Anna Burger Quotes (15 Quotes)

    Union power puts bread on our tables, roofs over our heads. It sends our children to college, and union power helps us retire with security,

    American workers play by the rules, but the rules no longer work. Wages are down, hours are up and the gap between rich and poor is staggering and growing.

    I respect John Sweeney he has spent his whole life working for working families. But we are in a critical moment in our history for working families. Things are getting worse for them, and time is running out to turn things around. The urgency to rebirth the labor movement is much stronger than my loyalty to individual friendships.

    You have to fight and hold on for all America, to say to all corporations in this country that in this day and age, America owes working families a decent life.

    The gap between the rich and everyone else is growing. Even Alan Greenspan believes that this gap is not good for American democracy. But there is a solution -- it involves workers organizing and uniting to force the changes that will create a new America

    The good news was, I ended up not losing my job, I remained active in the union and my dad was quite proud of me.

    Anna, whatever you do, stick to the union. It's what makes a difference for working people like us.

    We know that when six million voices are raised together to send a message -- that message will be heard. The members of all of the Change to Win unions have come together to support the hardworking men and women in the hotel industry and we will not rest until they receive the living wages and basic benefits they deserve.

    It's mostly women, working in their own homes. The fact that they're wanting to come together and have a collective voice is remarkable. It shows their determination and creativity.

    Working people know that if a company as profitable as Boeing can skimp on retirement and health care, everyone's future is at risk.

    It gave us an opportunity to change the labor movement, but unfortunately the labor movement didn't take it.

    We are going to reach out to those workers who are not yet organized and to the American people who know this country can't exist without a vibrant middle class. The implications are clear when employers make work pay, entire communities benefit.

    There are millions of jobs in this country that can't be moved overseas. They include the people who heal the sick and comfort the elderly, who harvest and serve our food, and build and clean and protect our offices and homes. These men and women work hard and play by the rules but for too many the American Dream is something they see only on TV.

    She said no woman is worth her salt unless she brings other women along. Right now when I think about what I need to do and what can inspire me, it's to make sure we make space for women, for people of color to have roles in our new federation, in our unions, in our meetings. We need to solve the problems they are confronting in their homes and their communities and their workplaces. We need to give them a voice.

    We are pleased to see that Maryland legislators stepped up and made a statement about what kind of businesses they want in their state. Marylanders deserve businesses that provide for their employees, pay a decent wage and provide affordable health care, not those that expect taxpayers to foot the bill for their bottom-line corporate profits. They get that with Fair Share Health Care.

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