Gene Marcial Quotes on People (4 Quotes)

    A lot of people now, because of Enron, are looking behind the numbers, especially energy companies, ... But this one has understated earnings and understated the value of its assets.

    It's been turning a profit after losing so much money and laying off people last year. Today it's hiring people, making profits in the first two quarters and my sources say that demand has picked up a lot for bugging equipment, ... It's a pure play on eavesdropping and it's one of the best ways to play this anti-terrorism movement.

    A lot of people have been afraid, have been scared because of the WorldCom disaster. But a lot of value players are now rushing into ATT, ... Why Not because of the phone business, because they have sold their cable assets to Comcast. And that brings a new ball game for ATT holders. You know, the Comcast deal will give each ATT shareholder about a third of Comcast stock.

    People often forget that the company has an 18-percent share of the overnight delivery market, ... But the German giant express delivery company DHL wants to have a minority stake, and they could do a lot to Airborne to keep it flying again in terms of market share.

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