Ed Pepple Quotes (11 Quotes)

    It's been a challenge, there's no question about that. We just haven't been able to come up with a formula to get this team to play Mercer Island basketball.

    I was disappointed. I didn't think we played as well as we could. Their quickness hurt and they were more aggressive than us.

    There are a lot of teams that are pretty even, and we feel like we're one of them. We've kind of been in the mode where we haven't finished, and that's been one of our strengths over the years.

    I thought we had the defense to slow him down, but he's a horse. He finds a way to get the ball in there.

    There's no question this team has to be in the top five all-time. I believe it's a team that doesn't come along very often. They're totally together.

    They talk about it every single year. They talked about it last year, and the year before that and the year before that. I don't pay any attention to that.

    We have not finished games and that has been our biggest issue.

    They're a nice team. They've got a few good big guys and a great point guard (Ostrowski), and they have good balance and variety to their game. We just started with too many turnovers and couldn't handle the ball. We're not very experienced.

    We knew they had good athletes so we wanted to keep them from penetrating and contain their big guy (Michael Goodman, who finished with four points).

    They're all good kids and basketball junkies. The sophomore class has talent and depth. The one thing we really don't have in the program is size.

    It was a disappointing season from the standpoint that we didn't have any consistency. They worked hard all the time and they maybe had their best practice of the year (Monday).

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