department's view that this case is about protecting consumers,

    The first I heard of it was when I saw the article in The Washington Post, and that's the first time I learned of it, ... And that -- it is my understanding that that is the first time the Justice Department's public integrity section learned of it as well.

    yet another step forward in the Justice Department's investigation of campaign finance abuses associated with the 1996 election.

    I encouraged the people in the Department of Justice to be their best. They are really wonderfully dedicated public servants. They care.

    With the agreement of the Department of Justice, the White House has retained separate counsel to represent any governmental interests on behalf of the White House, including any questions of privilege,

    The Department of Justice transcends party because we're building on the Weed and Seed program.

    At a Justice Department news conference Browner called the government action unprecedented ... one of the most significant enforcement actions in our history.

    One of my missions is to let the American people know how many dedicated men and women work with them and for them in the Department of Justice.

    should be completely independent and have no current ties to the Justice Department.

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