David Steele Quotes (13 Quotes)

    You have to think that part of (Shaq's) motivation to become a policeman is having a chance to arrest Kobe, right

    Development and good conservation planning are not mutually exclusive.

    The CIA and FBI will absolutely screw up any major computer project they take on.

    The new campus is largely in response to the growth in population Central Florida has experienced.

    This plan is only as good as the people that have to implement it.

    It does seem reasonable to expect that the presence of a brand new regional campus of a major research university along a major interstate highway will help to stimulate investment activity and growth and that those developments would have trickle-down impacts as well.

    In many ways, CRM is the opposite of peer-to-peer computing, ... CRM is a disaster.

    I'm probably the most optimistic person in the country, ... The only way for me to go is up.

    At 3 a.m., they were still trying to get out, ... Twelve years later, they're still telling us (that road) is coming.

    when we're dispatched, we'll know the street and the area and address, but finding the house is hard.

    I think my flow or supply of money has been shut off. That's just my opinion.

    The plan was, we were going to have a road into that pavilion immediately after it was built,

    There are too many unknowns in this whole thing. In order to sell the resource, you have to protect the resource.

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