David Dunn Quotes (10 Quotes)

    For any leftover inventory, publishers must have a program to maximize the sale of a book.

    It's a very wise move for a team to wrap up the players that they have identified as critical to the franchise's success. Once you wrap them up, it's far easier to plan.

    He thinks in terms of enjoying the situation with the team and the offence he's familiar with. And having Peyton (Manning) throwing you the ball and Coach Dungy doesn't hurt. He thinks it's a good situation.

    I've always thought that having an attractive free agent is better than a guy who was picked in the seventh round.

    The last 10 or 15 years, it has just mushroomed. In our business, in order to compete for the top players, you have to have a top training program.

    For 2006, we expect our markets to remain tough and competitive. Nonetheless we anticipate further good progress as we continue to implement our strategy for profitable growth.

    This is the first time in years that I can remember that we are not in a deficit situation. We have zero deficit and we have zero surplus.

    I am pleased with our return to profitability during the fourth quarter, and especially pleased that our Zip business achieved near record profitability.

    His main concern was not the money. He wanted the contract structured to help the team long-term.

    The real measure of what somebody is going to do at a combine is in their heart. A little bit better facilities might allow them to do a little bit better, but it's all in their heart.

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