Campbell Scott Quotes (24 Quotes)

    The fact is that you're never gonna believe any of the reviews, because the movie is to you what it is to you. No one's ever gonna sway you from what you feel about it.

    I make little movies, you know, they need all the help that they can get.

    The reason I got into acting was not to explore myself. I was a reader, I didn't care about acting. I got into it in college, but I had no interest really in that, in getting up in front of anybody.

    Most of us... are simply just trying to get through the day. And wait for those times in their life that are markers, that put things into relief. That's why we like movies and books so much.

    I had been to New Mexico many times. I loved it. It's a very exotic, interesting, severely crazy environment. I don't know if I could live there all year. It's such an intense place.

    I tend to turn down roles that are too much like me, what I think is most like me anyhow, because I'm me all the time and I'm sick of it.

    What we do at its very, very best, at its very, very most, will shift us slightly in our seat. If only for two hours, great. If for the rest of our lives, even better.

    In the editing room, 20 percent of the time you're using stuff from before the actor knew the camera was rolling or you're taking a line from somewhere else and putting it in his mouth.

    I think people tend to live, whether they like it or not, influenced by what's next door to them.

    Actually, both parents were actors. My mother was Colleen Dewhurst, who was also a wonderful actress. When you're growing up, they're just your parents. I didn't want to be an actor until I was 20, so they escaped that, or thought they did.

    When I read reviews, I go right past the plot. I don't want to read anything about the story, and I just get a take on whether or not I like the attitude of this guy first of all, or woman, and then to see if it has things in it that are surprising and original and then maybe I'll go see it.

    I only made two studio movies, that was a long time ago and obviously I removed myself. I think some of that is geographical. I live in New York and I want to work there, it's as simple as that.

    I'm known as a kind of dramatic, serious, almost humorless actor and the fact is, I'm a funny guy, and I spend most of my life trying to find a lighter side of things, and on stage was given plenty of opportunity to do that.

    I got my start on the stage and there's no question that I keep getting drawn back to material and artists born there.

    I just wanna get to the end of the day without it raining.

    The high desert has an effect on people. The place has a way of swallowing you up.

    I know it's good when I see a smaller film get recognized because it means more publicity for them. When you start producing and directing the movies become a little more like your children.

    I don't have a career plan. As I get older, different things become important to me. And frankly, I'm a dad, so it's like how long is it Where is it

    Directing is: you're overwhelmed the whole time. Your mind never stops. If you care about it. You wake up in the morning and you begin thinking about it and then you go to sleep at night and you're still thinking about it.

    Working hard is great, being lazy sometimes is great, but failed potential is the worst.

    I'm not a big one for lots of genitals flapping in the films.

    Part of the advantage, and part of the result of trying to be a producer and director, are the practical things, you find. It's so advantageous to go to a place that you already have a feel for, a literal and spiritual familiarity.

    There's no doubt in the world that directing makes you a better actor. Me, anyway. There's no doubt in the world that it makes me a more collaborative actor.

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