Gerhard Schroeder Quotes (191 Quotes)

    Under my leadership, this country will not be available for adventures.

    We agreed on the necessity of nuclear weapon control, in particular for the world powers,

    They say they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein. They don't say that they want to apply pressure for the foreign observers to enter the country again, and that is the policy of which I said that it is wrong at this moment,

    Anyone who wants to defend the European social model must ensure that the German-French relationship remains intact.

    I hope that you and your government will manage to pursue and complete the peace process on the foundation of what has already been achieved,

    We made clear that we want to create a really substantial new beginning in the relationship between Germany and Iran, ... Of course, we talked about subjects on which we differ, and we made our views clear.

    It tell you Nothing has been decided yet, ... If we fight for every vote, then I am sure, we will reach our goal and become Germany's strongest party.

    I can understand when many individuals, in view of the horror of the images that one cannot look at daily, tend toward denial,

    I personally think it would be wrong to go in and suspend the military action,

    Politics of demagoguery, of disdain for our shared values and a turning away from Europe is not a model for the future,

    I'm proud of the people of our country who weren't shaken by the media's manipulation and the media power,

    I don't want there to be any illusions. The Europeans (including) Germany have limited scope to influence the formation of American will,

    An agreement under the British presidency would be an important signal, and I am sure that Tony Blair is fully aware of the high expectations people have in him,

    One cannot make the Serbian people suffer for their president, ... One cannot leave them without power in winter or without heat.

    this war will come to a speedy conclusion to keep the number of victims and casualties as low as possible.

    They have it wrong in asking if Schroeder favors Britain over France, or France over Britain. Schroeder favors Germany. That is what we all have to understand.

    That there is turbulence at times in the parties involved is painful and not good, ... One or two have now fled abroad, or nearly fled abroad... The important thing now is to look forward. I'm sure it'll all turn out fine.

    The agreement has created a fully new quality of economic cooperation, ... This cooperation is not directed against anyone, but is for German and Russian interests.

    Up to the last minute, together with a majority in the Security Council, with France, Russia and China, but also with states such as Mexico and Chile, we pursued all efforts within the framework of the United Nations to solve the conflict by peaceful means,

    I regard myself as confirmed in office by our country and intend that there will be stable government under my leadership,

    Curbing international terrorism demands great efforts and staying course for the long haul,

    This requires a government that makes this its priority and I am very sure that such a government will emerge in the form of a grand coalition.

    I expect the German chancellor to personally talk with (United States) president (George W.) Bush and not about him at campaign meetings.

    To all those who try to fight this in the Anglo-Saxon media I say look at the others - they are far better off than you are,

    The engagement of NATO is reduced to training and only training, ... We have made clear that we don't want to see German soldiers in Iraq.

    It is up to the Yugoslav authorities to fully accept the international demands and begin immediately with their implementation,

    What happened was a tragic accident. These were soldiers doing their job, defusing two Russian rockets. It had nothing to do with a military conflict,

    The goal clearly must be that people who live here permanently are not foreigners, not guests, but belong to society,

    We support the United States in fighting terrorism because we've also been the subject of terrorist attacks,

    There is no reason at all for me to change my position just because some media and the conservatives are putting unseemly pressure on me,

    We've agreed that one major issue in combating international terrorism is the question of peace in the Middle East and that is why everyone concerned must put pressure on whoever can contribute to a solution of that conflict,

    I assume we can and will succeed in achieving a stable coalition that will keep Germany on its reform course for four years,

    We assume that would lead to there being sufficient energy reserves in the market and, second, we would wish the pressure on the prices of oil products to be lessened,

    If Mrs. Merkel manages to form a coalition with the Free Democrats and Greens, I can say nothing against it, ... But she will not win a coalition under her leadership with my Social Democratic Party.

    This will be a co-operation built on a common foundation. It will be fair, ... We have hard times in front of us and we're going to make it together.

    In the past eight years, the U.S. has experienced an impressive success story. You can look back in particular on the economic development which is without equal in recent history,

    Nothing enrages citizens more than the suspicion of a creeping loss of sovereignty,

    Neither economically nor politically can we afford a new round of the arms race, ... No one can dispute the Americans' right to develop what they believe is right for national defense. On the other hand, we are partners in a common alliance.

    We have a very competent parliament, a council and presidency, ... Europe is not without leadership, and that will become clear.

    There is no reason whatsoever for a party like the SPD to relinquish any of its claims as long as it's not clear if the two parties want to negotiate with each other,

    and that's why we are together exerting pressure so that Saddam Hussein lets international observers into the country.

    What the prime minister has said about the close, personal relationship which I have with this country is absolutely correct. That has always been the case and will always remain the case.

    I consider this suggestion to be highly important ... it must be put on the international political agenda.

    Take the military option off the table -- we have already seen it doesn't work.

    It's about making sure everyone's voice counts, my own included,

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