Quotes about undeniably (15 Quotes)

    This year included an outstanding collection of best practices applicants, creating a remarkable competition. The innovative processes being utilized within service and support organizations across the board continues to advance their capacity to deliver world-class customer service. The quality of applications undeniably amplified the level of challenge in critiquing them.

    So, will DeLay survive Capitol Hill has seen a fair share of its leaders fall to scandal over the past 15 years or so, and insiders will tell you there are signs to watch for. While a sense of foreboding is undeniably in the air, Republicans still seem fairly solidly behind the leader to whom they owe so much. With Tom, it's going to have to be more than just allegations. Tom has done so much fund raising, ... There's a general feeling from all of us that Tom could be more careful. The accumulation of Mariana Islands, Korea, the stuff in Texas has some people wringing their hands more than others.

    This is undeniably good news. The crucial question going forward is going to be if the rise in confidence is reflected in more spending on the part of the consumer, or if it's simply a patriotic rally.

    Politically or ideologically oriented evaluations of Chief Justice Rehnquist should not overlook what a successful and popular chief justice he was within the Court as the justices' presiding officer, ... The contrast between Rehnquist's undeniably happy Court and that of his predecessor, Warren E. Burger, could not have been greater.

    In the short run, the 'federalism revolution' of the 1990s is undeniably his most significant substantive achievement. But whether these rulings will survive in the long run, or instead be reversed, remains to be seen. It's much more likely that the Rehnquist Court's surprisingly liberal rulings -- on abortion, on gay rights, on gender -- will actually represent the most indelible legacy.

    Richard Quick has undeniably been one of the top coaches in the history of swimming, ... He has developed our women's swimming and diving program into one of the most respected and successful programs in the history of collegiate swimming. We wish him suc

    One forgets that before August, there was a very limited literature for black actors. August created a generation of actors, a huge number of very talented people who have their careers because of the depth and complexity they could find in the roles he wrote. And the work is so undeniably powerful that it crosses all kinds of lines.

    Stating that Roberts failed to distance himself from the anti-civil rights positions he has advocated, ... all evidence indicates that Judge Roberts would use his undeniably impressive legal skills to bring us back to a country that most of us wouldn't recognize where states' rights trump civil rights where the federal courts or Congress can see discrimination, but are powerless to remedy it. This is not the America in which most Americans want to live.

    I think the guy's political views are off-the-wall, but he is an undeniably brilliant television talent. He exudes authenticity. You can disagree with him, as I do, about almost every thought he has but recognize that Sean is truly somebody who believes i

    There is undeniably a growing risk that house prices could move markedly higher over the coming months. Indeed, this risk is clearly showing more prominently on the Bank of England's radar.

    After two federal reviews and strong approvals by shareholders and the international community, it is clear that this combination is undeniably in the public interest.

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