Quotes about terra (11 Quotes)

    Between these two businesses, where we are weakest, Terra is strongest, and where Terra is weakest, Lycos is strongest. That provides for a number of complimentary benefits.

    It also comes on the heals of AOL-Time Warner and the Terra Networks merger with Lycos, and shows that the Internet and media landscape is getting increasingly competitive, requiring more consolidation,

    It's a good move for Terra because it gives them the number four Web player in the U.S. and a top-10 player in some of the major European markets, ... From the Lycos perspective, it helps them in Spain and Latin America and that's about it.

    Treading the soil of the moon, palpating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of the event, feeling in the pit of one's stomach the separation from terra... these form the most romantic sensation an explorer has ever known... this is the only thing I can say about the matter. The utilitarian results do not interest me.

    Terra has come under a little bit of pressure through just the actual number of new shares that are being issued with the Lycos merger, but it seems to have a great level of stability over the last few weeks,

    We give the Terra Nova test so ISTEP is not the first big test they take. Terra Nova tests similar skills so they get that practice in first and second grades. Some children get stressed by it, but if the parents and teachers have the right attitude, they don't get as stressed. We try not to create an environment that would cause that.

    Treading the soil of the moon, palpitating its pebbles, tasting the panic and splendor of the event, feeling in the pit of one's stomach the separation from terra - these form the most romantic sensation an explorer has ever known

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